Well boys and girls, its time for another round of BlizzCon from our favorite PC Game developers.
BlizzCon main site:http://us.blizzard.com/blizzcon/
Here you can find info on events, goody bag contents, schedules, and a lot more. This is also where you purchase your Virtual Ticket. Blizzard has also advertised that they will be streaming a few events for free to everyone from the RTS and Tournament stages.
October 22-23, 2010
Get this guy when you attend the conference or buy a virtual ticket!
Those in attendance will get this totally sweet Deathwing statuette in their goody bag:
Tenacious D will be performing during the closing ceremony on Saturday night
Event Schedule:http://us.blizzard.com/blizzcon/_images/schedule-print-en-US.jpg
(Spoilered for Huge)
Major Announcements & Info
(Updated as I can)
-- Official SC2 Blizzard-made Mods: Left 2 Die, Aiur Chef, StarJewel, Blizzard DotA
-- Digital Expansion PreOrders and Midnight launches
-- Diablo 3 Demon Hunter class revealed
-- Diablo 3 PVP Battle Arenas announced
-- Diablo 3 Trait system announced. Class specific passive abilities.
Crovax.436 Steam: Crovaxan
Check out the BlizzCon site. They say a bit of it will stream for free even.
Crovax.436 Steam: Crovaxan
They were pretty hush hush about WoW for the longest time.
BRAWL: 1160-9686-9416
Also, IGN is liveblogging:
Well, in 9 minutes we'll see if I'm right. :P
EDIT: also is it just me or is her mouth a bit TOO big?
Crovax.436 Steam: Crovaxan
Valve doesn't go to Blizzcon, what are you talking about?
Also, there seems to be some developer's cousin or something trying to be funny on the stream right now.
Catacyslm is due out in a little under a month and a half, and we've seen the opening cinematic and most everything else, what with a beta going on that's already into raid materials.
Blizzard has come out and said StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm will be a no-show..
So... Diablo3-Con instead? Unless you're into tournaments I guess. (Though I suppose they could show off preliminary stufff from WoW Patch 4.1)
3clipse: The key to any successful marriage is a good mid-game transition.
That would be hilarious.
It's going to be something related to D3 or to this apparent MMO they are making. It has to be one of the two. Honestly, I'd rather be there then watching it right now, i'll just wait for the big news to trickle out.
My GF wants to go sometime, maybe next year, in time for what I hope will be Diablo 3's release.
On another note, Blizzard to me seems like the kind of company that's in a strong enough position now that they could really make it on their own without too much trouble, a rarity in the gaming industry. Why don't they cut Activision loose and go it solo with their successful franchises?
Thought Acti owned Blizz...
BRAWL: 1160-9686-9416
Currently: Mike Morhaine is talking about boring crap.
Metzen will be taking the stage shortly. He always makes the cool announcements.
Activision owns Blizzard; they're not just the publisher.
Blizzard can't "cut ties" with Activision without Activision pulling a Microsoft/Bungie thing and going "Okay kids, have fun out there in the real world!" The best Blizzard employees could do is just leave and start their own companies with new IP's, which has had VERY mixed results (Arena.net with Guild Wars, and Flagship Studios with Hellgate: London)
Blizz broke off from Vivendi a few years ago.
BRAWL: 1160-9686-9416
Edit: Pre-download with a midnight release, no less.
Nope. Vivendi and Activision merged and formed Activision Blizzard, which owns Blizzard as a result.
And Scottsman is right, all the IPs are trademarked to Blizzard the company which means for Blizzard to go solo, they would either have to buy themselves out (I doubt Blizzard could afford the billions required), be let go (not happening) or form a new company with original IPs. Blizzard is terrible with original ideas.
Crovax.436 Steam: Crovaxan
Vivindi, who were Blizzard's previous owners, have a controlling stake in "Activison-Blizzard" which is the company that currently owns Blizzard. Activision-Blizzard is pretty much a renamed Activision that was merged with Vivindi's gaming division.
Long story short, Activision owns Blizzard.
BRAWL: 1160-9686-9416
Waiting for that sweet, sweet DIII honey. Chances of getting a release date?
Ah, but the difference is that the downloadable version will be live immediately at launch--compare this with Starcraft 2, where the downloadable version of the game was not live until 10am the next day.
this word is gonna be some wow thing and I'm not gonna care
Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam