Vanquish is a game for the 360 and PS3, it has a demo, and it is awesome
It has been called a cover shooter like gears of war but that's like calling fucking delicious mother-made chocolate chip cookies 'kinda nice'
It's more like what happens when Gears of War meets Bayonetta meets God Hand and they have
the sexiest threesome ever
Apparently there's a plot or something, russians laser'd san fran and are gonna do the same to new york and you gotta go to their satellite to stop them? I guess? Who fucking cares
We got ten different weapons each with unique melee attacks and all hugely upgradable, grenades, and the sort of bullshit fucking pirouettes that make a Metal Gear Solid cinematic look fucking low budget
Bullet-time? Yeah. Rocket-assisted knee slides? Oh yeah. Shooting during said knee slides? Yep. Knee sliding past five robots, shotgunning them all in bullet time as you go past, then flipkicking a sixth on the way out?!
Got that too, and it ain't no fucking QTE
Watch this fucker play the demo level and actually kinda suck but still look
fucking awesomedid you see that explosion jesus chris
Now watch THIS japanese fucker completely and utterly dominate another demo level
so many dead russian robotsBut Ledneh I didn't even know this existed! Yeah, because Sega are the worst advertisers in all of recorded goddamned history and apparently don't want their genuinely awesome games to sell, I don't fucking know! That and they released it at the same time as fucking New Vegas! So I guess THAT might be why you haven't played it yet!
BUT NOW YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE**unless you're a silly goose like senoramor and don't have either system
Seriously I've heard hardly anyone around here so much as mention this game, and that makes me immensely sad, because it's quite possibly the best action game I've seen all year.
Give it a try!
Although Dragon Age 2 will probably be out by then
SO who knows man
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
I played the demo and it was too hard.
Dammit Uriel
This is awful.
Stop being awful.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
I died like four times in the demo and went "fuck it"
the robot in the demo did give me boners though
Then stop sucking.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
Sure I'll work on that.
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
It is like the second level five to ten minutes in! QUIT BEING A SILLY GOOSE URIEL!!
(edit) that being said, yes this is a game that can and will kick your shit in if you're not paying attention)
You will not do any of these
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
also good in inches.
I was so excited for it
Blockbuster didn't get it
Or Castlevania
I have neither a 360 nor a PS3.
I have an excuse, neener neener.
but I gotta finish new vegas
and I got Final Fantasy XIII for nine dollars so I guess I should play that too
Gettin' this after the move!
and buy Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm
But after that
I will buy this from the bargain bin
I died five times through the entire demo?
Satans..... hints.....
Ohhh, so it's the reviewer "6-8" hour special. I hate it when they say how long a game takes in a review when it was only that long for them because of how they had to play it. Maybe I'll look into this after all.
It was OK but not supergreat.
Plus it's a Japanese story line and they very rarely grab me.
Satans..... hints.....
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
The way this game was intially pitches though was there was a billion different ways to kill dudes.
And it isn't, it's a cover shooter with a fast way to run.
Which is kinda fun, but I was hoping for a bit more.
Satans..... hints.....
it was not a thing I enjoyed
it is a game based entirely around tits and shooting things
oh and you punch god into the sun at the end
I could barely see the dang character at times
Damnit now I need to go play the last couple levels of Bayonetta again
How is that for an excuse?