[MOBA DOBA]League of Legends: Boot him for Soal.



  • EddyEddy Gengar the Bittersweet Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Yeah Solo Queue boils down to: who is better at the game and better with their champion?

    Eddy on
    "and the morning stars I have seen
    and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
  • ColtColt .45 ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Spectrum wrote: »
    Galio is not that strong a laner.


    Lux really doesn't come into her own until mid-game either.

    I don't think I've ever had a heard time laning with Galio. As soon as you get even a little bit of MR (either a Chalice or Merc Treads) you can almost one shot caster creeps with Gust.

    Colt on
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Colt wrote: »
    Spectrum wrote: »
    Galio is not that strong a laner.


    Lux really doesn't come into her own until mid-game either.

    I don't think I've ever had a heard time laning with Galio. As soon as you get even a little bit of MR (either a Chalice or Merc Treads) you can almost one shot caster creeps with Gust.
    And then you push the lane doing so and you get zoned because you will have a hard time hitting a champion with it while they can harass you quite easily because of Galio's ginormous hitbox.

    It is a very slow projectile and is one of the easiest skillshots in the game to dodge with the exception of like Rupture.

    Spectrum on
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    OremLK wrote: »
    Okay the thing you need to remember about Vlad is that he sucks early-early game. Like, seriously. You might think he doesn't because of how strong his mid-game is (it's intimidatingly strong), but levels 1-5, he is horribly weak. The way to beat Vlad is to punish him and deny him and gank him and frustrate the hell out of him before his abilities start to get too strong to handle.

    As a Vlad aficionado, this is broadly accurate, but you could write pages on his early game.

    Level guide (short)
    1: Weak
    2: Weak, but survivable. His pool cooldown is crazy long though, so be careful.
    3. Weak, but harass has improved.
    4. Farm has improved, burst has improved, this is the first level where Vlad can start doing good stuff.
    5. Harass improves. You can get a kill or set one up now.
    6. Ultimate is awesome. Initiate with it, hit them with Q, E, ignite, W and you should get a kill if they were properly harassed.
    7. Marginal improvement
    8. Lower pool cooldown is nice.
    9. BIG VLAD LEVEL! At level 9, your harassment and self-healing is pretty much unparalleled. Vlad probably has the strongest level 9 in the game.

    programjunkie on
  • stopgapstopgap Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    so. i just had a game in solo queue as tryndamere. I went 22-10- something with over half my teams kills. 3 out of four of my allies had only 4-4-10 or something sad like that. We won, and by the end I was just ridiculous. item build was IE, Ghostblade, Quicksilver sash, etc etc. I was killing 2 people per battle sometimes more. when there tanks would taunt me i switched to just killing them first... while their entire team was alive. worked out fine to.

    stopgap on
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    stopgap wrote: »
    so. i just had a game in solo queue as tryndamere. I went 22-10- something with over half my teams kills. 3 out of four of my allies had only 4-4-10 or something sad like that. We won, and by the end I was just ridiculous. item build was IE, Ghostblade, Quicksilver sash, etc etc. I was killing 2 people per battle sometimes more. when there tanks would taunt me i switched to just killing them first... while their entire team was alive. worked out fine to.
    Did the game last over 45 minutes?

    Spectrum on
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    So picked up Vlad again after a hiatus on him. And......Vlad vs Vlad in solo is the most boring experience ever. It was exciting for a moment when the enemy Malphite jungler tried to gank me when he was lvl 4 and I was lvl 7, but.....he ran away after he sharded me with half health and none of my health gone.

    Then it was back to boring lane.

    Delphinidaes on
    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
  • Dac VinDac Vin S-s-screw you! I only listen to DOUBLE MUSIC! Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Spectrum wrote: »
    stopgap wrote: »
    so. i just had a game in solo queue as tryndamere. I went 22-10- something with over half my teams kills. 3 out of four of my allies had only 4-4-10 or something sad like that. We won, and by the end I was just ridiculous. item build was IE, Ghostblade, Quicksilver sash, etc etc. I was killing 2 people per battle sometimes more. when there tanks would taunt me i switched to just killing them first... while their entire team was alive. worked out fine to.
    Did the game last over 45 minutes?

