Take up your arms! Keep your supply of Ragnite under strict lock and key! Bar your windows, and make sure to keep careful track of your children!
There is a
traitor within your midst. Yes, yes my good citizens of the noble city of Bruhl, a
Ask yourselves this question- Have you checked your wheat supply and noticed it's been a bit...low? Have you found one of your beloved milking cows- and everyone in Gallia knows that the milk from Bruhl is assuredly the most delicious in the land- have you found one of your beloved milking cows mysteriously
dead in your field one day, although being of sound mind and body only the night previous? Have you been missing small items from your houses, which you had before discounted due to a slip of the mind, a simple misplacement of your valuables?
Well, these items are not a coincidence, I am saddened to inform you. No, there is a much
deeper conspiracy at work here. The
Yes, these foul, detestable creatures are responsible for nearly every ailment facing Gallia today. Since the beginning, when Gallia was but a child sucking on Europa's generous teat, these
monsters have used every trick they could find to destroy Gallia from within
and without. Do none of you remember the stories you heard when you were but children, of the incident now generally referred to as the Darcsen Calamity?
Of how the Darcsens invaded Gallia, and proceeded to ravage and destroy all in their path before being struck down, brought to justice by the glorious Valkyria? Many of you most likely think the incident was a sort of faerie's tale, a made-up story with no basis in verifiable
Well, I am here to assure you, good sirs and madams, that that incident was no lie. No bedtime story meant to frighten little ones before being enfolded in the comforts of sleep.
The Darcsen Calamity is
TRUE! Every word, all of it! Many of today's most brilliant and respected historians have verified it based off writings from the period! Do you realize what this
Since day one, the Darcsens have done nothing,
nothing, but plan the destruction of Gallia.
Now for some of you, I realize that this realization may come as a bit of a shock. Many of you probably trust Darcsens as friends, perhaps even lovers.
But you
must open your eyes! You
must become aware of the simple fact that
Darcsens cannot be trusted! You there, Mister.... Arnald, was it?
You have a Darcsen friend, do you not?
I see. And what do you do when you associate with him? Ah, you talk to him of your work at the factory? Sir, for your sake I
insist that you stop communicating with this man. For all you know, your simple remark on the state of your place of employment has
already reached the hands of the Imperials!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Imperials. All of us here know that the peace accord settled between Gallia and the Empire is but a temporary one, and the Empire will use any underhanded trick in the book to conquer our noble Motherland.
We cannot,
we must not, let that happen! Not at any cost! But we are severely handicapped at every turn by those
God Damned Darcsens!
Did you know, Mister Arnald, that a factory on the edge of the Gallian-Imperial border was bombed
just last week? Well of
course you didn't hear about such things in the
newspaper, it is under the thumb of the Archduchess! She was protecting her
own, you see.
And that brings me to my next point. The Archduchess is, in my opinion, a solid and capable leader, and she has served us well and steadily during the war that was but two years ago.
But her Darcsen sympathies are blinding her,
blinding her, to the scourge we have upon our hands! Because of her pro-Darcsen bias, there are
many critical holes in Gallia's defenses! We are but a sitting duck, waiting to be invaded, because our secrets are being sold to the enemy by the traitorous
Dark Hairs!
As we are all aware, the Archduchess revealed her Darcsen heritage recently. She is, admittedly, a wonderful and compassionate leader. But her traits are the
exception in the Darcsen race,
not the rule! We
cannot expect the same out of the rest of her kind!
And her blindness, her overwhelming compassion to others (which is both her greatest strength
and her greatest weakness), in addition to her unique heritage, makes her quite frankly unfit to lead this country during a time of such tepid intercontinental relations. For the good of all the people of Gallia, she
must step down so others, far more capable, can lead in her place to combat the Darcsen Menace.
I must make this point clear. Even if you've been- more concisely,
think you've been, a friend with a Darcsen, at any point the damned Dark Hair may turn on you, stab your right in the back- figuratively
or literally. One must always be alert, ever watchful, ever aware of the dangers that associating with a Darcsen might provide.
Now that you are aware of the very real dangers present in your own neighbourhood, down your street or across your yard, one might wonder what
exactly is a Darcsen. What does one look like, and how can one protect their family and possessions from such awful creatures?
