Our friends over at Magfest have their annual show coming up in just a few short weeks, January 13th - 16th in Alexandria Virginia. It is three days of music and video games.
Anyone going? I plan to be around for a few of the days.
Pre-registration is closed and we are completely sold out. Our apologies to those who were unable to buy badges in time.
We've been proud to be hosting the Jamspace at PAX east and PAX prime, and it would be our pleasure to have you guys joining us at the ninth annual MAGFest. MAGFest stands for Music And Gaming Festival, and that basically sums us up. We're a 4 day party devoted to video games and video game music. On the gaming side, we have a huge console room, over 70 arcade cabinets, table top gaming, and BYOC LAN. On the music side, we have the jamspace (which you all should be familiar with by now), and 3 nights of live video game cover bands, chiptunes, and DJs.
Basic details:
Dates: January 13-16, 2011
Location: Hilton Mark Center, 5000 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA 22311 (literally right next to Washington DC)
Price: $40 online, $50 at the door. Group rates also available for groups of 8 or more.
Featured Guests:
Jon St. John (http://jsjprod.com/) - World renowned voice actor, known best for his role as "Duke Nukem".
Wes Johnson (http://wesjohnson.com/) - Voice actor in Oblivion, Fallout 3, and announcer for the Washington Capitals.
Ashly Burch, Anthony Burch, and Ashley Davis (http://www.heyash.com/) - Creators and stars of “Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin’?” and “Once Upon a Pixel.”
Scott Ramsoomair (http://www.vgcats.com/) - Creator/artist of the webcomic VGCats.
(more to be announced in the future)
Sigh. Why can't this country be smaller so I could get to far off events like this on the cheap?
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
That list of guests, composers, and bands is nothing short of epic.
But I'm with Arco. Somebody from MagFest told me in person at PAX East that they would love to have me and my crew there to catch a lot of it on film, I just wish we could afford it!
Magfest is definitely on the top of my list of conventions I need to attend at some point. :P
All right, it's on. I've found other people to go with so the price is much more justifiable. PAX is a place I don't feel bad wandering around alone but I'd have a harder time making acquaintances at a smaller event.
First off, we'll be having a charity auction for child's play this year on the last day of the event. We'll have some cool items like a final fantasy distant worlds cd and poster cd autographed by nobuo uematsu and arnie roth.
Secondly, Powerglove has been added as a band, and they're well known for their metal renditions of video game music favorites.
MAGFest will be officially kicking off this thursday (jan 13) at around 10am, and ramping up to full swing that night. We are closing down our pre-registration system tomorrow, Monday, Jan 10, at 11:59pm. If you would like to attend MAGFest this year, it is highly recommended that you pre-register, because we WILL SELL OUT this year. At-the-door registrations are going to be extremely limited, so do not count on them being available when you arrive. You can pre-register at http://magfest.org/prereg.
Preregistration is closed, and we are officially SOLD OUT. No badges will be sold at the door. If you managed to get a badge, then I'll see you this weekend!
We've been proud to be hosting the Jamspace at PAX east and PAX prime, and it would be our pleasure to have you guys joining us at the ninth annual MAGFest. MAGFest stands for Music And Gaming Festival, and that basically sums us up. We're a 4 day party devoted to video games and video game music. On the gaming side, we have a huge console room, over 70 arcade cabinets, table top gaming, and BYOC LAN. On the music side, we have the jamspace (which you all should be familiar with by now), and 3 nights of live video game cover bands, chiptunes, and DJs.
Basic details:
Dates: January 13-16, 2011
Location: Hilton Mark Center, 5000 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA 22311 (literally right next to Washington DC)
Price: $40 online, $50 at the door. Group rates also available for groups of 8 or more.
Main Site
Volunteer (oh please volunteer, we are going to need so much help this year)
Book a room
Featured Guests:
Jon St. John (http://jsjprod.com/) - World renowned voice actor, known best for his role as "Duke Nukem".
Wes Johnson (http://wesjohnson.com/) - Voice actor in Oblivion, Fallout 3, and announcer for the Washington Capitals.
Ashly Burch, Anthony Burch, and Ashley Davis (http://www.heyash.com/) - Creators and stars of “Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin’?” and “Once Upon a Pixel.”
Scott Ramsoomair (http://www.vgcats.com/) - Creator/artist of the webcomic VGCats.
(more to be announced in the future)
Video Game Composers:
Hiroki Kikuta (http://hirokikikuta.com/) - Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3
Alexander Brandon (http://www.alexanderbrandon.net/) - Deus Ex, Unreal Tournament, Tyrian
Grant Kirkhope (http://www.grantkirkhope.com/)- Goldeneye 64, Perfect Dark, Banjo series.
Dan Froelich (http://www.danfroelich.com/) - Jill of the Jungle, Solar Winds
Featured Game Music Bands:
The Protomen (http://www.protomen.com/)
The Minibosses (http://www.minibosses.com/)
The OneUps (http://www.theoneups.com/)
Metroid Metal (http://metroidmetal.com/)
Armcannon (http://armcannon.com/)
Bit Brigade (http://www.bitbrigade.com/)
The Megas (http://themegas.com/)
Year 200X (http://year200xband.com/)
X-Hunters (http://www.myspace.com/thexhunters)
Entertainment System (http://www.myspace.com/entertainmentsystem)
This Place Is Haunted (http://thisplaceishaunted.com/)
Rare Candy (http://www.rarecandyband.com/)
We still have more guests to announce before the event, so stay tuned for updates.
On the one hand, it's right on the other side of the Beltway from me and it would be tantamount to blasphemy to miss it again.
On the other, I've gotten ridiculously poorer in the recent weeks and $40 is a steep price to a college student...
I'm going to hold off judgment until I can better ascertain my financial situation but I so want to go!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
But I'm with Arco. Somebody from MagFest told me in person at PAX East that they would love to have me and my crew there to catch a lot of it on film, I just wish we could afford it!
Magfest is definitely on the top of my list of conventions I need to attend at some point. :P
Are you guys going to be at East again?
You know it, baby.
First off, we'll be having a charity auction for child's play this year on the last day of the event. We'll have some cool items like a final fantasy distant worlds cd and poster cd autographed by nobuo uematsu and arnie roth.
Secondly, Powerglove has been added as a band, and they're well known for their metal renditions of video game music favorites.
More details on our main site!
Maybe some other year