I am so late to this party.
I know nothing about the PS2 and I want to buy one soonly. I see Gamestop has used slims for $70 which will be doable by the end of the month.
A few questions though.
Controllers: Are they all rumble? Can you find them without rumble? (I really dislike rumble). 2 controller max. right?
Cables: Do you need component cables or will the standard red white and yellow cables do fine?
BC: PS2 has BC right? I have a PS1, but I figure I may as well retire it if I can. I only use it for FFT and Kingsfield anyway.
Memory Cards: Do you need PS2 memory cards or can I use my PS1 cards? Alternately, will PS1 games save to a PS2 memory card or will I be doing a lot of switching?
Games: I asked this in the Zelda thread, but I'll ask again because I was only looking for Wii/GC Zeldaish games there. Are there any good Zeldaesque games on the PS2? (I have Okami already on the Wii)
Thanks all!
Also, recommend on for any good games!
Standard RCA cables is what I've always used, I dont have a HDTV yet though, if you do you probably want better.
PS2 is backwards compatable with PS1
You need PS2 cards, they save data differently than PS1 cards. You can not save PS1 games to PS2, or PS2 to PS1. You can, however, back up your PS1 card data onto your PS2 card if you run out of space on the PS1 card, just have to copy it back ot the PS1 card before playing any backed up save.
Final Fantasies? No clue about Zeldaish.
I think the Ratchet and Clank/Jak games have a decent amount of gameplay that harkens to the likes of Zelda (only played Jak and Daxter). Beyond Good and Evil is worth looking at as well for that matter.
Again, none of these are going to be nearly as close to what you're looking for as Okami will be. But they all are 3D action/adventures without too much deviation.
Aces Wild is a pretty stellar game.
Blog, Playing Rules; Let's Play Demon's Souls; My Backlog
I mean it's nothing like what you requested, but it's awesome.
Beyond Good & Evil is probably the best Zelda clone, period. Some of the 3D platformers have a Zelda-like feel to them: Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter and Psychonauts are all good.
Listen to this advice.
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BG&E might be the closest to a Zelda game, but the other 4 are better games.
A surprising number of games can display better than 480i, so you might want to invest in better cables, particularly if your TV doesn't handle upconversion well (lag, ugliness). The early days didn't have a simple or unified way to get it into HD output, so you may have to try everything short of the Konami code to get Gran Tursimo 4 in 1080i.
I am pretty sure there's a multi-controller adapter, but I can't think of a game that uses it. If you want one, note that the slim needs a different one than the original because of the location/orientation of the controler ports.
Buy Godhand. It is from Clover, and is the exact opposite of Okami on everything but the awesomeness.