hello, everyone.
i am a pretty typical liberal liberal- i support gay marriage and affirmative action, sexism bothers me, i have friends and have had girlfriends of every color.
i have some racist family, though. namely, i have my uncle. he is probably the most racist person i encounter regularly, and you can imagine that i find that a little grating. he takes the classic 'you're naive, i'm glad that you're a goodhearted person who doesn't jump to see the bad in people. it's a nice trait. but it's not realistic, you've got to see the whole picture' rationalization of his bigotry.
i cleared this with audio with a mod, btw.
(also, i apologize for the quality- it's an inbuilt mic so my voice is louder and harsher than his)
in this audio clip (a few that i synthesized) he is expressing some of his views to me. if i seem less than outraged, it's because i hear them every day- i'm kind of past the jaw-dropped stage. sometimes i'll use a specific term to goad him on and guide the conversation- like colored, and playing along with his usage of 'black music'- and i also don't attack his arguments in detail. i kind of provide a neutral, 'but isn't it also true' response. i only did this because i wanted you to hear his thoughts and not us arguing. i wanted it to sound natural. also, he is fine with me recording him.
there's some other stuff we covered that i didn't manage to record- like affirmative action. he claims that it's 'unfair' that AA disadvantages white people. i expressed that without AA, were he and a black guy to score evenly or have comparable credentials, he'd often get the nod- an inborn advantage that AA works to nullify. at this point he retreated 'well i should get preference!', and failed to see the contradiction. it's especially conflicting for me. otherwise he's a fair-minded person (for a racist). he's a DJ and he is disgusted by the years of homophobia he's seen in various dance clubs. he likes obama and says that it's a shame there are so many people who aren't willing to help the downtrodden. it's so frustrating to talk to him since i know some of his facets.
what do we do here? not just my uncle. i guess we've all got a racist grandparent- do we disown them all? can we? how do we communicate with them? do we try to correct them? do we provide cogent arguments, or refuse to dignify them with a response? do we never engage them in the conversation?
i'll make a confession off the bat: i used to be racist. i mean,
really racist. i was raised within a very devout famly in reohvot- an israeli city a bit too far from tel aviv to enjoy its diversity. they brought me up as a religious fanatic. i was one of those young brainwashed kids- like the ones you see in pics writing 'enjoy' for missiles meant for gaza. i was ready to push some motherfuckers out of the holy land.
so i guess racism is an especially poignant topic for me.
I thought this was going to be about RE5 or online gaming.
this was meant for d and d
can someone move it