I've never been to PAX before, but I ordered my three day pass this year to go for the first time. The badge came in the mail, as well as a packet of stuff. I looked it over, saw no identification on it, saw that it was a bunch of info about PAX, so I tossed it - after all, it's just generic information, and I have my badge. Well, now all over the site it says I need both my badge and my "pre-reg" packet to get in. Wha...?
I saw nothing on that pamphlet of info that looked at all unique or important. Is it actually required to get in?
All you need to get into the show is your badge. The Pre-reg packet is, as you said, info and content re: PAX. You don't NEED it, but it's sometimes handy to have.
Pax Badge
A welcome letter (one-sided) that mentioned the Main theater change to Benaroya Hall, a drawing of the locations, and the show hours.
An ad for a Dolby Axon Surround Sound Giveaway -info at booth 612 or dolby.com/PAX2010.
There you are! All caught up with the rest of us.