This thread is motivated entirely by self-interest, as in "I am, myself, interested in seeing Belruel kick the asses of the other three comics PA presented".
Belruel *clearly* outstrips the other, well, strips. Why? Sand is non-descript (cowboy with a blaster is mentioned but not shown in the comic), while The New Kid has no features of interest to me: yes, the kid will meet new friends and relate to his father; or something totally different.
Frankly, Belruel is kicking butt and taking names *already*. Not only that, but the art is far more interesting than the other thread. I hereby propose that Gabe and Tycho like this one best, as they did the best work on it. Something deep within the recesses of their collective subconscii is a story birthing itself upon the world. That story's name? Belruel.
So for those of you who wish to lend your support pre-voting to this comic; or those varmints who wish to fall before the onslaught of sheer awesomeness that is this fantasy comic milestoneinthemaking; feel free to join me here.
...unless you think I smell, at which point feel free to go about your lives. Go on, go about them, no harm no foul.
This is the proper spot for all PA-related comic posts, and you can show your support here.
I like SAND, but at the same time, I have no clue what it is. All I've got is a cowboy that can't die. There's a scifi element in it? I couldn't tell. There's a...voice the cowboy can hear. Again, could be awesome, but I can't get a read on it.
The New Kid is better, but...I have this worrying belief it is mainly going to be the kid making friends with some alien with green skin and three eyes and after that the whole damn thing goes rote. It could be excellent, mind you, but I can see one hell of a well-established rut the premise could dip into and never emerge from.
As long as Tiny Kitten Teeth don't get the reins this time, I'll be solid.
Or it could be Ender's Game 2: Xenocidal Boogaloo. You don't know. None of us knows. Unless you make the clearly right choice come Friday...
Nevermind, after careful examination I got it. Not too sure what the list is, names of asses to kick? Or asses kicked. Anyways it looks like the Father is writing down names and then realizes his daughter is gone (maybe?) and you can she is walking away from a tent, stealing a sword and shield and standing in front of a man, maybe going to fight?
What's with all the maybes? He's crossing out names, not writing them down. Why else would he call her name unless she is not there? Do you honestly think from the other warrior's look on his face and the stance she takes that they are going to do anything other than fight?
I got the impression that the 2nd panel dude is an evil wizard murdering specific people and the large warrior dude was her teacher/trainer/wise shitashi.
Never know what will happen until it does, but yes that is what is implied. This comic just isn't very clear on what is going on. Who any of the characters are really isn't explained or anything, it is all just a big mystery. It isn't bad, it just isn't enough to go on, too much of an introduction, not enough to sell on.
Although I really just want to see Dune/RDR/Firefly.
I will be voting accordingly.
1. Steal shield and sword
2. Fight mans
3. ????
4. Profit
I did like the comic quite a bit though.
Thanks, yet I must explain that the reason I made this rather than posting there was:
1) couldn't find it when I needed it, so I made my own
2) This is clearly a debate-place where the debate of how awesomely Belruel will crush all competition will transpire. The "Camp Belruel" is a sign post, if you will, or a spear driven into the ground with the standard of the Wren blowing its tattered edges in the wind, challenging the vile supporters of the other two comics to topple it, to snatch it from its place beyond the wall of staunch comrades-in-Belruel.
I mean, where else can we discuss the (tragic?) tale of a princess and a duchess both? And Goblins and their Overlord? My word.
Sand: clearly inferior (though artistically fantastic, and really interesting exploration of the medium and color use).
While yes, all three comics are a taste not unlike the briefest whiff of food near famished senses to taunt us to salivate, the Belruel comic is the only one that has its own story clearly described. Sand, while moody, doesn't deliver on the key elements of the story; that it is in any way sci-fi we only learned through the blog post; other than a one-time(?) incident of a hanging, we know little of the soon-to-transpire story (one that may have titilated Gabe and Tycho behind the scenes; but they know what comes next).
The New Kid, also well done for what it is, fails to tell us what the main story will be: this is a pre-story scene, one designed to avoid "ruining the movie". It doesn't give us the "franchise of the series" that we'll be getting with each installment. Will it be set in school? Will there be a group of other kids, next to whom Sol is "new"? Sure. And it's more obviously sci-fi.
Belruel we already have a genre and some action. The others *don't* have that.
And we know how great their fantasy stuff is. I've been waiting for this stuff since the first Dragon Age comic, and wanting more. The trainee ranger kids comic is *fantastic* and this sort of genre piece is where we get to see the PA team really let loose with fantastic details.
Epic. It's going to be a true Epic.
I agree, so I did a fan edit to try and add more dialog.
See? Now that is a Penny-Arcade worthy comic!
Agreed. I like all the offerings this year, whereas last year they weren't all nearly this strong.
New Kid just seemed silly to me, like I've seen that story a bunch of times before. I'm sure there is probably something more interesting about it than a reprise of ender's game, but I wish the initial comic had given me more of whatever it is.
ed: also I'm not sure what you think the story of belruel is, other than 'girl with a sword.'
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Belruel and New Kid could, undoubtedly, make for excellent stories, if only because G&T are excellent story-tellers. But based on what we've seen, the world of SAND seems most compelling.
Really, I guess the question is: do you prefer cowboys with laser guns, sci-fi coming of age stories, or women stabbing things?
Good enough for me.
Then again I hated both Lookouts and Automata for their pretentious stylings, and remain sad that I will probably never see a completed Jim Darkmagic comic.
Except we didn't get all of them last time. Jim Darkmagic got left out in the cold, remember?
I think what's going on is that the list is all men - that women are forbidden to fight. And so she's defying her town or tribe or whatever, hence the sneaking around.
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
Unless you count the podcasts.
But this story. It's just... man. I don't know. But I want to know what happens next.
I had that hook for the New Kid, too, but that felt... like a sitcom sort of 'what happens next'. And I had it vaguely for Sand, but... I don't know. I don't feel like I gave enough of a crap about Cyborg Clone Jesus. It's probably because I'm not really into Biblical fiction, even if it is damn good source material.
But then again, Bulruel has nada story besides questions - hundreds of lingering questions that even now drive their tiny hooks into my flesh.
This makes zero sense.
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Ballads to a persons love of their character sheet is too neckbeardy for some.
It doesn't resonate with your non-Pen and Paper person.
Frankly, it's kinda creepy to be so in love with a woman you created and controlled for your own pleasures.
I pictured Tycho masturbating at times to Belruel is what I'm saying.
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But I will always see Tycho above her in the skies, watching.