Common Darcsen Features:
- Dark blue colored hair (hence the term 'Dark Hair'
- No last name (their last names were taken away as punishment for their crimes during the Darcsen Calamity)
- Looks unwashed, dirty
- Rancid smell, (combination of their lack of hygiene and the stench prevalent to their race)
- Shifty or 'untrustworthy' eyes
- A hunch
- Generally ugly or misshapen features
- Shawls, worn around their necks (possibly as a form of communication of state secrets?)
A stereotypical Darcsen. Note the treacherous look in her eyes, almost as if she were scheming to overthrow Gallia right now.
Now that you have identified your Darcsen, now you must deal with it. Keep wary of it, be aware to not show your back to it, and keep it at arms distance at all times.
Many of you in the crowd may be wondering, "But why would a Darcsen want to destroy my country? I have done them no harm!"
Well, my friends, that is a tough question to answer. Many of today's top Gallian scientists are attempting to find out the root of
why the Darcsens are such an untrustowrthy, conniving race. Some theorize it is simply because they are greedy. Others believe it might be due to an instinct of self-preservation. In my opinion, though, Darcsens act they way they are because they're simply
A Darcsen cannot feel patriotism for one's country, or love for thy neighbor, or even understand the concept of hygiene! They cannot love, they can only hate and take advantage of others! They are too
stupid to comprehend the concept of a common good! Darcsens simply operate like an animal- a dog, even.
A dog may be a loyal friend, and may even come at your call, but a dog is simply an animal. Its instincts are to act in its own best interest at all times. It cannot love, or understand. It is simply an animal.
Darcsens are those animals. And
like a rabid dog, Darcsens must be put down before they are a danger to us-
Make sure to keep them at arms length, and try not to show your back to one of them- it could spell your doom.
Do not,
DO NOT, use Darcsen made products. This includes but is not limited to tanks, many types of machinery, and many ragnite-powered devices. Turn them over as soon as you can to a trusted Darcsen Object Inspector, and we will return it as soon as we deem it safe to use.
Some of you may be fearful for you or your family's safety at this point. And rightly so.
Darcsens are a mean, crafty, and evil bunch, and some of you might be afraid for the health of you or others in this town.
Luckily, there is a group dedicated to the protection of your very way of life.
For you see, being that Archduchess Cordelia is simply unwilling to combat this blight upon or glorious country, many have requested that she step down and allow another to assume her role temporarily until the Darcsen scourge is wiped out. Unfortunately, she refused, so House Gassenarl, acting selflessly in defense of the greater good, has spearheaded a rebellion to claim the Archduchess' seat- by force, if necessary- the
Gallian Revolutionary Army.
We are prepared to fight for our freedoms,
your freedoms,
Gallia's freedoms- but we are small. We are but a drop, against the ocean that is the Gallian Army.
We desperately need new recruits, of any and all ages, genders, shapes, and sizes. We
must stomp out the Darcsen menace before they overpower us and we become but slaves to the Imperial forces, ready to strike at us whenever we are weakest.
Some may think this is lunacy, but do you not remember the exploits of Lt Gunther and his Squad, but one year ago, that lead to our eventual trouncing of the Imperials? Was it not true that Lt Gunther enlisted in the militia
from this very town, indeed?
And I dare not need remind you of the destruction of Bruhl during the war last year. The evidence of your attempts to rebuild are still all around you! There is still soot, and rubble, in the streets! Could Bruhl last
another Imperial attack?! I dare say, no it couldn't. We cannot, we
will not have another massacre, not on my watch.
But if you do not enlist in the Gallian Revolutionary Army, then the blood will be on
your hands as well. Because I offered you a chance to save your town, and you threw it away, like a coward.
Do not let what happened a year ago happen again. Not when you can help prevent it, right here and now. Enlist in the Gallian Revolutionary Army, it is your sworn duty.
And thus began...
This thread is for discussion of what many consider to be the best SRPG series this gen.
This thread is for:
This thread is NOT for:
Since Valkyria Chronicles 2 just came out, a majority of our discussion is about that game. Interested in Valkyria Chronicles 2? You should be, it is quite simply the best PSP game released thus far.
Note: this assumes foreknowledge of VC1.
