but it's instructive to watch these videos next to each other, I think:
I mean, it's not really fair to compare a woman who can't string an entire sentence that someone else wrote together effectively and a man who's life calling is to be alarmist about muslims and nazisocialiberals to one of the most effective orators and proponents of racial equality in recorded history, but that's the easy question. It's obvious who the greater orator is.
The harder question (if you're a queerfucker) is "who is the better Christian?"
Glenn wins by default, suck it King and Palin.
you should find a respectable, well-read, reasonable republican and have an impassioned but fair debate about your ideals with him or her, with no mud-slinging
let me know when that happens, as I would like to buy a lottery ticket that day
I actually do it at law school all the time
they all hate Glenn Beck as much as I hate Michael Moore; it works out pretty well
I know a few, but they barely consider themselves aligned with the party anymore.
I'm the best Christian.
"the Ninth Commandment must mean something."
that is a phrase that I am shocked and enthralled to hear from someone who describes themselves as "conservative."
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
or two meandering jackass sides
really ill take anything that isnt this or the clusterfuck that the brits are running with
I think a strong argument could be made about that. He started as a wannabe shock jock comedian, and realized there was an opening in these sort of lunatic radio shows.
Bill O'Reilly is the sane one now.
because it has been disparaged by right wing judicial commentators for ages
the ninth amendment, in most "conservative" jurisprudence, means almost nothing
Well you're gonna be waiting forever.
You need to read that again.
Commandment, not amendment.
oh my
or until the homofascists invade
This wouldn't have caused confusion if there were 10 Commandments in our courthorses and Bibles in our Classrooms
there's some serious conjugation problems here
I do like the imagery of a stampede headed for a cliff though.
it's foolproof
If this is true (I don't know much about King's life) does it somehow devalue his message of equality and the civil rights movement?
I mean I'm sure some people view it that way, basically their only measure of your decency as a person in how 'christian' you are
S-Mart Hero, are you saying Foolproof is dumb? I will trust your opinion!
on the other hand hes wrong about everything else, at all, for ever and ever amen
but he's done a ton more to make up for it
pee pee poo poo foolproof's a shitstirring cockbandit