You know it's the best OP.
Here's some PSN IDs and gamertags, hit me up if you're not listed.
If you're feeling adventurous, you can also post who you main and sub if you like.
[Xbox 360]
Knob - KnobbonK
The Sneak! - PA The Sneak
Futore - Debellum
Sars_Boy - Sarsboy
Arete - NinjaFrizz
Octopus Medley - dr radicalrobot
RabidDeathMoose - RabidDeathMoose
Babyeatingjesus - H2O on the Moon
humble - I am the Bat
The Plain Girl / <3 - coeurs
Grath - Grath01
Radius - Kryzak Sul
Futore - Debellum
gazamc - chuwero
Meiz - Meiz1979
Farangu - Farangu
The Geek - Geek TWG
HellaJeff - ESPorygon
Apolloh - Banzeye
ChaosHat - EntropyHat
Folken Fanel - flashg03
[PlayStation 3]
Daimaijin - Daimajin_PA
Knob - KnobbonK
The Sneak! - TheSneak
Kuribo's Shoe - kuribosshoe
Devlin_Dragonus - devlin_dragonus
Transporter - TransportX
Arete - NinjaFrizz
AggroChan - Sillender
Wimble - wimbleberry
cj iwakura - cj_iwakura
ShimSham - ShimmitySham
BugBoy - dhelix23
Butler For Life #1 - dhelix23
SabreMau - Tresjin
WhipstitchZombie - NemoWoodbine
Folken Fanel - folken_PA
TheStig - Stiggy_PA
bwanie - Bwanie
trentsteel - TRENT--STEEL
Saint Justice - Saint__Justice
(For the cool fighting games like Alpha, 3rd Strike, KOF, etc.)
Knob - knobbonk
Wimble - Wimble
Radius - Radius
Farangu - Farangu
cj iwakura - cj_iwakura
Folken Fanel - folken_PA
HellaJeff - Efrench
ChaosHat - ChaosHat
Look, new costumes!
As previously announced, all 35 characters will be getting one new costume. Similar to the first set of costume downloads, the new costumes will be bundled together in sets costing ¥400 or 320 Microsoft Points depending on your platform. Once all the costumes are out, Capcom will release a bundle pack costing ¥2,000 or 1,440 MSP.
Here's the schedule:
10/26: Ultra Challengers Pack 1
Hakan, Makoto, Guy, Dudley, Dee-Jay
11/02: Ultra Shoryuken Pack
Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Goken, Dan
11/16: Ultra Beauty Pack
Chun-Li, C.Viper, Sakura, Rose, Cammy
12/21: Ultra Challengers APack 2
Juri, Ibuki, Cody, Adon, T.Hawk
1/18: Ultra Gowan Pack
Zangief, E.Honda, Rufus, Abel, El Fuerte
2/15: Ultra Shadaloo Pack
Vega, Sagat, Balrog, Bison and Seth
3/15: Ultra Classic Pack
Guile, Blanka, Dhalsim, Gen, Fei Long
4/26: Ultra Complete Pack
All 35
Also these two may show up at some point.
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| CainLoveless
Has this been shown in-game yet?
I was playing with a friend from Newfoundland, not with PAers, just messing around doing random.
my feelings are so hurt
you big stupid jerk
*does the worm*
The 50 of us on Xbox 360 may not be cool, but we're plentiful
Fo Real.
I really like him in theory, I just can't really do anything with him when someone gets in on your. Even Dhalsim is better than him up close, IMO
but homie IS strong as fuck. You should give him a shot, you're good with keep away
why can i play dee jay all of the sudden
why am i even interested in dee jay
i was getting a little burnt out but now i am really excited about playing again
i think i'm rusty as fuck again already
better your feelings than your ego
when i beat you
beat you so hard
they are all great but I want you guys to check out his fuerte in this one
starts at 2:30
I'm not saying he's not all of those things
I'm just saying don't need to constantly be crushing a man's spirit because he loves him some Japan
but crushing a man's spirit because of anything is what se++ is all about
Just as I feel I'm well integrated I turn around and people are ripping me apart over some opinions
Is that dude in blockstun the entire time getting pushed across the stage?