as some of you may know less than a year ago i adopted kittens
they are sisters, mona and ophelia
now i am a person who loves cats and uses them for one of my main support systems
they always seem to be nice to me when i am feeling shitty, some sort of animal instinct i guess
this morning i recieved a facebook message from my ex roommate/girlfriend (whom some of you have met) and apparently ophelia ran away about 2 weeks ago and she didn't bother telling me about it until now. she did this because she is mad at me.
(the one on the right)
i was literally looking at pictures of her about 10 minutes before this news
i am so unbelievably angry and sad right now
i trusted her to take care of my cats, because we adopted them together
but not only did she lose her, in a racoon infested area, she did not tell me about it for petty reasons
i am currently in the process of trying to figure out how i can get the other cat, mona, to my parent's house as they are people i can trust to watch her
this is tricky considering i am far away
one last photo here we go
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
no, that's a female dog, duhh
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
they may not eat cats but they sure as hell would kill one
You should have fed it more vitamins and provided a stable home.
Raccoons do not aggressively search out and destroy cats though. It's not like they are kitty terminators.
Also, don't count your cat out yet. Maybe it's like the Bear Grylls of kitties.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
What is it about people these days generally thinking they don't have to be human just because individualism is the order of the day?
They cheat the instant they feel angry or upset or something more 'exciting' saunters by, apparently. They let other people down massively and tell them weeks afterwards because they don't feel like talking to someone they are mad at...
Many low-quality people around these days.
Your kitty is going to find a racoon skin it, wear it as a hat, drink it's own pee then traverse down a tree using your penis swill.
Here's hoping.
Satans..... hints.....
The eternal war
(for serious bro, shit sucks, real sorry to hear)
Your Wang is big enough right?
Satans..... hints.....
Really sorry to hear about that Swill! If you need someone to go punch that bitch, I'm terribly desperate for money.
But cats are survivors, man. Hopefully she'll show up soon.
Satans..... hints.....
The extent of my Billy Joel knowledge
Your ex is a stone cold bitch.
I feel for you.
I had a dream last night that I miss having cats. Because they are awesome.
Could you facebook another Portland friend and see if they'll do the deed for you?
I would so hard if I was in Portland.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
...we are safe
So, it's possible that your cat is alright. But it is unlikely. Hoping for the former.
Hugs Swill
she'll probably come back when she gets tired of tracking down squirrels
altpost: nobody cares about you cats
who is also a professional cat bounty-hunter
Those aren't even the correct lyrics. Your Billy Joel knowledge is now completely forfeit.
Tell your ex that the internet is judging her.
did this about a month ago
so if it does come back home, no one will be there for her
the one shot is if she is alive, and someone finds her and takes her to the pound or wherever she has that chip in her that identifies the owner
who is me
so i would get a call, get a goddamned taxi for my cat to albany oregon where it would be safe