So I just today got the pieces for my new PC.
Asus Sabertooth 55i, Intel i5-650, OCZ Z 850 watt PSU, GeForce GTX 460 GPU,, 4gb Mushkin DDR3 1333.
I put everything in (Antec 600 case), checked all the wiring, plugged it in, turned it on and....
No display. No BIOS beeps. Nothing. Everything has power, all fans spinning. Everything seems to be in working order except for the MEMok! LED is turned on. So I hit up the manual and it tells me that that could mean there is a problem with the memory or installation.
I double check and everything seems to be installed correctly. I guess RAM might be pooched.
However, here come the questions:
Would bad RAM stop my computer/GPU from sending a display? Would it not let me go to BIOS? And shouldn't I be getting some sort of system-beep errors?
Any help would be amazing, thanks in advance.
Usually those guys.
If not, it's likely shorting.