Let's go down the list.
Plot (light spoilers)
Along the way, he meets his two people who would eventually become his close friends, Cosette Coalhearth and Zeriand gets appointed chair (sort of like a leader/class representative, common in Japanese high schools) of his class, the infamously terrible "Class G".
At the same time, House Gassenarl has taken advantage of Gallia's structural weakness, stemming from the end of the first European War (which ended on a shaky and generally publicly distrusted peace treaty between the two nations (Gallia and the East Europan Imperial Alliance (generally referred to as the "Imperials") to attempt to overthrow the current ruler of Gallia (Archduchess Cordelia) and establish a new ruling family in her place. They take advantage of the public's distrust of people of Darcsen heritage (commonly known derogatorily as "dark hairs") and Cordelia's own confession as to her Darcsen heritage to stage a coup.
The militia is not allowed to fight against members of its own country, so as it currently stands the Gallian Army is fighting the Gallian Revolutionary Army (the Rebel's official name). The Gallian Army is also receiving strong help and support militarily from the Lanseal Military Academy, who as part of its training cycle sends out new students out to the front lines to complete missions and provide essential military assistance.
Thus begins the Gallian Civil War, set two years (ED 1937) after the end of the first European War, and is the setting for Valkyria Chronicles 2.
Having to deal with both the pressures of uncovering the secrets of what happened to his brother, keeping his class in line, leading his class into battle, and attempting to help out his classmates' various social problems, Avan is quite a busy guy.
Will Avan ever find out what happened to his brother? Can he stop being such a poor student? Will he ever get Class G the respect her deserves? Will I ever stop asking questions? No.
Avan Hardins
The main character of this story. Happy go lucky and generally optimistic.
Cosette Coalhearth
Main female lead of this story. Possible love interest of Avan. Bubbly and a bit ditzy.
Zeri (no last name, due to being a Darcsen)
Secondary male lead of this story. Avan's rival, somewhat. Competitive, intelligent, and a bit of a know-it-all.
Juliana Everheart
Secondary female lead of this story. Class G's main rival. Stuck up, a bit of a bitch, but a brilliant tactician. Racist against Darcsens. Comes from a wealthy and powerful family.
Gilbert Gassenarl
Headstrong and arrogant, like his son.
Baldren Gassenarl
Gilbert Gassenarl's son. One of the Gallian Revolutionary Army's top generals. Headstrong and arrogant, like his father.
Audrey Gassenarl
Gilbert Gassenarl's daughter, Baldren's sister. Devout follower of Yggdrism, therefore leading her to pray frequently throughout the day. Calm-headed and coolly logical.
Dirk Gassenarl
Baldren and Audrey Gassenarl's half-brother. Little else is known about him
Archduchess Cordelia
Revealed her Darcsen heritage at the end of Valkyria Chronicles 1. A wise and compassionate leader.
Aliasse (no known last name)
Does not know many seemingly innocuous human customs. Possibly a Valkyria? Nobody knows.
And finally...
Class G's "mascot", in the same vein as Hans from Valkyria Chronicles 1. Avan's bird.
The game is mission-based this time around, with each month (it's set in a military academy so plays out much like a school year) allowing you to access a certain number of missions. When you complete over a certain amount of "free" missions within the month, you unlock the "key" missions, which are plot-sensitive. After completing all of the "key" missions for the month, you then progress onto the next month. Wash rinse repeat.
Gameplay in Valkyria Chronicles remains mostly the same- the BLiTZ system has been ported over from PS3 pretty much fully intact-except that everything has been improved. Confused? I'll explain.
The major difference in the gameplay between VC1 and VC2 is base capturing. Simply put, due to the limitations of the PSP's hardware, the PSP simply cannot support huge, massive maps a la Valkyria Chronicles 1. To make up for that, Valkyria Chronicles 2 instead hosts multiple different maps within the same mission, sometimes as many as five, and they're all interconnected.
Simply put, certain bases act as "gateways" to other bases on other maps. As soon as you capture the requisite base on either map, you're able to pass between them freely, Therefore, this game has a much larger emphasis on capturing and keeping maps, as opposed to simply capturing them, leading a much needed defensive strategy to the VC metagame.