    Do you even have to ask this?

    Dac Vin on
  • Magic RadioMagic Radio Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I forgot how much fun Ryze is to play. John fucking Madden!

    Magic Radio on
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dac Vin wrote: »
    Spectrum wrote: »
    stopgap wrote: »
    so. i just had a game in solo queue as tryndamere. I went 22-10- something with over half my teams kills. 3 out of four of my allies had only 4-4-10 or something sad like that. We won, and by the end I was just ridiculous. item build was IE, Ghostblade, Quicksilver sash, etc etc. I was killing 2 people per battle sometimes more. when there tanks would taunt me i switched to just killing them first... while their entire team was alive. worked out fine to.
    Did the game last over 45 minutes?

    Do you even have to ask this?
    Hum. True, I guess a better question is did the game last over an hour? :lol:

    Spectrum on
  • EddyEddy Gengar the Bittersweet Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Not entirely sure why you are so set on saying Galio is a bad laner. Who in your definition is a "good" laner?

    Morde / cho / Shen etc all have big hitboxes, can be harassed about as equally as Galio, etc etc. Everything you say negative about Galio basically applies pretty equally to other tanks with good laning presence. And they're all still good at laning.

    Eddy on
    "and the morning stars I have seen
    and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
  • JimboJimbo down underRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I had the wierdest thing happen in my last game
    Playing as Pantheon, I was laning with Kat in bottom against Nasus and Heimer. We just killed Nasus and I needed to go back to heal. Just as I was finished buying I saw the enemy Heimer kill Kat, duck into the bushes at low health and start to channel his recall. I cast skyfall onto where I saw him last, a kill for sure. As I landed the skyfall I aegis'd o0nto him, but it must have been at the same instant that his recall finished, because all of a sudden my pathing on the minimap changed and I was running AT HIGH SPEED directly to the enemy fountain. 1 kill to Heimer.

    Jimbo on
    404 not found
  • Fizban140Fizban140 Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited November 2010
    And another loss making it 3-8 today, god I am horrible at this game.

    Is there any trick to make it so Trist actually jumps over what you are attempting to jump?

    I was standing at the base of our base wall, went to jump over it and I jumped straight up and down. Maybe I was too close?

    Fizban140 on
  • Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited November 2010
    The Ender wrote: »
    Re: Vlad - he's a monster in mid. I can duke it out with him using AP Cho'Gath because Carnivore keeps me in the green against Transfusion in the early game and Feral Scream can prevent him from pooling whenever he wants (or force an unfavorable pool to dodge the scream), but anyone who doesn't have some nice self-healing mechanism and/or CC has their work cut out for them.

    Basically, you have to camp your tower and do your best to time tower hits with your auto-attacks to maintain half decent farm. Don't try to do something that you think will be cute or clever, because odds are that Vlad can pool out of it and punish you for it (I once watched a Trist at maybe half life get a Vlad low with Buster Shot, and she Rocket Jumped at him because she thought she had him. Pool -> Ulti -> Transfusion. Dead Trist). Play it safe and just accept that while the laning phase is still ongoing, you're going to be behind the damn vampire in creep kills.

    how do you build your AP cho?

    i've been going up the utility tree, picking clarity and ghost as masteries and doing something like

    doran's ring > boots > RoA > rylai's > warmogs or thornmail or FoN depending

    kind of a tank/ AP hybrid, since late-game i seem to mostly be tanking even in an AP build.

    Irond Will on
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Took Kayle out for spin tonight after concentrating mainly on pure tanks for a good while. (For some reason my Rammus play nosedived). I forgot how much fun she is to play, most players underestimate her, if the game's gone good for your team, she hit's like a brick in the mid and late game.

