Since none of you sissies have made a SE++ thread I am taking it upon myself to begin discussions of the meaty magical wonder that is SUPER MEAT BOY.
90s commercial!
You play as a blob of bloody meat who chases his kidnapped girlfriend, Bandage Girl (3 guesses as to what she's made of) through over 300 levels of unspeakable horror and challenge, crafted by the evil Dr. Fetus, a fetus in a tux and monocle who flips you off.
There are 12 unlockable characters from well-known indie games. The Kid (IWBTG), Tim (Braid), Gish (Gish), etc. Literally, the game's only failing is that Quote or Curly Brace are not included.
So is this game hard? You bet your sweet bippy it's hard. Once you beat the par time on a level, you unlock a "Dark World" version of that level that will make you break your controller in frustration, go pay for a new one and try again. This game will put some
god damn hair on your chest.
And your reward for finishing a level is watching every single one of your attempts at the same time and seeing your blood splatter all over the level at once.
For a very limited time, this game is only 800 wacky MS points. Considering the fact that if you spend 2400 MS points by the end of the month of October 2010 you get a free 800 MS points by the end of November 2010, this game might just be free. It goes up to 1200 points in November sometime.
Oh yeah, this will be out for the PC and Wii too but you should buy it now anyways because the Xbox version is apparently definitive due to "Teh Internets", free DLC coming at you regularly.
Fucking buy this game. It deservedly won Game of the Show at PAX. Then play it some. Then come talk about it here. And then shut up and go play it some more.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
This game needs to hurry up and come out for PC. This'll probably be the game that makes me get a 360 controller.
Edit: Am I the only one who finds Josh calling a game hard worrisome?
But it's sooooo fun to lose
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
um, there's nothing trial and error about this game
If you die, it's your fault
Because you must suffer
Suffer with me Rent
Seriously though? Because it's awesome
A trial and error platformer is one where you tend to fail the challenging jumps and sequences and die pretty frequently, so you have to try and try to get the timing and spacing right on all your jumps and movements.
Pretty much any challenging platform game is trial and error.
By this definition most Mario games are trial and error platformers.
Trial and error to me means there's no way to know how to do it right without trying many times until you figure it out. In this game it's obvious what you want to do, you just have to be good enough to do it.
The game is fucking hard but it's not that bad if you just want to beat it without doing all the optional stuff(A+ ratings, bandages, dark world levels). It also helps a ton if you use the unlockable characters, you can use them on almost every level and they all have different abilities which make some of the levels a lot easier.
It's possible, although unlikely, that you will beat some of the harder levels on your first try (sort of like Super Mario Bros.). In IWBTG, there's just no way unless you watch a LP first.
It was one of the best games I ever played for free on Armor Games.
But I'm guessing that, like N, this version has better stuff added?
i had enough trouble using the left and right keys on my keyboard
Enlong, yes, the game has several very cool additions, unlockable characters, levels, DLC for free, challenging versions of levels you've already completed, tons of collectables and easter eggs, etc.
Basically if you're interested in platformers at all and you own a system this is on, it's better to get it cheap now instead of regret not getting it later
I mean, most games period are trial and error in a broad sense - as in you attempt a section, fail, and try again, until you develop the specific skill or have the right lucky moment that gets you past that obstacle. That's how most games make themselves challenging.
There aren't many games that don't use that model. But with platforming games, which are really simple and direct, it's more obvious to the player, and the repeated attempts are the whole of the gameplay. It can wear on the soul.
I would imagine that most people who bought N, for example, stopped playing when levels required you to do a perfect run without errors to survive at all.
Mario is kinda like that but it's easy enough that you can mostly figure out and execute the right solution on your first or second try, so the pleasure of steady progress is more emphasized than the pleasure of overcoming brutal, unforgiving challenge.
I did finish Tower of Heaven and boy that was an exercise in frustration and anxiety
It feels like you don't improve at anything and you just walk through the game
there's a nice middle ground
but if you want brutally difficult, play Challenge from Kyoshi
there's an actual hard limit to how many times you can die. forever.
if it's so hard that I don't see the end of the story then I don't want to play it.
I usually give up after trying the same section five or six times so
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Super Meat Boy is basically the exact opposite of what you just described.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
you should try it, paula poundpipe
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
don't know if i'd like it as much if i had to pay
Really though this seems like something I'd want to play on a handheld, I'm much better at platformers when they're on handhelds.
which is the exact reason I still haven't beat Mega Man 10 on the wii. fuck that controller.
I don't recommend attempting it until you have at least an hour to scream at your TV