All bases with a sort of flame looking icon next to their base icon are "gateway" bases. Every base on this map, for instance, is a "gateway" base.
Secondly, another large change to VC2's gameplay is no more permanent deaths. That's right, if you have a squad member fall in battle and you don't collect them within three turns or an enemy touches them before you do,the squad member is simply hospitalized, rendering him or her merely inaccessible for 3 missions.
Thirdly, the all-new "Morale" system has been implemented into Valkyria Chronicles. The Morale Gauge is a number in the upper left hand corner that, as its name implies, lists the current morale of your deployed troops. Positive actions- such as rescuing a downed party member, capturing bases, killing Aces, or killing named enemies, increase it, and negative actions- such as downing a party member, hospitalizing a party member, destroying your tank or APC, or losing a captured base- decrease it. With higher Morale, the more likely your squadmates are to have positive potentials trigger or learn new potentials (which are always positive). The lower your Morale, the more likely your squadmates won't have potentials trigger, or even have negative potentials trigger. If your Morale ever hits 0, you automatically fail the mission (this is meant to prevent things like zerg rushing a heavily defended base with disposable bodies for the capture a la VC1).
Fourthly, there are now two main vehicle types instead of one- APCs and tanks. Tanks are pretty much the same as before (albeit much, much more customisable now- there's literally hundreds of combinations available to you). APCs, however, are very different- and very good. APCs have drastically, drastically higher AP amounts, are able to carry at least 2 personnel, but this comes at the cost of vastly reduced HP and defenses. This change, coupled with the vastly smaller maps, means most classes aren't restricted by their AP gauges any more, making all of the classes viable to use (except for Engineers, which are much worse than before- see below), as opposed to VC1, which degenerated to Scout + order spam by the end game. Of course, APCs are able to be customized just as heavily as tanks are now.
Fifthly, there are now classmate missions, which are unlockable classmate-specific missions (hence the name), which usually explain the classmate's backstory or character motivation more thoroughly upon completion. They also always replace the classmate's shittiest potential with a really good one, or in the case they have no shitty potentials, the classmate learns another good potential. This places a larger emphasis on trying out your ENTIRE class, not just your handpicked favorites with good potentials for every situation.
How classmate missions unlock:
Sixthly, there is now an instant calling of reinforcements- no having to wait a turn for them to arrive at the base. This makes it much easier to use all of your squadmates in a single battle, and makes the battles seem surprisingly more integrated, despite the unit cap (only 6 can be deployed simultaneously at any one time).
Finally, there are no ingredients and the MVP system. Ingredients are items that you obtain after battle, which are awarded based on ranking and number of speciality units (such as Aces and named enemies) killed. With them, you can combine these ingredients to create new weapons or give a class a pre-battle buff.
The MVP system is a system wherein an invisible number of points are awarded to a character based on how many enemies/tanks/turrets/etc they kill or destroy, how many bases they capture, whether or not they are the one who completes the mission, and how many allies they rescue. The one with the most points at the end of the mission is the MVP, which determines how many credits they are awarded. The allotment of what types of credits seems to be frustratingly random (however the MVP always gets the most, the runner up gets the second most, etc), so be prepared to have to grind certain missions to get the credits you want.
All these class pics are thanks to OtakuD00D. Everyone thank that guy. He is cool.
Classes have been changed hugely in VC2. There's a lot to go over, but let's start with the newest and most fascinating change, class upgrading.
Remember how I said in the above paragraph that characters you used when you were deployed gain credits at the end of battle? Well, when your squadmates have attained enough credits of specific types and amounts, they gain the ability to upgrade classes. This usually reflects in more health, or defense, or able to use a better weapon, or a new ability. Every class has two splits in their upgrade paths, which two more for each upgrade path, making a total of four final classes per class, making a grand total of twenty final classes.
Let's go into detail for each class, shall we?
Note: This guide assumes foreknowledge of VC1's class structure.
They've been rebalanced from VC1. Scouts now have had their AP vastly reduced, and AP is not as important as it once was, since maps are not as big any more and the addition of the APC has made them not as essential to use.
Scout Upgrade Tree
Scout Veterans
Increased AP only. Somewhat dull.
