How far do the card sets go? Is it up to (at least) Crossroads of Chaos or completely current?
So far, word from other players earning cards seem to indicate that the game's up around the Ancient Prophecy booster set, which is three sets past CoC. That's not too shabby as players (and more importantly I) will be able to create and try out viable Power Tool Dragon/Morphtronics, Assault Mode, and Blackwing decks.
Oh, and remember to add your gamertags into the thread so I can add them to the OP. We're three GTs shy of a possible tag-duel. If you're aiming for the game's achievements, tag-dueling is required for three of them.
what is nuts is how awesome every AI is at kicking my ass. played the demo and they seemed to be chaining shit together so fast i wasn't able to keep up.
maybe i should have done the tutorial...
I don't think the tutorial will help much. I haven't done it, but I figure it is just showing how to play the game. It is just a matter of the computer knowing what the fuck they are doing.
It just feels like there are more traps and esoteric monsters than ever before. Lotta these NPC decks have a whole system of traps and monsters to exploit those things and... I just want a deck that sweeps the mess off the field and puts something big in the monster spot.
I'm hooked, despite the beatings handed out to me.
The problem is they're given decks with sweet combos, while we have a couple wheelhouse cards in a slapdash deck. I think this would be mitigated if we either had a more coherent theme deck or a way to build such a deck at the start.
Matev on
"Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
Sounds silly but for me no unlocking cards in online duels is a deal breaker.
Likely not allowed because it'd be way too easy to farm. I got to imagine they learned their lesson with the 'ghosts' you could get in the DS version(s) and with them wanting to charge money for packs... well, let's just say I can see why it's not in the game.
My biggest complaint is the 2nd tourney, you don't get cards for each game but for the final of the best of 3 only. My bigger complaint is it only factors in your LAST performance too. Nothing sucks more than winning the first game with ~400 points, losing the 2nd with 200, then getting creamed the 3rd with less than 50 points and getting 2 cards for your trouble.
I don't think the tutorial will help much. I haven't done it, but I figure it is just showing how to play the game. It is just a matter of the computer knowing what the fuck they are doing.
The tutorial isn't so bad. Parts of it are interactive, so you'll get an idea of how the game works by placing cards and using effects yourself. Plus there's a separate 'How To Play' section accessible in the main menu to back it up. If you have any further questions, you can always ask someone here to lead you through it or run you through a practice duel online.
On another subject, I've discovered something interesting. Examining a card in-depth shows three tabs one can cycle through: the card's effect/lore, which filters you use to search the card with, and 'Card Pack's List'. It's the final tab which is important as some cards will have nothing when the tab's highlighted while others will have a silver rectangle and three question marks next to it, most likely meaning that the card will be obtainable through one of the ten Card-DLCs coming out in about four weeks. Someone over at GameFAQs' Decade Duels forum has made a list out of the cards he has at the moment as well as the ones in the Character Deck Recipes he's earned which have the '???' in their Card Pack's List tab. This could help deduce what sort of new cards will be in the DLC or what sort of themes the ten DLCs will revolve around.
