Something struck me the other day as I was looking through gameinformer.
Something else though that I realized. Back in the olden days of gamin magazines (pre Internet) reviewers and previewers would comment on graphics.
By comparison you could read most current game magazine cover stories each month and heardly hear anything about graphics from a technical stance.
Ohhing and awwing over how great games look is gone. Replaced by discussions on presentation and gameplay. That's all well and good, but I pine for the days when they would actually touch upon game engines and technical stuff.
Which made me wonder really how much of an immediate need there is for a new hardware generation.
The medium as an artform has possibly arrived. Watching the trailer for the upcoming deus ex game shows how that looks more like a movie than a game in it's presentation.
So what can possibly be said about hardware now. I recently Invested in a ps3 and it's interesting to read fanboy rants on which is more powerful (360 vs ps3) and I've yet to read Really compelling well written article on it.
So I guess the hardware race is over. No one won, there are two that finished an identical race and one that got a medal for innovation and not graphics.
When will the new breed of hardware come out and aside from higher clock speeds and bigger video cards, how much better can a game look than rage or uncharted 2?
That's what I was thinking.
Las Vegas Youtube page with lots of useless videos:
Ah also not to uh... put down consoles, but aren't they the thing that are technically holding games back graphics wise? Reasoning follows, console games first, best graphics you can get from that, shitty PC port, if at all?
Reduce load times
More stuff/characters on screen at once
Larger & more complex environments
Better physics (particularly water-based)
Better controls
More portable
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
I love the DS' graphics. I'm gonna really miss the lo-fi stuff when it finally disappears. I miss seeing developers having to work within the restrictions of hardware to do their best to make stuff look great.
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
So nobody's going to be working with any restrictions on 3DS then?
I thought you didn't care about graphics; logically then, you wouldn't care whether you play your games on DS or 3DS (since it's backwards compatible), and in fact might prefer 3DS because it allows for other innovations besides just graphics. The extra RAM alone raises the potential scope of any game quite a lot.
Yeah, I'll admit the one thing that has me a bit worried about the 3DS is whether now that the thing has a pretty damn impressive graphical power, it's going to turn from DS's neat spritework and designs into the same kind of "shinier graphics are better! Spend half the game's budget on the graphics!" problem that sometimes plagues the consoles...
That said, I would love it if Europe's infrastructure could finally advance to the point where we get things like Netflix on our 360s and less companies screwing us (and places like Australia) over in favour of the US.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
There are some really great looking 2D games on the system, though. But I'm still looking forward to seeing what the 3DS will bring to the table graphically.
Besides, we're getting to the point were there is heavy diminishing returns for graphic improvements.
If u r into that stuff there is the demo scene. Ever check it out? Pretty cool what they can do in just a fees hundred kb
I mean when people jump their arms and legs don't instantly transform and stay still in some weird position. And shit son I strafe all the time and my legs don't go forward while I magically move sideways. Also the gaps in ladders and steps can't be stood on so don't make the character do it.
Shitty animation breaks immersion way more than a few less polygons here and there.
I'm also a fan of colorful games and "shiney 3D" games pull away from that.
Windwaker was a beautiful fucking game and I wish more games used that style.
Mario RPG Bowsers Inside Story was fantastically sprited.
Also, speaking of retro shit. You guys remember when Donkey Kong Country came out?
...shit now I need to play DKC.
There is also the issue of load speeds and storage space. (The PS3 only has a 2x speed BR drive. They go up to 12x now. Developers are running into space issues with DVD.)
Then there is stuff like PhysX.
Online still has a long ways to go beyond simple friends lists that are used now. Initial OS memory limitations limit what is possible. (Not to mention what the dashboard can do).
There's a lot of room for improvement besides graphics. However, graphics are the easiest to show off which is why they want to hold off as long as possible to make the biggest jump as possible.
I feel that that's where we are now, and look forward to the continued leaps in graphical power and fidelity. I'm a visually orientated person, and in a visual medium such as gaming, it's sorta an important part of it.
Every time someone talks about how only gameplay matters, it brings to mind a fervent rant about how it doesn't matter if a film had awful asthetics, shoddy dialog, and crap acting - imo only the story matters!!
If only story mattered then there would be no film at all or 3d graphics.
Of course story is impotent, but is it important in a racing game? Or a ufc game? Or madden?
I get bugged when people say "pffft, graphics don't matter!"
I've owned my 360 for years and haven't had any problems with it.
Freaking lack of AA and horribly low res textures even, nay especially in so called AAA titles, which you're luck to even have the option to use a mouse, much less adjust even it's sensitivity in.
Give it time.
I'd say anything at PS2 level or above is good enough.
Doesn't mean that I don't want even better though.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
The initial batch had somewhere in the range of 63% failure rate. The falcon chipset lowered it to the range of the initial PS3s and the Jaspers and later have had no issues.
There will always be room for better graphics. There are however diminishing returns for the same leap in power. It will be interesting going forward to see what happens.
Are there any ideas in the pipeline for the next few years that could be marketed to sell people on new consoles? Maybe 3D gaming.
Which is awful because they are both terrible additions and devs should just make better games instead.
so photo realistic because it's actually there
everything old is new again
Joining forces with the Wii-Motion of things, Nintendo will release a console to usher in the days of the power-glove. Using only two rings placed on each hand, you will have full motion control of your system using nothing but hand-systems. This highly advanced technology will also allow you to keep wearing your rings to your friends house, storing all your valuable data on said ring, including characters, saves, and customized content.
The crowning achievement with this will be the built-in augmented reality system that allows you to really spend your money as BUY ALL YOUR FUCKING GAMES ALL OVER AGAIN FOR THE 10TH GOD DAMN TIME.
Included will be a DvD player (with motion control menus)
Internet dashboard (with motion control menus)
Online Store (with motion control menus)
HD Support
Backwards compatable with all previous Wii Technology.
November 2012
We need to be clear about what we mean by 'good enough'.
For me it would mean a game aiming to have a real-world look would consistantly convince me of its realism, i.e. have no immersion breaking moments - that certainly isn't the case so far: aliasing, low resolution & framerate, poor quality textures, geometry & effects all take me out of the game. I'd say we've still got a long way to go for this to not be the case, and maybe we'll never get there given the diminshing returns with increasing asset complexity. I suspect there will be advances that simplify the process of creating game visuals though.
For an unrealistic game, Mario for example, graphics obviously are good enough already.
The character models would be pretty simple compared to today's standards.
Nintendo doesn't give a FUCK if you love the wii graphics.
They're about making money like every business entity and putting gamecubes into rectangular white boxes and callin' it wii has made them tons of money.
I'm pretty sure the returns keep on diminishing. Considering you had, say, Doom 3 and Morrowind on the Xbox, and the immediate generational predecessor to the Xbox were the Playstation, Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn.