[Tweak On!] CRT Screen Adjustments

SzechuanSzechuan Registered User regular
edited January 2007 in Games and Technology
Hey folks, I'm having some trouble with a new 24" Sanyo Flatscreen CRT I purchased recently and was curious to see if anyone here had some solutions. I have access to the service menu and have been experimenting with solutions; please note that these issues occurred before I ever started tweaking settings!

First off, when it runs anything with brighter whites, I get a large blueish splotch on the left side of the screen and a greenish one on the right. If I play anything running a mix of colours or darker scenes, the spots fade within about 20 seconds. For example, when you emerge onto the field in Shadow of the Colossus as the game raises the brightness to simulate your eyes adjusting to the glare, and the spots will og away if I stay in an indoor area long enough for the brightness to drop.

Second, primarily white scenes, like the menu/briefings in Trauma Center, cause the picture shape to distort. This occurred on my old junker TV with the Kingdom Hearts menu screen and I am quite unhappy that it also occurs on this new one. I remember reading somewhere that this can be due to an insufficient power supply in cheaper televisions. I use traditional game settings on this TV [lower bright, higher contrast] so I do not think that further diminishing the brightness will help. Does anyone know of a Sanyo-specific service setting that would somehow limit the maximum RGB levels? I had heard that Microsoft used something like this when they fixed similar display issues with their hardware.

Lastly, the picture tilts down on the left side of the television, quite noticeably. Based on the menu tweaking I did, am I right to assume it's difficult if not impossible to adjust any sort of rotational setting for a CRT tube?


Szechuan on


  • xzzyxzzy Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Sounds like a lemon display.. can you get it replaced? I would suspect the "spots" have to do with manufacturing flaws. Either the electron gun is hyperactive, or the grille is misaligned.

    CRT's can definetly rotate the image, but it has to be a feature the controls will let you do. My NEC monitor at work lets me rotate, for example.

    xzzy on
  • SzechuanSzechuan Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Well, after tweaking literally every setting on the menu, I don't think this one is going to allow me to rotate the view. This is still far less irritating than the colour problems, though. Any suggestions besides a return? I may not even have the box anymore.

    Szechuan on
  • xzzyxzzy Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Not really.. whenever I see a screen in that state, I tell the user to get a new one. ;)

    xzzy on
  • SzechuanSzechuan Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Nutters. Well, I'll see what I can do with the adjustments, then I'll see about warranties and such. I can always say we had a power surge or something. :lol:

    Szechuan on
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