    Dark_Side on
  • Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited November 2010
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    Took Kayle out for spin tonight after concentrating mainly on pure tanks for a good while. (For some reason my Rammus play nosedived). I forgot how much fun she is to play, most players underestimate her, if the game's gone good for your team, she hit's like a brick in the mid and late game.

    i think it's partially psychological

    like, until kayle gets fed and has a nashors + rageblade + some survivability, she's really not doing that much damage and she's fragile enough that she can be focused down pretty easily. so that's like 12 levels of her being in the back of fights, poking and harrassing a little and then going back to lick her wounds but never really wading in

    and then all of a sudden she's just melting faces with her Q + E + raar autoattack

    i like playing her, but it kind of feels like i'm a fifth wheel until 20 minutes in. there have been plenty of times when i feel like i'm just starting to get rolling and the rest of my team is forcing surrender votes.

    Irond Will on
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Eddy wrote: »
    Not entirely sure why you are so set on saying Galio is a bad laner. Who in your definition is a "good" laner?

    Morde / cho / Shen etc all have big hitboxes, can be harassed about as equally as Galio, etc etc. Everything you say negative about Galio basically applies pretty equally to other tanks with good laning presence. And they're all still good at laning.
    Good laners have either better harass or better ways to resist/avoid harass. Kennen, Vlad, Mord, Sona, Gragas, Malphite, MF, etc.

    Morde has a shield, Cho can get health back from CS easily, Shen can get it back from Vorpal usage. Galio's health return is based on...getting hit multiple times by small hits. Ie not so useful.

    And you can't be seriously comparing Galio's hitbox to Shen's. =p He's not quite as big as Anivia but he's close. Cho doesn't get big until post 6, also.

    Look, I'm not saying he's as bad a laner as Tryndamere or anything crazy, I just don't think he's 'good'. 'Okay' perhaps.

    Spectrum on
  • OremLKOremLK Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Well I've mostly heard people say Galio is a good laner. So I don't think we're alone in saying this. But y'know, opinions.

    To get back to the Vlad subject. People with kind of a defensive, farming-based mindset in the early game (and I definitely fall into that category when playing certain champs) sometimes have a hard time grasping--well, maybe grasping isn't the right word, but putting into action--the fact that you need to harass certain heroes hard right away. Immediately. And if you don't, you're going to lose that lane. Vlad is one of those guys... if you don't keep him down and outfarm him significantly during the first few levels he's going to crush you later.

    I'm guilty of playing passively myself against these heroes and it's screwed up my mid/late game numerous times.

    OremLK on
    My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I'm using the binary OP/not OP definition here. Galio is not going to ruin someone's day in the laning phase (unless they are Ashe or someone else with 300ms who cannot dodge for their life). That clearly means he is not a good laner.

    Spectrum on
  • OrganichuOrganichu poops peesRegistered User, Moderator mod
    edited November 2010
    as ashe tonight i did the classic 'wait until they attack mid, ult from summoner platform, teleport to tower right as it's landing' trick

    killed the malz, he goes

    'so u practice that a lot huh'

    Organichu on
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Irond Will wrote: »
    The Ender wrote: »
    Re: Vlad - he's a monster in mid. I can duke it out with him using AP Cho'Gath because Carnivore keeps me in the green against Transfusion in the early game and Feral Scream can prevent him from pooling whenever he wants (or force an unfavorable pool to dodge the scream), but anyone who doesn't have some nice self-healing mechanism and/or CC has their work cut out for them.

    Basically, you have to camp your tower and do your best to time tower hits with your auto-attacks to maintain half decent farm. Don't try to do something that you think will be cute or clever, because odds are that Vlad can pool out of it and punish you for it (I once watched a Trist at maybe half life get a Vlad low with Buster Shot, and she Rocket Jumped at him because she thought she had him. Pool -> Ulti -> Transfusion. Dead Trist). Play it safe and just accept that while the laning phase is still ongoing, you're going to be behind the damn vampire in creep kills.

    how do you build your AP cho?

    i've been going up the utility tree, picking clarity and ghost as masteries and doing something like

    doran's ring > boots > RoA > rylai's > warmogs or thornmail or FoN depending

    kind of a tank/ AP hybrid, since late-game i seem to mostly be tanking even in an AP build.

    AP Cho:

    I start with a Tome, build Sorc Boots, build Rylai's and build Zhonya's. If the game keeps going, justfill your slots with Needlessly Large Rods and/or Masks if they start stacking resists.