A Legendary Ocean
Abyssal Kingshark
Advanced Ritual Art
Allure of Darkness
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
Arcana Force 0 - The Fool
Armageddon Knight
Armory Arm
Banisher of the Light
Banisher of the Radiance
Bazoo the Soul-Eater
Big Wave Small Wave
Black Horn of Heaven
Black Rose Dragon
Black Salvo
Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
Blackwing - Elphin the Raven
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
Blackwing Armed Wing
Blackwing Armor Master
Blast Sphere
Blaze Accelerator
Book of Life
Book of Moon
Bountiful Artemis
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Burial from a Different Dimension
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Card Destruction
Card of Safe Return
Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Chain Strike
Chaos Sorcerer
Charge of the Light Brigade
Cold Wave
Colossal Fighter
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Contract with the Abyss
Creature Swap
Crush Card Virus
Cyber Archfiend
Cyber Dragon
D.D. Warrior Lady
Dark Armed Dragon
Dark Bribe
Dark Calling
Dark Deal
Dark Fusion
Dark Master - Zorc
Dark Room of Nightmare
Dark Strike Fighter
Demise, King of Armageddon
Dimension Wall
Dimensional Alchemist
Dimensional Fissure
Dimensional Prison
Divine Wrath
Don Zaloog
Doomcaliber Knight
Doomkaiser Dragon
Drastic Drop Off
Dupe Frog
E - Emergency Call
Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
Elemental Hero Avian
Elemental Hero Bladedge
Elemental Hero Darkbright
Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman
Elemental Hero Necroshade
Elemental Hero Ocean
Elemental Hero Plasma Vice
Elemental Hero Stratos
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
Elemental Hero Wild Wingman
Elemental Hero Wildedge
Emergency Teleport
Evil Hero Dark Gaia
Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy
Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy
Evil Hero Malicious Edge
Exiled Force
Fires of Doomsday
Fish Depth Charge
Fishborg Blaster
Flip Flop Frog
Foolish Burial
Fossil Dyno Pachycephalo
Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
Giant Germ
Gladiator Beast Equeste
Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
Gladiator Beast Laquari
Gladiator Beast War Chariot
Glorious Illusion
Goblin Zombie
Gold Sarcophagus
Golden Flying Fish
Golem Sentry
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Goyo Guardian
Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon
Granmarg the Rock Monarch
Gravity Bind
Green Gadget
Gren Maju Da Eiza
Harvest Angel of Wisdom
Herald of Creation
Hyper Synchron
Instant Fusion
Iron Chain Dragon
Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
Judgment Dragon
Junk Synchron
Junk Warrior
Just Desserts
King of the Swamp
Kunai with Chain
Legendary Jujitsu Master
Level Limit - Area B
Lightning Vortex
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
Macro Cosmos
Magic Cylinder
Magical Android
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
Masked Dragon
Meltiel, Sage of the Sky
Messenger of Peace
Metal Reflect Slime
Mind Control
Mirror Force
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Morphing Jar
Morphing Jar #2
Mystic Tomato
Necro Gardna
Needle Worm
Negate Attack
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Nightmare Wheel
Nitro Synchron
Nitro Warrior
Mystical Space Typhoon
Ojama Trio
Penguin Soldier
Plaguespreader Zombie
Poison of the Old Man
Pot of Avarice
Powered Tuner
Psychic Commander
Pyramid Turtle
Raiza the Storm Monarch
Reinforcement of the Army
Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World
Revived King Ha Des
Robbin' Goblin
Royal Oppression
Royal Swamp Eel
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Sasuke Samurai #4
Second Coin Toss
Secret Barrel
Senju of the Thousand Hands
Solar Recharge
Solemn Judgment
Soul Absorption
Soul Exchange
Spell Striker
Spirit Reaper
Stealth Bird
Summoner Monk
Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth
Test Tiger
The Sanctuary in the Sky
The Shallow Grave
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Thunder King Rai-Oh
Torrential Tribute
Treeborn Frog
Tremendous Fire
UFO Turtle
United We Stand
Volcanic Slicer
Voltanis the Adjudicator
Wall of Revealing Light
Warrior of Atlantis
Wave-Motion Cannon
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Yellow Gadget
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
Zombie Master
The deck building interface was scary at first, but it is apparently really easy. Now to just get useful cards.
yeah, it's not bad. You can even 'mark' cards and then filter out just those cards. Helpful if you want to mark like E-heroes or something to single out.
My deck is still pretty bad (running a dark beatdown deck) but I finally got a Gorz which'll help tremendously. Also, it seems like every time I beat Yusei he gives me a Stardust Dragon O_o I have 4 already... now if I only had a decent tuner
Yea, my deck is garbage. I just throw cards that I know of into it when I get them. Random Creature Swap and Command Knight. Ha. I need to play this a ton more to get cards. I really do not want to "purchase" cards when the DLC comes out. That is just fucking stupid. Why would I want digital cards? I have most of them already.
edit: So, if I wanted to buy a box of cards and do a draft of sorts....what series would you pick? I haven't been into this since "back in the day."