Yep, Snipers are now an upgrade path of Scouts, and are, surprisingly, arguably more useful than in Valkyria Chronicles 1. Since the maps are smaller, and the addition of instant calling of reinforcements, this now makes it so you can pop a sniper at the base, gib a couple of guys, then call them back instantaneously. Very useful.
Scout Elites
Also increased AP only.
Heavy Scouts
Able to use rifle grenades (a la dinging 11 with Scouts in VC1), and they use a special type of rifle that fires at least seven shots. AP reduced to 450 (base Scout's AP total) as a result though.
Sniper Elites
Able to use 3 shot burst sniper rifles, basically making them into machines of death. And yes, they get 3 of them. Three 3-shot bursts. Goddamn.
AT Snipers
Combining the precision of the Sniper with the raw power of the Lancer, you get the AT Sniper. Roughly equal in power to Lancer Veterans.
Shocktroopers have remained mostly unchanged since their VC1 days, and because of that they're juuust barely the best class in the game, simply because they're useful in nearly all situations. However, the game imbalance in favor of Shockies is much less pronounced than it was in favor of Scouts in VC1.
Shocktrooper Upgrade Tree
Trooper Veterans
Carries three grenades instead of two. Does slightly more damage per shot than normal shockies.
Uses gatling guns instead of machine guns, which fire in a spray in front of them (as opposed to within an aiming circle). Not too great offensively, because of their unique firing system, but they can chew through turrets no problem and are great for base defense (since their interception fire, the fire the gatling gun straight forward instead of in their swath-like motion).
Trooper Elites
Increased stats sans AP. Nothing to note, really.
THE attacking class of VC2. Their flamethrower gives them huge laterality and they pack a nasty punch. Plus, they get a 50 point AP bonus over Trooper Elites.
Gunner Elites
Don't know anything about them, sorry, haven't used them yet.
Heavy Gunners
Slow, but with amazing interception fire. Basically the ultimate defensive class.
Lancers have been rebalanced in VC2 to have better accuracy (those "missing the broad side of a barn" sequences don't occur in VC2) and more AP. Lancers are also now pretty much extremely necessary due to every mission having a zillion and one armored vehicles in it, and orders suck now, so aren't abusable anymore.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. Orders suck now. Whatev's.
Lancer Upgrade Tree
Lancer Veterans
Better stats, that's it.
Able to shoot off Mortars (which have ludicrous range), the Mortarer is actually kind of a good class now, instead of in VC1 when they were worse than useless. Good for breaking up a heavy defense at a base you need to capture.
Lancer Elites
Better stats, that's it.
Heavy Mortarers
Their blast radius is ludicrously large, rivalling a tank's. To compensate they have a lower AP total, which doesn't really matter because mortars have ludicrous range anyways.
Mobile Mortarers
Don't know anything about them, sorry, haven't used them yet.
Engineers are now really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really useless. Instead of using rifles, they use shitty-ass lame, gay pistols, their sandbag fixing and mine-defusing properties (arguably their strong points) were taken away from them and given to Armoured Techs, and they're really weak. Also, you never ever ever sans like twice ever have to fix tanks, and healing people is unnecessary as opposed to just letting them get downed and then rescuing them.
Do not- do not- use Engineers. They are horrible. Upgrade anything else in the game, because any other class is more useful at anything than Engineers. As a matter of fact, skip the below spoiler and go straight to Armoured Techs, aka "the fucking shit".
Engineer Upgrade Tree (skip this section)
Engineer Veterans
Wait, you're still here? Well, I don't really know anything about these classes besides a little bit about Anthem Corps because I somehow got Cosette enough credits from being forced to carry her around. So I'll just let the screenshots speak for themselves. Oh and if you have a problem with that you can just
Anthem Corps
The Anthem Corps carry tubas around, which they can blast at people and it gives beneficial status effects to everyone within a certain radius. Basically they're bards, and they're not as useless as Engineers are. Still pretty useless, though.
Engineer Elites
Anthem Elites
Armoured Techs
The newest class in the game, and fucking awesome. Melee-based, they're literal walking tanks, heavily armoured, and can run up to the enemy under heavy fire and swing a goddamn sword the size of Texas at their stupid fucking face. Armoured Techs are awesome. Everyone use Armoured Techs. Oh also they can fix sandbags and defuse mines.