    Initiate with Feral Scream, follow up with Rupture, enemy team is in the yellow, silenced and slowed until at least next Wednesday. Auto-attack + nom a squishy for great victory.

    EDIT: There is an absolutely fucking awesome skin for Cho'Gath at leaguecraft. Check that shit out.

    EDIT x2: I am anything but pro, so take any build advice I give with a grain of salt. It's just what's worked for me in the past.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Organichu wrote: »
    as ashe tonight i did the classic 'wait until they attack mid, ult from summoner platform, teleport to tower right as it's landing' trick

    killed the malz, he goes

    'so u practice that a lot huh'
    Nice! How healthy was he to begin with? The stun's pretty good, but Ashe's damage ain't so good to begin with and ECA is only 250 by itself at Rank 1. Given Teleport, I can't imagine that your other spell would have been something offensive like Exhaust or Ignite.

    Spectrum on
  • CaenemCaenem Sarasota, FLRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    So Shen advice. Anyone got any? I just broke my ninja tank cherry and I think I like it.
    I went 9-17-0 for masteries since I'm not 30 yet. Built a Ruby-> HOG then Merc treads then Sunfire. I'm unsure as to how to skill him. Man he was fun.

    Caenem on
    But you, pig, are a lucky one. Tell us what we wish to know, and you may yet keep your bacon.
    Nemlock for online gaming
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Caenem wrote: »
    So Shen advice. Anyone got any? I just broke my ninja tank cherry and I think I like it.
    I went 9-17-0 for masteries since I'm not 30 yet. Built a Ruby-> HOG then Merc treads then Sunfire. I'm unsure as to how to skill him. Man he was fun.
    A good friend of mine swears by early Sheen on Shen and, as you have likely seen from my screenshots, he does well with it.

    His build is indeed something like HoG, Boots, Sheen if he's doing well. If not, he'll start stacking a couple Giant's Belts first.

    Spectrum on
  • OrganichuOrganichu poops peesRegistered User, Moderator mod
    edited November 2010
    Spectrum wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    as ashe tonight i did the classic 'wait until they attack mid, ult from summoner platform, teleport to tower right as it's landing' trick

    killed the malz, he goes

    'so u practice that a lot huh'
    Nice! How healthy was he to begin with? The stun's pretty good, but Ashe's damage ain't so good to begin with and ECA is only 250 by itself at Rank 1. Given Teleport, I can't imagine that your other spell would have been something offensive like Exhaust or Ignite.

    it was against a malz with no defensive items who'd already blown his ult and i had +6 ad from my blade, armor pen and ad runes, and +20 from two long swords. i toggled on frost arrows before i ported, bang bang bang, volley

    i normally take either fortify/ghost/cleanse with flash (which i always take as ashe), and people always give me shit for firing off ults from spawn

    "dude why'd you shoot that? i'm oom, nothing i can do"

    and i'm like, so what? with CDR (i always grab brutalizer) it's not so bad. i love ulting from spawn because by the time i'm back the CD is almost over, it inflicts damage, it slows (less time attacking a turret) and maybe most important: it's psychological

    flinging a successful ECA from ult to a solo mid push will, in my experience, very very very often send them running once they recover. even if they still have minions tanking the tower, they assume one of my allies is coming around from river or i'm almost back from spawn or whatever

    in my experience an ashe ult to mid early game is usually every bit as effective as a fortify

    Organichu on
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Aha, you do an arpen instead of an AD build, that explains things. AD going for Manamune first ramps a little slower than Arpen going for Brut, but I've found it better for early CS and it obviously gives a ton of mana for constant volley and frost shot when teamfights start.

    Spectrum on
  • OremLKOremLK Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Spectrum wrote: »
    Caenem wrote: »
    So Shen advice. Anyone got any? I just broke my ninja tank cherry and I think I like it.
    I went 9-17-0 for masteries since I'm not 30 yet. Built a Ruby-> HOG then Merc treads then Sunfire. I'm unsure as to how to skill him. Man he was fun.
    A good friend of mine swears by early Sheen on Shen and, as you have likely seen from my screenshots, he does well with it.