Yea, my deck is garbage. I just throw cards that I know of into it when I get them. Random Creature Swap and Command Knight. Ha. I need to play this a ton more to get cards. I really do not want to "purchase" cards when the DLC comes out. That is just fucking stupid. Why would I want digital cards? I have most of them already.
edit: So, if I wanted to buy a box of cards and do a draft of sorts....what series would you pick? I haven't been into this since "back in the day."
Draft and yu-gi-oh do not mix. If you have to pick one though duelist genesis or if you need a more recent pack raging battle
King Riptor on
I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
Yea, my deck is garbage. I just throw cards that I know of into it when I get them. Random Creature Swap and Command Knight. Ha. I need to play this a ton more to get cards. I really do not want to "purchase" cards when the DLC comes out. That is just fucking stupid. Why would I want digital cards? I have most of them already.
edit: So, if I wanted to buy a box of cards and do a draft of sorts....what series would you pick? I haven't been into this since "back in the day."
Draft and yu-gi-oh do not mix. If you have to pick one though duelist genesis or if you need a more recent pack raging battle
If not a draft, what do you suggest? I mean, I already have a TON of cards, so I could sort of the necessary stuff that won't be in the box (like monster removal, revival, etc). Then, after giving out those useful cards, we draft and use only monsters/traps/spell from the box (with a little bit of other spells/traps that will make it work better).
I have a lot of Yugioh and Pokemon cards that I never use (although I used to go out and play Yugioh). Any ideas on fun ways to use them? I am talking playing wise. I mean, I guess we could just draft from cards I already have, but there is no excitement of getting a shiny card or something there is when you open a fresh pack.
PaperLuigi44My amazement is at maximum capacity.Registered Userregular
edited November 2010
Man, Hunter Pace is an idiot. He had two monsters with 2600 ATK compared to my 1 with 2600 ATK and, keeping in mind that I had no other defences, he didn't do the smart thing and sacrifice one of his monsters so he could steamroll me. Instead he just kept leaving weaker monsters in attack mode to destroy the other monsters I threw in defence so I could mop them up.
I even got an Earthbound card out of it! I think it's the monkey, I haven't checked.
Yea, my deck is garbage. I just throw cards that I know of into it when I get them. Random Creature Swap and Command Knight. Ha. I need to play this a ton more to get cards. I really do not want to "purchase" cards when the DLC comes out. That is just fucking stupid. Why would I want digital cards? I have most of them already.
edit: So, if I wanted to buy a box of cards and do a draft of sorts....what series would you pick? I haven't been into this since "back in the day."
Draft and yu-gi-oh do not mix. If you have to pick one though duelist genesis or if you need a more recent pack raging battle
If not a draft, what do you suggest? I mean, I already have a TON of cards, so I could sort of the necessary stuff that won't be in the box (like monster removal, revival, etc). Then, after giving out those useful cards, we draft and use only monsters/traps/spell from the box (with a little bit of other spells/traps that will make it work better).
I have a lot of Yugioh and Pokemon cards that I never use (although I used to go out and play Yugioh). Any ideas on fun ways to use them? I am talking playing wise. I mean, I guess we could just draft from cards I already have, but there is no excitement of getting a shiny card or something there is when you open a fresh pack.
The problem with draft is that like 100 or so odd monsters require 100 or so odd card that are scattered across the couple dozen sets we have.
Like if you buy a set Look up all the cards then you have to make a list of cards you'll need to allow from outside it to actually not fuck over someone ( it'll happen trust me)
I reccomend altering what cards you can use instead.
Forbid dark and light monsters. Disallow monsters that special summon themselves. Things like that.
King Riptor on
I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
So, started playing the full game. Got to the finals of the 1st tournament against Jack Atlas, then he mopped the floor with me. No one should be able to get that many dragons out that fast.
The beating wouldn't have been so bad if we had a somewhat decent starter deck to work with, rather than a mishmash of cards with a light theme sprinkled in. As it is, I'm grinding up and tossing in whatever wheelhouse cards I snag during the preliminaries.
Matev on
"Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
So, started playing the full game. Got to the finals of the 1st tournament against Jack Atlas, then he mopped the floor with me. No one should be able to get that many dragons out that fast.
