I'm using a buddies computer while mine finishes its long cross-country commute. I finally convinced a Comcast technician to come to my apartment today to set up my cable and internet. Of course, after three weeks without any outside communication, I was estatic. However, I've encountered a few problems.
Firefox does not work at all. It's not a huge problem, but I really do not enjoy the IE experience. Has anyone heard of this? It tells me to check my internet connection, but refuses to load a page no matter how much I toy with the settings. I disabled the firewall to no avail. Now, I have it listed as one of the "exception" programs, but it still won't work. Any ideas?
Not being able to use my gmail account is even more aggravating. I can't access it from IE or Firefox (obviously). When I type "gmail.com" into the address bar, it does a search for the address in google. From there, it links to mail.google.com and other related sites, but none of them allow me to log on. I get the same error message you would recieve if you were without internet access at all.
This is twice as frustrating because I need to log into to gmail in order to log on to Blogger, where my webiste is hosted. I've poked around the net, but haven't found anyone complaining of a similar problem. I found a gmail message board where people ask questions about their mail website, but you have to actually log on to gmail to ask a question.
Any help would be appreciated.
If you're wondering, I am not using a router at all. My laptop is connected directly to the modem.