    His build is indeed something like HoG, Boots, Sheen if he's doing well. If not, he'll start stacking a couple Giant's Belts first.

    Hmm, getting an early Sheen does sound fun. I've been playing a straight tank Shen because usually the reason I pick him is because nobody else on my whole fucking team wants to play a character who even isn't squishy let alone qualifies as a true tank. But, I've been wanting to up my burst damage a bit so I can be more of a threat 1v1 and scare carries a bit more. So, yeah... I'm going to try Sheen.

    Although it does irk me having to buy mana items on Shen.

    Maybe I can make myself feel marginally better by turning it into a Tri-Force lategame.

    OremLK on
    My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    OremLK wrote: »
    Spectrum wrote: »
    Caenem wrote: »
    So Shen advice. Anyone got any? I just broke my ninja tank cherry and I think I like it.
    I went 9-17-0 for masteries since I'm not 30 yet. Built a Ruby-> HOG then Merc treads then Sunfire. I'm unsure as to how to skill him. Man he was fun.
    A good friend of mine swears by early Sheen on Shen and, as you have likely seen from my screenshots, he does well with it.

    His build is indeed something like HoG, Boots, Sheen if he's doing well. If not, he'll start stacking a couple Giant's Belts first.

    Hmm, getting an early Sheen does sound fun. I've been playing a straight tank Shen because usually the reason I pick him is because nobody else on my whole fucking team wants to play a character who even isn't squishy let alone qualifies as a true tank. But, I've been wanting to up my burst damage a bit so I can be more of a threat 1v1 and scare carries a bit more. So, yeah... I'm going to try Sheen.

    Although it does irk me having to buy mana items on Shen.

    Maybe I can make myself feel marginally better by turning it into a Tri-Force lategame.
    Yeah, his luxury item with that build is the TriForce.

    Although, there's been a couple games where he's stayed in the field so long due to not being threatened and there being constant fights (he runs Teleport for even greater Shen map control irritation), he's bought the damn thing outright, which is always hilarious.

    Spectrum on
  • ElldrenElldren Is a woman dammit ceterum censeoRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dac Vin wrote: »
    Hey guys.


    Once again I got 6.3k IP points! Tell me how to spend them!

    Vlad is a good solo queue character because he does everything well if played right (tough, moderate damage, good chasing, good escaping, good farming, etc).

    he can't cc, so in some comps he is basically useless

    Elldren on
    fuck gendered marketing
  • nealcmnealcm Alvarian AlvarianRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    the best games are the ones where you are losing the whole time and they are trashtalking

    then you ace them despite having two inhibs down and push for the nexus... then trashtalk the shit out of them the entire time you are pushing

    nealcm on
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    nealcm wrote: »
    the best games are the ones where you are losing the whole time and they are trashtalking

    then you ace them despite having two inhibs down and push for the nexus... then trashtalk the shit out of them the entire time you are pushing
    Man, I have had some teams start talking shit from the first fucking minute.

    I remember one team giving us shit for having a full team of skins and they had none.

    Those are totally the best games.

    Spectrum on
  • Squidget0Squidget0 Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    We had a team call us noobs after a 60 minute game with multiple aces and inhibs down on each side. I really don't know how that kind of thing happens.

    Squidget0 on
  • reVersereVerse Attack and Dethrone God Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Squidget0 wrote: »
    We had a team call us noobs after a 60 minute game with multiple aces and inhibs down on each side. I really don't know how that kind of thing happens.

    Maybe they had a moment of self-awareness, realized that they are the less skilled team and were commenting on your inability to end the game in a timely fashion?

    reVerse on
  • OremLKOremLK Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Spectrum wrote: »
    OremLK wrote: »
    Spectrum wrote: »
    Caenem wrote: »
    So Shen advice. Anyone got any? I just broke my ninja tank cherry and I think I like it.
    I went 9-17-0 for masteries since I'm not 30 yet. Built a Ruby-> HOG then Merc treads then Sunfire. I'm unsure as to how to skill him. Man he was fun.
    A good friend of mine swears by early Sheen on Shen and, as you have likely seen from my screenshots, he does well with it.