Heh, you probably haven't seen his duels from the anime. Mind you, there he tends to focus solely on summoning Red Dragon Archfiend (and the upgraded versions of itself later) and nothing else.
The beating wouldn't have been so bad if we had a somewhat decent starter deck to work with, rather than a mishmash of cards with a light theme sprinkled in. As it is, I'm grinding up and tossing in whatever wheelhouse cards I snag during the preliminaries.
Yeah, it's a difficult mismatch but if he wasn't tough, he wouldn't be the goal for an achievement. If it makes it any easier, someone put up a list of his deck's cards over at another forum. You can check it out in the box below to get a better idea of what he might play against you.
3x Blue Eyes White Dragon
2x Divine Dragon Ragnarok
1x Exploder Dragon
2x Magna Drago
3x Masked Dragon
3x Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
2x Red-Eyes Wyvern
2x Strong Wind Dragon
2x The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion
2x The White Stone of Legend
Spell Cards:
1x Ancient Rules
1x Brain Control
1x D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
2x Dragon's Mirror
1x Future Fusion
2x Gold Sarcophagus
1x Heavy Storm
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Stamping Destruction
1x Mirrors Force
3x Solemn Judgement
1x Torrential Tribute
Extra Deck(Fusion/Synchros)
2x Five-Headed Dragon
3x King Dragun
3x Exploder Dragonwing
3x Iron Chain Dragon
3x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Trident Dragon
You pretty much only need a 'cannot be destroyed by battle' monster to completely shut down Jack. He won't lightning vortex marshmellow/agent force 0 the fool/etc so you can just sit behind them and let him deck himself. The only thing to watch out for is his Strong Wind Dragon.
There's almost no stopping him from summoning a silly amount of Dragons. Mass removal would be nice but I'm still without a mirror force or even a lightning vortex of my own. I've got a Vanity something that stops special summons but it's hard to keep on the field.
So yeah, play a stall deck if you can. I've managed to pull 3 gelludos, 2 agent force 0's, a spirit reaper and 3 nova summoners (can search out agent force 0's) then just run some discard and shit. The bonus is you get a lot of points too for decking him out this way. Don't bother playing much else if possible because you don't want to goad him into lightning vortex. Just have some cards ready to take out strong wind dragon.
after trying the demo for this I'm wondering why the interface is so ugly and annoying. Do you want to activate a trap card pop up message 9 times every turn. Then the cards would have been done more justice if they just had the zoom in effect the Magic XBLA game has.
anything in the settings to turn the pop ups off? Can't I just select the trap card when I want rather than have to respond to a million prompts every turn?
I was excited to see this game hit XBLA, but man they really need to sit down and play the Magic XBLA and take notes on presentation and gameplay. the demo convinced me to pass on this one.
anything in the settings to turn the pop ups off? Can't I just select the trap card when I want rather than have to respond to a million prompts every turn?
Yeah, the 'wanna play it now?' message can be annoying but if you hold down the B button, the game will skip over the prompts. Good if you know when you can use the effects the prompts bug you about but holding it for too long might cause you to miss out on your chance to use them. Likewise, you can hold down the A button during your opponent's turn which will give you a chance to pause his actions and let you examine the field and cards.
anything in the settings to turn the pop ups off? Can't I just select the trap card when I want rather than have to respond to a million prompts every turn?
Yeah, the 'wanna play it now?' message can be annoying but if you hold down the B button, the game will skip over the prompts. Good if you know when you can use the effects the prompts bug you about but holding it for too long might cause you to miss out on your chance to use them. Likewise, you can hold down the A button during your opponent's turn which will give you a chance to pause his actions and let you examine the field and cards.
anything in the settings to turn the pop ups off? Can't I just select the trap card when I want rather than have to respond to a million prompts every turn?
Yeah, the 'wanna play it now?' message can be annoying but if you hold down the B button, the game will skip over the prompts. Good if you know when you can use the effects the prompts bug you about but holding it for too long might cause you to miss out on your chance to use them. Likewise, you can hold down the A button during your opponent's turn which will give you a chance to pause his actions and let you examine the field and cards.
