Kings loved to encrust stuff with jewels. Its almost as though they ran out of ways to display their vast wealth and so they decided to stick as many jewels on everything as they could. It started out pretty simple.
"Higgins, take this goblet and somehow work a large ruby into it. I desire to display my vast power and wealth to the masses."
"Yes sir right away sir."
And thus jewel encrusting was born. Of course, how many saw the King's goblet besides his court? Not nearly enough. So they started encrusting other things in jewels: shoes, bracelets, crowns, toothbrushes, swords, scabbards, combs, mirrors, pens, and so on. But alas, the kings still had vast amounts of untapped wealth, simply rotting in the treasury. And so, he went to his advisor.
"Archistotleophanes, I have covered all of my worldly possessions with the finest of rare metals and the largest of rare jewels. Yet, I still have a vast treasury and nobody yet knows my true wealth. How can I fix this problem?"
"I do not know your grace, but give me 5 days and 5 nights and I will have an answer for you."
In the meantime the king decided to outfit himself and his royal guards with suits of pure gold. They were all very pleased with their new armor, but unfortunately they were all robbed within 24 hours of them receiving it.
"Wonderful!" said the king. "Now I can make them again, that will really show them how wealthy I truly am!"
This pattern continued until after 5 days and 5 nights Archistotleophanes returned to the king with a most gleeful of grins.
"Your grace, we have devised a most ingenious plan that will once and for all show how truly wealthy you are."
"Well, what is it!"
"We shall craft a lump of metal that has no other purpose but to be encrusted with jewels. The metal will of course be your choice of silver, gold, or platinum. We have dubbed it the 'scepter.'"
"Excellent," said the king, "begin work at once!"
And so the scepter was made. A gigantic lump of platinum encrusted with innumerable valuable gems, whose sole purpose was to display the gems. When it was completed, the king broke down in tears.
"Its so beautiful!"
Now, all of the wealthiest of the wealthy possess these vanity-laden symbols. What will come next in the fight to prove that you have the most disposable income?
Serge wasn't going to his grave, he just wanted to make a new topic
Now Chrono Cross makes sense
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
...and even then, I will usually dispose of them a couple of years after they've been sat on my shelf.
Bitches be stuck up lately though.
Stupid bitches!
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
one of the things I got from his room when I was cleaning it up with a Trigun cross- some cheap knockoff he always was talking about as being one of his best deals
My girlfriend wears it in his memory, and her grandma saw her wearing it one time and, being an avid jeweler, threw an amethyst on it, transforming it into dinky little cast iron to somebody who doesn't know the story behind it into a thing of beauty.
The real question is, how do I imbue my dead friends soul into the gem? I mean, it's what he would have wanted.
Well when Serge didn't die, he went against the machinations of fate, so in essence yes, that's exactly what happened.
You could probably sell a fair few on e-bay
and beer and cigs are bad for you, anyway :P
Yeah, i've been thinking of letting a few go on ebay, as well as some old videogames and comics. But then my packrat mentality kicks in. I always tell myself "hey, what if I NEED this useless piece of junk down the road?". Plus, I think I would get depressed seeing how much the stuff would go for, and realize i'm selling them for about a tenth of what I originally bought them for. So much money wasted.
There are services that will create artificial diamonds from ashes...
like it might be a bentley to you but to me its a blue car
Jewels only cost like two dollars back then.