    His build is indeed something like HoG, Boots, Sheen if he's doing well. If not, he'll start stacking a couple Giant's Belts first.

    Hmm, getting an early Sheen does sound fun. I've been playing a straight tank Shen because usually the reason I pick him is because nobody else on my whole fucking team wants to play a character who even isn't squishy let alone qualifies as a true tank. But, I've been wanting to up my burst damage a bit so I can be more of a threat 1v1 and scare carries a bit more. So, yeah... I'm going to try Sheen.

    Although it does irk me having to buy mana items on Shen.

    Maybe I can make myself feel marginally better by turning it into a Tri-Force lategame.
    Yeah, his luxury item with that build is the TriForce.

    Although, there's been a couple games where he's stayed in the field so long due to not being threatened and there being constant fights (he runs Teleport for even greater Shen map control irritation), he's bought the damn thing outright, which is always hilarious.

    Well I was going to play Shen but of course that was the one game we had tanks (Rammus and Gragas). Then I was going to play Tristana, but they were goinig to put me in a 1v2, so I said fuck that and picked Sona.

    Of course I facerolled and we rolled face.

    It was pretty relaxing.

    Went Locket/Manamune/Sheen and killed a poor Eve a bunch of times.

    OremLK on
    My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
  • nealcmnealcm Alvarian AlvarianRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    had a sunfire FoN garen fucking talking shit, pretty glad we won that

    thanks, talentless asshole, i'm glad you can play the keytar

    god his ultimate makes me rage so hard, he is the embodiment of sunfire capes

    sunfire capes are a defensive item with offensive power

    he is this ball of damage reduction and health regen that can suddenly do the last 20% of your health

    nealcm on
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    That was one of the few satisfying things as Janna in some of the awful games I had a couple days ago, shielding someone right before the Garen ult and saying "lolno".

    Spectrum on
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    A Trynda - fucking - mere just bitched about Mord being easy.

    LOL. Be immune to damage some more while right clicking, please.

    programjunkie on
  • Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited November 2010
    The Ender wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    how do you build your AP cho?

    i've been going up the utility tree, picking clarity and ghost as masteries and doing something like

    doran's ring > boots > RoA > rylai's > warmogs or thornmail or FoN depending

    kind of a tank/ AP hybrid, since late-game i seem to mostly be tanking even in an AP build.

    AP Cho:

    I start with a Tome, build Sorc Boots, build Rylai's and build Zhonya's. If the game keeps going, justfill your slots with Needlessly Large Rods and/or Masks if they start stacking resists.

    Initiate with Feral Scream, follow up with Rupture, enemy team is in the yellow, silenced and slowed until at least next Wednesday. Auto-attack + nom a squishy for great victory.

    EDIT: There is an absolutely fucking awesome skin for Cho'Gath at leaguecraft. Check that shit out.

    EDIT x2: I am anything but pro, so take any build advice I give with a grain of salt. It's just what's worked for me in the past.

    hmm that's interesting. you go all-in on AP cho while minimizing the tank/AP items. i tried that once and ended up in lategame feeling like i just couldn't put out enough damage. like a tough caster with kind of hard-to-hit spells that didn't do amazing damage. it felt like all the awesome harrassment that cho has early-game just kind of withered once those tanks got super-tanky and the carries get super-carried.

    i guess that's just a general problem with cho.

    Irond Will on
  • Minerva_SCMinerva_SC Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    ahh singed, my first love, I forgot how brutal you can be with a few kills under your belt. I've neglected you for so long, I'll play you more. :(

    kayle...not so much, still boring as hell. Like...I feel nothing when I win a game with kayle.

    Minerva_SC on
    "If a cherry pie filled cape is wrong, I don't want to be right.
    I'm dead serious."
  • OremLKOremLK Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I find Mord way way easier to play than Tryndamere, but maybe that's just me? I've heard the "easy to play" criticism a lot about Tryndamere but a) Early game farming and b) Timing your ult are both so tricky on him.

    The easiest to play is still Sona of course. Just got done with another Sona game... I swear I play better on her when I think less.

    OremLK on
    My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
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