No problem. It's amazing what people can find out about the game when they actually bother to play it rather then give it two seconds so they can spend ten minutes complaining how it sucks compared to other games in the franchise. And that's not directed to anyone here. I'm talking about people posting in other forums like GameFAQs. It's like half the posts there since the game came out are just to whinge on about it. Some people are helpful and pass on stuff like the B and A button-functions. But then there's ones like these.
Add me to the list of GT: Azureblade89
Also thanks to this thread I've actually joined just to respond; that and because PA is probably the single greatest site ever thought up.
Welcome, Azues. You will learn that most here don't act like 5 year olds. Well, maybe we do, but it is for fun, not to bitch and moan. PA is a place you can come to actually have an intelligent conversation about the games you like.
And about that link to GameFAQS, well, he does have a point on some of those, but whatever. I am not going to bitch about things when I could just play the game for what it is. I am sure the cards he is looking for will be released as DLC...which will cause more bitching.
I just wish they let you use your XP to buy packs instead of getting randoms. Meh.
You can add REDFIELD85 to the OP. I don't really have a deck together. It is just the starter plus some randoms.
I think at some point they wanted to do the whole pack thing... at least, I think so. In deck building, you can hit Y to view a card and there's like a whole separate tab just for pack listing.
If I had to guess, it was probably dropped to add incentive for people to buy packs online.
aBlank on
PaperLuigi44My amazement is at maximum capacity.Registered Userregular
edited November 2010
I haven't battled Jack yet, but Akiza had a combo to easily bring out a 2800 ATK point monster, but when I shut that down with a trap she was easy.
Crow on the other hand is really dangerous with that Black Whirlwind card. I had him down to 150 LP with several thousand in reserve and he used two of them to fill his monster zone and give him a monster with, what, something like 5000 or 7000 ATK, I can't remember which. Either way he wiped me out in one turn.
So it was just like fighting him in the show, I guess.
If you can add me to the OT list, my id is Newres.
The game is really fun for a surprisingly cheap price. I only wish there was more meat to the single player, instead of: "here are some random opponents in a row. Oh and we will throw you a few cards after a win."
You pretty much only need a 'cannot be destroyed by battle' monster to completely shut down Jack. He won't lightning vortex marshmellow/agent force 0 the fool/etc so you can just sit behind them and let him deck himself. The only thing to watch out for is his Strong Wind Dragon.
There's almost no stopping him from summoning a silly amount of Dragons. Mass removal would be nice but I'm still without a mirror force or even a lightning vortex of my own. I've got a Vanity something that stops special summons but it's hard to keep on the field.
So yeah, play a stall deck if you can. I've managed to pull 3 gelludos, 2 agent force 0's, a spirit reaper and 3 nova summoners (can search out agent force 0's) then just run some discard and shit. The bonus is you get a lot of points too for decking him out this way. Don't bother playing much else if possible because you don't want to goad him into lightning vortex. Just have some cards ready to take out strong wind dragon.
I've got all kinds of denial traps (Magic Cylinders, Negate Attack, Mirror force, Rainbow Life) so I just need the denial monsters to screw with him. Great, now I have to build the "Would you kindly?" deck.
"Would you kindly stop saying "FYIAD" and just deck out already?"
Matev on
"Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
Hail Hydra
PaperLuigi44My amazement is at maximum capacity.Registered Userregular
edited November 2010
I haven't really been following the card game for a while, so when I saw a monster (which I now have a copy of) that just flat-out could not be destroyed in battle I thought that was kinda BS.
I haven't really been following the card game for a while, so when I saw a monster (which I now have a copy of) that just flat-out could not be destroyed in battle I thought that was kinda BS.
Well Marshmellon is kind of annoying but Spirit reaper isn't hard to get rid of.
If it helps neither are played much anymore.
King Riptor on
I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
well there's a lot more removal in general these days (or stampede effects) that make them less appealing IMO. They tend to still work pretty well against stupid AI though!
aBlank on
PaperLuigi44My amazement is at maximum capacity.Registered Userregular
edited November 2010
Yeah, I love stampede cards so I can't wait to unlock some more of those.
