I was wondering if anyone knew what types of TV's most of the exhibitors were using on the show floor this year. I saw a lot of Samsungs, and a few Panasonics, but I couldn't find a product model readily viewable.
I ask because I am in the market for a new TV and I liked a lot of what I saw on the show floor.
most of them are actually not consumer televisions. Most of them were commercial grade televisions. They tend to run higher in price but they also have loger warranties an other stuff.
There was some samsung P550 and a few vizios. In the console free play it was Samsung 32P450.
I was wondering if anyone knew what types of TV's most of the exhibitors were using on the show floor this year. I saw a lot of Samsungs, and a few Panasonics, but I couldn't find a product model readily viewable.
I ask because I am in the market for a new TV and I liked a lot of what I saw on the show floor.
Thanks for any help :D
Couldn't tell you exact model numbers, but I will say I think you'd have a hard time going terribly wrong with either a Samsung or Panasonic of any model. I'd pick up a few magazines with TV reviews, see what they say...
Some thing to consider is the lighting at the convention center and placement of the tvs. I'd suggest doing some additional research prior to a new purchase (I just ordered a new tv this week ). If you have any questions regarding viewing distance, brands, etc send me a pm and I'll show you what I discovered.
There was some samsung P550 and a few vizios. In the console free play it was Samsung 32P450.
Couldn't tell you exact model numbers, but I will say I think you'd have a hard time going terribly wrong with either a Samsung or Panasonic of any model. I'd pick up a few magazines with TV reviews, see what they say...
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