Blinky is a new indie film made by Oscar-nominated director Ruairi Robinson, who at one point was attached to the upcoming Akira movie before the people making it went insane and offered Zac Efron a role. This movie is about a kid (played by Max from
Where the Wild Things Are) and his only Christmas wish: he wants a "Blinky" toy.
What could possibly go wrong?
Discuss how much you want a Blinky, even though there's a good chance it will stab you in your sleep
he's so cute
stop smiling you dick
So of course I want to see the hell out of it
The most exciting thing it did was fire rubber missiles and deliver me food on a tiny tray
What the shit
bad side:
good side:
Unless you expected a Japanese cast in an American made Japanese movie taking place in Japan
because then, lol
hahahahahah what the hell
I wonder if Blinky will actually murder people or just be framed for murder.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
So I could see it I guess
Either way Blinky looks awesome
No amount of casting or jazzy special effects can save it.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Dudes girlfriend dies
He somehow turns her corpse into a robot
She goes crazy
Momma got a basketball thrown through her head
I am torn.
On the one hand, Morgan Freeman
on the other hand, what you just said about a movie taking place in Japan.
My weeaboo and my love of good acting in movies are having a fight.
Good show old bean.
Who here has seen Bachelor Party? If you have, without knowing any of his other roles do you think that guy could play Forrest Gump?
The Akira comic would like to have some words with you.
That said the movie will probably suck with one of the Hughes brothers making it and already saying that he wants it PG-13.
Zac Efron pretty much confirms that.
Oh well
rofl people thinking that it matters which particular white guy is replacing an asian
You should have said Philadelphia guy
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
either way they've got a white guy and a black with japanese names so fuck em
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Cast Away.
Seriously the whole movie is Hanks.
It takes place in Neo-Tokyo (literally), in i believe 2020
I don't give two shits that he's white.
Dunno how you dicks pulled that out of my post.
I wasn't complaining when Leo was supposed to star in it as Kaneda.
Got worried when I heard about Labeef possibly doing it
Now this news about Efron and the director has pretty much killed any hopes of it being remotely decent and worthy of the source material.
yeah that's what i keep hearing (haven't seen it yet), which gives me hope Zac has some range
And that means Efron will be as good an actor as Hanks and will be in as many good movies as him?
Does the thought of Efron give you boners or something?
Buncha dirty pervs