Armoured Tech Upgrade Tree
Tech Veterans
Besides the "being able to place mines" thing, which is kinda cool but ultimately pretty useless, just a stat upgrade of the regular Armoured Tech.
Use Swords instead of Wrenches (which is what vanilla Armoured Techs use, even though they totally don't look like them), they have lower AP but hit much, much harder than ATs do (which ATs already hit pretty hard so...yeah). Fencers are totally kickin' rad.
Fencer Elite
Don't know anything about them, haven't unlocked them. Sorry!
The anti-tank version of the AT, which comes at the drawback of being less effective against personnel, in addition to a very low AP total.
Tech Elites (no picture available)
Description: "Can place large mines that are effective against vehicles. Also better physical ability than tech veterans."
Special Techs (no picture available
Description:"Carries flash grenades that can suppress enemy interception fire and counters. Physically better than tech vets."
If you don't trust me when I say it's like the best game ever (in which case, what the hell), here's some review stuff to convince you.
Metacritic score 83
Recently revealed to be in existence, this game will be set concurrently to the events of VC1 (in 1935), centered around the exploits of the "Nameless Regiment", a penal battalion populated solely with ex-cons, AWOLs, and the general dregs of society.
The story seems to be shaping up to be a lot darker than either of its predecessors, since all of the units in the penal battalion have no names-only numbers. In addition, they seem to be forced to carry out all of the missions that are too controversial and, probably, suicidal for either the militia or the army to carry out during EW1.
Anyways people turned off by VCII's high school aesthetics should find solace here.
Oh yeah, this game is PSP exclusive, apparently. So, uh, looks like there's two reasons to buy a PSP now.
More images:
VC3 TGS trailer
VC3 gameplay video, thanks Chance
Hey, so VC2 has a password unlock system where you can input a...uh...password stuff. Wow, that was kind of a useless sentence. Anyways, I've collected all the bonus shit together so here it all is (also, ways to unlock certain bonus characters, so slightly spoilery. You've been warned.)
Blitz Logo Sticker VWUYNJQ8HGSVXR7J
Edy's Squad CR6BG1A9LYQKB6WJ
SEGA Logo Sticker 6RK45S59F7U2JLTD
Gallian Military Sticker TXU14EUV74PCR3TE
Isara Gunther and Isara's Dream Sticker 37LRK5D214VQVFYH
Selvaria 53K8FKGP1GHQ4SBN
Sonic the Hedgehog sticker CUP34ASEZ9WDKBYV
Isara - Link VC1 Save Data
Emilia - Link Phantasy Star Portable Save Data
Sigrid - Complete Reiner's classmate mission
Nahum - Have 100,000 DCT
Jugin - Complete the game
Brixham - Complete the game
Heinz Gilden - Get 5 Medals
Juliana Everhart - Get 20 Medals
Leon Hardins - Get all Medals
Inghild - Clear 10 Classmate Missions
Aisha - Clear 20 Classmate Missions
Oscar - Clear mission 120, not 100% sure what that means, possibly clear 120 missions since I don't think they're numbered.
Karl - Have 10 units withdraw or become injured
Elenor Varrot - Get Scout level 50
Rosie - Get Shocktrooper level 50
Largo - Get Lancer level 50
Emil - Get Engineer level 50
Zaka - Get Armor Tech level 50
Alicia - 10 Medals
Welkin - Learn all Orders, and then finish the Order Master paid mission that becomes available
Also, if you have a PSP2 (Phantasy Star Portable 2) save file on your memory stick, you can go to the 'Link Data' link (also in 'Extras', above the password link), and select it, which will unlock Emilia from PSP2, some stickers, and two extra missions. If you don't have a PSP2 save file, don't worry, download one here.
First off here's a transparency you can use to affix to stuff so we can make some sigs (I made it myself!)
Man, I should really go back and finish the first game. Got steamrolled one too many times fighting
Otherwise, :^:
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
At least you still have the save. I was halfway through that fight and my save got nuked when my PS3 decided to kick the bucket.
Well done, Rent. Your tribulations have borne fruit. But yeah, put Valkyria Chronicles in the thread title, so people can - y'know - find the thread.
