The 'Clysm is coming!
Get the latest
MilkGlass or the
patch if you don't suck!
<Shambler Milk> is the place to come if you'd like to play with SE++ers.
Raid Info!
MilkGlass! It is required for raids!
This is a
pretty good article on how to not be that guy in groups. Don't be that guy.
Raid schedule is still TBD, but will likely remain at 8PM server/9PM EST/6PM PDT
(6PM server weekends)
The current list of guild members by forum name:
Officer Types Who Hate You:
Lord Dave - Mirren/Menazee - Mage/Paladin - Queen of the Guild
EclipsedPlanet - Montina - Paladin - Consort
Ranlin - Alendra/Celin/Lameyalls - Druid/DK/Hunter
Radius - Kyira/Riesz/Zeora - Rogue/DK/Mage
Metacortex - Metacortex/Intersect/Nobarg - Rogue/Priest/Warrior
Bogey - ******** - Paladin
Bucketman- Skragg/Aurvandil - Warrior/Shaman
captaink - Knut - Shaman
GRMike - Borrock - Pally
Javen - Javen - Rogue
Meissnerd - Wabon - Priest
Mitten - Cless/Fallchild - Priest/Druid
Nikolai - Higgins - Death Knight
Rhylith - Rhylith - Shaman
SA - Revash/Ambrose - Warlock/Death Knight
Pittpolecat - Pittpolecat - Warlock
Satansfingers - Satans - Paladin
tsplitter - Rasmius - Warrior
Zombies - Perun - Mage
MistressJulenne - Julanna - Priest
Beavotron - Alyxandria - Does arts
Dys - Dystopian - Enhance Shaman
An Assload of Beavo's Friends - Various - Various
Shifty Fister - I forget - I forget
animal companion - Xenomortis - I think he's a rogue?
Manifest - Manif - Paladin
Dragonicity - Toxicitie - Priest
Belruen - Belruen - Priest
Langly - Cuthbert - Paladin
DeaconBlues - Normanus - Priest
Naphtali - Naphtali - Priest
Callius - Callius - Paladin
Callius's Lady Friend - Sisperia - Hunter
slow - NSFW - Rogue
babyeatingjesus - Wubblewoo - Paladin
Balefuego - Baledar - shaman
Stinky Fagmos:
The Geebs that is a Mod - Vonne - Priest
That Dave Fella - Dafella - Shaman
Ryadic - Ryadic - Ryadic
Goose! - Banta - Warlock
Dely - Delyapple - Trade troller
Along with all the friends and families of Shamblers.
Derrick - ??? - ???
Past Shamblers Who Have Disappeared Or Ragequit:
Ruer - Mintaka - Warrior
makershot - Rubenesque - Shaman
Scosglen - Barnago - Warlock
Drool - Remmos - Baby with a beard
WhiskeyBiznass - Gwency - Rogue
Omegasquash - Omegasquash - Paladin
Biske - Laurrie - Rogue
Fallout - TOMCRUISE - DK
Frylockholmes - Valikriss/Touchstone/Uskglass - Warrior/Paladin/Mage
Aburnflags - Vilmon - Paladin
Preachermeat - Krythlynn - Paladin
Joah - Chatturgha - Shaman
Linksville - Franksville/Farthington - Druid/Paladin
Kusuguttai - Kusu - Warlock
Blankspace - Blankasaurus - Hunter
futility - Shekhina - Hunter
SkankPlaya - Vaklempt/Schmeckle - Warlock/Paladin
Fandyien - Fandyien - Priest
World as Myth - Yosephine - Rogue
Captain Cthulu - Naporeon - Paladin
Neville - Nevga - DK
SithDrummer - Arkjin - Hunter
Hoodie - Avataar - Hunter
Aslan - Pysek - Mage
Manif's boyfriend - Syarra - Priest
Manif's other boyfriend - Gorgrah - Warrior
Stale - angrycripple - Priest
Sara Lynn - Odella - Rogue
Owenashi - Kaziel - Warrior
Ranx - Vamrithis - Priest
Backwards - Sdraw - Mage
Centipede - Ravkaras - warlock
Roahgnar - Anjin-San - Warrior
Jes is a - jessaissa - Mage
Want to be on that list? Send a tell to any of the guild members online and we'll be able to invite you.
Friends and family are more than welcome, too.
Are you new? Check some of this stuff out so you won't be awful.
Curse Gaming :Need a mod? Curse has them all, from UI mods to Auctioneer
WoW Head: Items, Quests, NPC Locations, WoW Head has it all! Just search it up and find out why that item is below threshold!
MMO-Champion: Your most up to date resource on the PTR and new patches.
WoW Insider: A collection of WoW blogs, ranging from the useful, to the useless (Roleplaying an herbalist?)
Elitist Jerks Forums: Like it or not, these guys have spent more time theorycrafting about max dps and best in slot gear than you've spent actually playing the game.
Be.IMBA: This site tells you why you suck. Then assigns a number to the suckage. You suck so much.
Wow-Heroes: Like be.imba, but with much larger numbers, making you feel much better.
Rep Calculator: Basically this sites tells you how much rep you need to get to a certain level with a faction, and how many instance runs/turn ins/quests you need to do to get there
Loots!: Basically it tells you what drops where and if its good for you or not.
Jame's Horde Leveling guide: Get to 70 faster so we can kill more mans!
Pet Collectors :For all you collectors of vanity pets. What they are, where to get them, how they rock!
Pettopia: Compendium for all you huntards! Pet info so you don't have to bother asking over /1!
Mount Up!: Info on every mount in the game!
Wow Wiki: Everything wow related in wiki form! Don't search for WoW Wiki on WoW Wiki or you break the internet!
Wow Gems: need to fill a slot, besides your mom (burn) this search engine lets you narrow down what gems you need!
WoW Terminology: Just for Wubble
Goodbye Northrend, we will miss your icy mountains majesty above the zombied plains
Kinda glad WotLK is over and done with. Not my favorite expansion
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Kusuguttai - Kusu - Warlock
Also Also shadow is a better thread title then Skragg grumble grumble
I like it, but I loooove me some Skragg
opinions right?
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Killing me.
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
I'll change it if you ask me to
In /o
Reap what you have sown.
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
Secret Shamblers Gift Exchange Sign-ups!!!
You don't have to be a current Shambler, but you have to have significantly Shambled with us at SOME point.
Please email your Secret Shambler Elf:
with the following information:
SE ++ forum name: ###
Shambler Milk player name: ###
Mailing Info:
Your REAL name (or the post office enrages and wipes the raid)
Information for your Shambler:
shirt size, consoles/games you already have, wishlists, nsfw stuff, etc.
please include your Steam email or Battle-net email or something, I dunno (for online gifting of games? The Elf is not hip with this stuff)
Rules: no limits, no whining, and if you don't send anything Mirren punches your face in the balls.
Deadline for Sign-ups Nov 20, 2010. Get those emails in!!
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
e: yay also shadow
I'm sorry, Pitt!!!
Our version of secret satans
So I guess I can't play
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
huh? no, it literally is secret satans
except between guildies instead of all of SE++
sounds like somebody's got a case of the mondays
i have applied
Yes I have to be on time for achievements, shut up.
He's an 85 elite in Cataclysm in the new building there, and if you hurt him he will WRECK YOUR SHIT.