So I started a basic computer course at college.
Well, I thought it was just basic stuff, turns out it's a C++ course. The computers at the school have MS Visual Studio or something of that nature. I commute so I'm looking for a decent free ware compiler that I can use at home to do my projects on.
I was thinking I'd just grab one off or google but I remember at one point we had a whole thread on C++ problems so I figured I'd ask around.
Thanks guys.
You can also download Borland's compiler for free, but beware that it's command-line only.
See how many books I've read so far in 2010
Alternatively, if you want to, your school may provide a discounted version of VC++ or VS. Back when I went to school the first time I picked up JBuilder 2 Pro for $100 in the school book store. No differences that I can remember between it and the $500+ non-student edition.
I guess I'll stick with the express version. I have no money other wise.
Guess it'll be just like the school one nearly as well.
Thanks guys.