So far, word from other players earning cards seem to indicate that the game's up around the Ancient Prophecy booster set, which is three sets past CoC. That's not too shabby as players (and more importantly I) will be able to create and try out viable Power Tool Dragon/Morphtronics, Assault Mode, and Blackwing decks.
Oh, and remember to add your gamertags into the thread so I can add them to the OP. We're three GTs shy of a possible tag-duel. If you're aiming for the game's achievements, tag-dueling is required for three of them.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
I know I use him. Ra is garbage.
The menus on this game are atrociousthe ds titles from3 years ago have a better UI and more options to boot
I stopped back in the day too. I say just start playing. It doesn't seem like there is much new shit imo.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
maybe i should have done the tutorial...
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
The problem is they're given decks with sweet combos, while we have a couple wheelhouse cards in a slapdash deck. I think this would be mitigated if we either had a more coherent theme deck or a way to build such a deck at the start.
Likely not allowed because it'd be way too easy to farm. I got to imagine they learned their lesson with the 'ghosts' you could get in the DS version(s) and with them wanting to charge money for packs... well, let's just say I can see why it's not in the game.
My biggest complaint is the 2nd tourney, you don't get cards for each game but for the final of the best of 3 only. My bigger complaint is it only factors in your LAST performance too. Nothing sucks more than winning the first game with ~400 points, losing the 2nd with 200, then getting creamed the 3rd with less than 50 points and getting 2 cards for your trouble.
The tutorial isn't so bad. Parts of it are interactive, so you'll get an idea of how the game works by placing cards and using effects yourself. Plus there's a separate 'How To Play' section accessible in the main menu to back it up. If you have any further questions, you can always ask someone here to lead you through it or run you through a practice duel online.
On another subject, I've discovered something interesting. Examining a card in-depth shows three tabs one can cycle through: the card's effect/lore, which filters you use to search the card with, and 'Card Pack's List'. It's the final tab which is important as some cards will have nothing when the tab's highlighted while others will have a silver rectangle and three question marks next to it, most likely meaning that the card will be obtainable through one of the ten Card-DLCs coming out in about four weeks. Someone over at GameFAQs' Decade Duels forum has made a list out of the cards he has at the moment as well as the ones in the Character Deck Recipes he's earned which have the '???' in their Card Pack's List tab. This could help deduce what sort of new cards will be in the DLC or what sort of themes the ten DLCs will revolve around.
Abyssal Kingshark
Advanced Ritual Art
Allure of Darkness
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
Arcana Force 0 - The Fool
Armageddon Knight
Armory Arm
Banisher of the Light
Banisher of the Radiance
Bazoo the Soul-Eater
Big Wave Small Wave
Black Horn of Heaven
Black Rose Dragon
Black Salvo
Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
Blackwing - Elphin the Raven
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
Blackwing Armed Wing
Blackwing Armor Master
Blast Sphere
Blaze Accelerator
Book of Life
Book of Moon
Bountiful Artemis
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Burial from a Different Dimension
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Card Destruction
Card of Safe Return
Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
Chain Strike
Chaos Sorcerer
Charge of the Light Brigade
Cold Wave
Colossal Fighter
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Contract with the Abyss
Creature Swap
Crush Card Virus
Cyber Archfiend
Cyber Dragon
D.D. Warrior Lady
Dark Armed Dragon
Dark Bribe
Dark Calling
Dark Deal
Dark Fusion
Dark Master - Zorc
Dark Room of Nightmare
Dark Strike Fighter
Demise, King of Armageddon
Dimension Wall
Dimensional Alchemist
Dimensional Fissure
Dimensional Prison
Divine Wrath
Don Zaloog
Doomcaliber Knight
Doomkaiser Dragon
Drastic Drop Off
Dupe Frog
E - Emergency Call
Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
Elemental Hero Avian
Elemental Hero Bladedge
Elemental Hero Darkbright
Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman
Elemental Hero Necroshade
Elemental Hero Ocean
Elemental Hero Plasma Vice
Elemental Hero Stratos
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
