The Demo is available on XBL. And i'm telling you, when you download this game, you are doing yourself a favor.
BSM is a naval sim set in the Pacific of 1942. The game allows you to build, (in a limited manner) ships, planes, and subs. All of which the player can command in an 2D overhead map and take direct control of at any time.
The game is an absolute blast. It's pace is slower than most games available on consoles but it's not so incredibly slow that you have to keep your razor nearby so you don't grow a beard.
The game is somewhat complex and the demo itself is difficult to actually get into because no tutorial is presented by the developers. But once you figure it out, to call it awesome would be an understatement.
Up to 8 players available on XBL. (The Demo is MP)
"WTF? Only 8 players?" All matches are co-op with AI. A single player can control up to 3 squadrons of AI fighers or 2 ships at a time. He can directly command one or just give them both orders and watch them go at it with enemies. The AI is pretty damn good too. You can either be very detailed with your orders, or just give them basic commands.
The full game has over 60 ship and plane types. Everything from Torpedo Bombers and Recon Planes to Carriers and PT Boats. Anything and everything in the game is controllable and commandable.
The demo is available on XBox Live Marketplace now. A PC demo will be available tomorrow.
---This post has been formatted to fit your primitive computer screen.
BTW, what ever happened to that pinup contest?
Bah, I had enough of "uber graphics" last gen, I care more about gameplay advancements this gen. And Midway is certainly delivering it.
Here's another one added to my "to buy" list.
It seemed kind of desperate but at least they are marketing the hell out of this game.
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
omg me 2 we willz have 2 battle
didn't understand it
done with it
dude like totally i will r0x0rs j00, olol!!!!1!
Edit - Totally, dude ^_^
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
I'll be picking it up on release day, hopefully. I guess I may need a joystick or gamepad for it. I love these type of games. There was one like this for the PC, but it was a lot more complex - Pacific Storm. You had a world map where you'd build facilities on bases, build ships and ammo and recruit personnel and so forth. It was very complex. You could research nuclear weapons and then send some bombers out to obliterate Japanese territory. Unfortunately, it was too complex. Battlestations looks more action oriented, so I'm digging it so far.
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
If, you know, this multiplayer-only PC demo would actually JOIN A GAME. It sits there for 50 seconds, frozen, then goes to "connecting to server", about 10 more seconds and "unable to connect"
Every. Single. Time.
There's a PC demo? OH SHIT I must have it! Link?
Do NOT go to the official forums by the way, the idiots there make the WoW forums look like a model forum.
Maybe it's just the fact that I've only played multiplayer, but I haven't seen the whole "RTS" side of things.
I've only played it on the PC, and the controls were great. I imagine it's slower going ordering things around via the tactical map with a gamepad, though. I'm sure it works just fine, but just not as fast. And the RTS side of things are with the tactical map. I mainly played in that for good portions of the time, ordering units to move here or attack here, and allocating men to different departments of the ship, etc.
I fucking LOVE this game and I will be first in line to buy it on Tuesday. I think the whole thing is just amazingly fun.
I'm hoping it's not the case, but the XboX version definently looks like it got more attention than the PC version. We can only the devs are actually paying attention to the "report bugs" thread they have stickied in the official forums.
Someone on Gamespot decided to spam the BSM boards claiming the game will suck...
"I'm not bashing the 360 (which I obviously own) I'm bashing the game. No I'm not one of those people, but I do expect at least decent graphics when buying a $60 game for a next gen system. The controls were not fine. They are not intuitive (half the controls don't do anything), no tool tips, and the planes are loose at best. Most demos/games aren't that buggy even when they first launch. They have been working on this game for how long and they still couldn't make a decent demo. The recently released Crackdown demo had no bugs that I saw and was better in every respect. If you liked BM then hey enjoy; but I will be playing much better games."
1. You're just shallow. If the industry keeps trying to cater to people like you it will be dead and bankrupt before it knows what hit it. We spent enough time with graphics last gen. It's time for gameplay enhancements.
2. The controls took getting used to yes. About 2 minutes of getting used to. God forbid devs should make a game that doesn't hand itself to you on a silver platter.
3. They worked on Gears of War for 3 years and on release it was still a buggy and unplayable mess. CoD3 was even worse. That didn't stop them from being the two most popular games on XBL did it?
4. Crackdown is good indeed. But you're comparing apples and oranges. BSM and CD are two completely different games. And appeal to two completely different crowds.
5. "If you liked BM then hey enjoy; but I will be playing much better games." :roll: Nice, you respect my opinion on the game but you think the games I play are crap. I'm not sure what I should hate more in life, Al Qaueda or casual gamers.
Although this happens all the time I finally got fed up with some of the rumors about the game. Granted, it's definently not a casual friendly game. But why does every game that's published these days have to be?
Why are you complaining about gamespot's boards here exactly?
click through and you can find a place to right click save as, instead of streaming it.
or hopefully you can just right click this instead:
good video on how to play, it's worth the download.
Was more fun than the Blazing Angels demo, but I guess I only like my flying games when they're Crimson Skies.
SSBB: 2921-8745-1438
Diamond: 2320-2615-4086
Him? He's an example of what to say trolls hating the game. He's barely the tip of the iceberg.
I've got it, along with The_Marshall on IRC. If we could get one more person, we could do 2v2. The full game comes out on Tuesday, so come then I'll be abandoning the demo for that one.
Yeah, others and I have been having the same problem. We just set up games via Hamachi, instead.
Edit: Okay, I got this Hamachi thing. Any chance I can join you guys for a game?
Fuck playing with random idiots, I want to see what the singleplayer is like.
I'll probably join you guys later tonight or tomorrow.