But yeah, you might want to put Valkyria Chronicles somewhere in that thread title.
Yay Peer Pressure!
Well, putting time in with the new characters is wise because they get pretty well-realized side-stories to attend to, and each one has their own special mission. The only Squad 7 person I have on my team is Marina, 'cause I love Marina, and now Selvaria. Just for shits & giggles.
I may just do the Edy's Squad unlock for her and ignore the rest. Or at least ignore the PSP2 missions until I'm a good way into the game and the item I get won't be quite so overpowered.
Now I really need that art book to come out.
Edit: oh c'mon, Edy's a classic. I was always partial to the one with Rosie behind the sandbags, though.
I am somewhat conflicted by the usage of my portrait :P
Excellent OP.
VC Thread 4 OP (info on VC2 before it was announced)
The last version of the original Chrono / Rent OP (from previous thread)
No-one else is.
This bears repeating:
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
But, I already bought the PSP, and VC3 looks pretty damn awesome, with better graphics, better gameplay, and at least marginally better cutscenes compared to VC2. Let's just focus on that.
And if you don't have a PSP? What can I say... they're cheaper than PS3s. Go find yourself one. You've got 6 to 8 months until VC3 reaches western shores.
That's some fucking poor logic. I already have the PS3 and it has more resources to take advantage of. They're making their games worse in order to put them out on these portable systems so few people have and want.
I'm not buying a PSP for two games and supporting this bullshit. I let VC2 slide in hopes that if a third happened it would return to the PS3.
I'd rather have a new VC on the PS3, but on the other hand it does help justify my purchase of a PSP.
[tiny]the joke is that that black logo looks a lot like a scout logo[/tiny]
Bullshit. They're making them for the Japanese audience first and foremost, where everyones fucking cat has a PSP. It's massive over there, and that's who they're making the games for. Cheaper dev cost, bigger target audience, more money.
We just get sloppy seconds.
:^: yes it does.
I guess they figured, given that those "few people" with PSPs outnumber PS3 owners by about twenty two million, and that the PSP is cheaper to develop for, and that it has a built-in audience of strategy RPG enthusiasts, it might be the ideal place to grow the franchise fan base - especially since the high-def market is so toxic to original IPs, and expensive to develop for.
I mean, sure, they could be making a big mistake. Everyone in the world wanted VC3 for PS3 - myself included - but their reasoning makes absolute perfect sense.
In fact, I can't think of a single game I actively want on home consoles, because it means I won't get it play it.
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
Magari has 4 Diplomas and 0 Certificates. Marion has 5 Diplomas, and once again, 0 Certificates. On the other hand, it took Coleen 4 missions of hitting MVP or runner up to get her her first Diploma.
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
I'm in the middle of doing Franca's mission, and I'm of the opinion that I really, really like the story and individualized missions, but would love to get rid of the generic "training/fight off random rebels" missions. Hearing that VC3 is trending more toward a scripted, linear, VC1-ish setup has me excited. So far my favorites are the ones that force you to bring only two or three characters, because there's nothing more fantastic than rolling up with two troops on an entire batallion and whittling everyone down.
At least he has all those fancy shmancy certifications to show to France.
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
PSN : Bolthorn
I'm still in February. When should I expect to feel like unit classes other than scouts and shocks are more useful?
Lancers become awesome not by virtue of their upgrades (although they're nifty) but by the game flooding you with tanks later on. (Hint: Get Coleen's classmate mission ASAP.)
Engineers have better basic firepower than Scouts, but the lack of grenades really hurts them - until you upgrade them to Anthem Elites and Medics, upon which they become awesome (but that's in August).
Also the Tank becomes so disgustingly broken that I refuse to use it and only use the Utility APC.
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
Also, I made Raymond a Steampunk Bard, but I'm not seeing the benefits right away; all I saw was a "Fury Lv 1" pop-up on Avan or something to that effect. Do you have to play songs aimed at specific people, and do you play multiple times?
Anthem Corps and Elite: That's a buff. Anthem Corps is decent but nothing special. Anthem Elite gets you a 50% boost to all your boostable attributes (ATTK, DEF, EVD, and I think Accuracy but I'm not sure on that last one) for 3 turns in an AoE. It's like a VC1 order in human form.
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111