Elemental Hero Wild Wingman
Elemental Hero Wildedge
Emergency Teleport
Evil Hero Dark Gaia
Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy
Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy
Evil Hero Malicious Edge
Exiled Force
Fires of Doomsday
Fish Depth Charge
Fishborg Blaster
Flip Flop Frog
Foolish Burial
Fossil Dyno Pachycephalo
Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
Giant Germ
Gladiator Beast Equeste
Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
Gladiator Beast Laquari
Gladiator Beast War Chariot
Glorious Illusion
Goblin Zombie
Gold Sarcophagus
Golden Flying Fish
Golem Sentry
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Goyo Guardian
Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon
Granmarg the Rock Monarch
Gravity Bind
Green Gadget
Gren Maju Da Eiza
Harvest Angel of Wisdom
Herald of Creation
Hyper Synchron
Instant Fusion
Iron Chain Dragon
Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
Judgment Dragon
Junk Synchron
Junk Warrior
Just Desserts
King of the Swamp
Kunai with Chain
Legendary Jujitsu Master
Level Limit - Area B
Lightning Vortex
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
Macro Cosmos
Magic Cylinder
Magical Android
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
Masked Dragon
Meltiel, Sage of the Sky
Messenger of Peace
Metal Reflect Slime
Mind Control
Mirror Force
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Morphing Jar
Morphing Jar #2
Mystic Tomato
Necro Gardna
Needle Worm
Negate Attack
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Nightmare Wheel
Nitro Synchron
Nitro Warrior
Mystical Space Typhoon
Ojama Trio
Penguin Soldier
Plaguespreader Zombie
Poison of the Old Man
Pot of Avarice
Powered Tuner
Psychic Commander
Pyramid Turtle
Raiza the Storm Monarch
Reinforcement of the Army
Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World
Revived King Ha Des
Robbin' Goblin
Royal Oppression
Royal Swamp Eel
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Sasuke Samurai #4
Second Coin Toss
Secret Barrel
Senju of the Thousand Hands
Solar Recharge
Solemn Judgment
Soul Absorption
Soul Exchange
Spell Striker
Spirit Reaper
Stealth Bird
Summoner Monk
Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth
Test Tiger
The Sanctuary in the Sky
The Shallow Grave
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Thunder King Rai-Oh
Torrential Tribute
Treeborn Frog
Tremendous Fire
UFO Turtle
United We Stand
Volcanic Slicer
Voltanis the Adjudicator
Wall of Revealing Light
Warrior of Atlantis
Wave-Motion Cannon
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Yellow Gadget
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
Zombie Master
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Unless you stopped at Metal raiders there's really no new mechanics besides Synchros.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
yeah, it's not bad. You can even 'mark' cards and then filter out just those cards. Helpful if you want to mark like E-heroes or something to single out.
My deck is still pretty bad (running a dark beatdown deck) but I finally got a Gorz which'll help tremendously. Also, it seems like every time I beat Yusei he gives me a Stardust Dragon O_o I have 4 already... now if I only had a decent tuner
edit: So, if I wanted to buy a box of cards and do a draft of sorts....what series would you pick? I haven't been into this since "back in the day."
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Draft and yu-gi-oh do not mix. If you have to pick one though duelist genesis or if you need a more recent pack raging battle
If not a draft, what do you suggest? I mean, I already have a TON of cards, so I could sort of the necessary stuff that won't be in the box (like monster removal, revival, etc). Then, after giving out those useful cards, we draft and use only monsters/traps/spell from the box (with a little bit of other spells/traps that will make it work better).
I have a lot of Yugioh and Pokemon cards that I never use (although I used to go out and play Yugioh). Any ideas on fun ways to use them? I am talking playing wise. I mean, I guess we could just draft from cards I already have, but there is no excitement of getting a shiny card or something there is when you open a fresh pack.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
I even got an Earthbound card out of it! I think it's the monkey, I haven't checked.
The problem with draft is that like 100 or so odd monsters require 100 or so odd card that are scattered across the couple dozen sets we have.
Like if you buy a set Look up all the cards then you have to make a list of cards you'll need to allow from outside it to actually not fuck over someone ( it'll happen trust me)
I reccomend altering what cards you can use instead.
Forbid dark and light monsters. Disallow monsters that special summon themselves. Things like that.
The beating wouldn't have been so bad if we had a somewhat decent starter deck to work with, rather than a mishmash of cards with a light theme sprinkled in. As it is, I'm grinding up and tossing in whatever wheelhouse cards I snag during the preliminaries.
Heh, you probably haven't seen his duels from the anime. Mind you, there he tends to focus solely on summoning Red Dragon Archfiend (and the upgraded versions of itself later) and nothing else.
Yeah, it's a difficult mismatch but if he wasn't tough, he wouldn't be the goal for an achievement. If it makes it any easier, someone put up a list of his deck's cards over at another forum. You can check it out in the box below to get a better idea of what he might play against you.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
There's almost no stopping him from summoning a silly amount of Dragons. Mass removal would be nice but I'm still without a mirror force or even a lightning vortex of my own. I've got a Vanity something that stops special summons but it's hard to keep on the field.
So yeah, play a stall deck if you can. I've managed to pull 3 gelludos, 2 agent force 0's, a spirit reaper and 3 nova summoners (can search out agent force 0's) then just run some discard and shit. The bonus is you get a lot of points too for decking him out this way. Don't bother playing much else if possible because you don't want to goad him into lightning vortex. Just have some cards ready to take out strong wind dragon.
anything in the settings to turn the pop ups off? Can't I just select the trap card when I want rather than have to respond to a million prompts every turn?
I was excited to see this game hit XBLA, but man they really need to sit down and play the Magic XBLA and take notes on presentation and gameplay. the demo convinced me to pass on this one.
Yeah, the 'wanna play it now?' message can be annoying but if you hold down the B button, the game will skip over the prompts. Good if you know when you can use the effects the prompts bug you about but holding it for too long might cause you to miss out on your chance to use them. Likewise, you can hold down the A button during your opponent's turn which will give you a chance to pause his actions and let you examine the field and cards.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
No problem. It's amazing what people can find out about the game when they actually bother to play it rather then give it two seconds so they can spend ten minutes complaining how it sucks compared to other games in the franchise. And that's not directed to anyone here. I'm talking about people posting in other forums like GameFAQs. It's like half the posts there since the game came out are just to whinge on about it. Some people are helpful and pass on stuff like the B and A button-functions. But then there's ones like these.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Also thanks to this thread I've actually joined just to respond; that and because PA is probably the single greatest site ever thought up.
And about that link to GameFAQS, well, he does have a point on some of those, but whatever. I am not going to bitch about things when I could just play the game for what it is. I am sure the cards he is looking for will be released as DLC...which will cause more bitching.
I just wish they let you use your XP to buy packs instead of getting randoms. Meh.
You can add REDFIELD85 to the OP. I don't really have a deck together. It is just the starter plus some randoms.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
If I had to guess, it was probably dropped to add incentive for people to buy packs online.
Crow on the other hand is really dangerous with that Black Whirlwind card. I had him down to 150 LP with several thousand in reserve and he used two of them to fill his monster zone and give him a monster with, what, something like 5000 or 7000 ATK, I can't remember which. Either way he wiped me out in one turn.
So it was just like fighting him in the show, I guess.
The game is really fun for a surprisingly cheap price. I only wish there was more meat to the single player, instead of: "here are some random opponents in a row. Oh and we will throw you a few cards after a win."
I don't play the games anymore, though. Like Pokemon, I just out-grew it.
XBL: GamingFreak5514
PSN: GamingFreak1234
I've got all kinds of denial traps (Magic Cylinders, Negate Attack, Mirror force, Rainbow Life) so I just need the denial monsters to screw with him. Great, now I have to build the "Would you kindly?" deck.
"Would you kindly stop saying "FYIAD" and just deck out already?"
Well Marshmellon is kind of annoying but Spirit reaper isn't hard to get rid of.
If it helps neither are played much anymore.
The term is trample guys.
Except in Yu-gioh where it's called Peircing
I think it is time to break out my cards and stare at them. Haha.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85