I would like to buy an xbox. I've been trying to save up for a while, and almost have enough. I guess I have a few questions:
I would like to get a game with it that I can play with my friends. They are telling me that I should pick up halo reach, since that's what they've been playing lately.
The Gamestop website advertises a Halo Reach Xbox 360 bundle for $360.
The gamestop website also advertises a holiday Xbox 360 bundle, which includes Forza Motorsport 3 (I can't see myself playing that often), and Alan Wake (sounds interesting). The price for this bundle is $300.
It seems to me that it would make sense to get the holiday bundle and then buy Halo Reach on top of my purchase for $60... so I would have the Xbox and 3 games for the same price as the Halo Reach bundle.
I've looked at the descriptions for both systems, and the only difference that I see is that one includes Halo Reach and costs $360, and the other includes Two different games for only $300. Am I missing something here? Is there any reason I should get the halo bundle over the holiday bundle?
Also, if I go for a 4gb model, I will save $100. Difference being I will not get 1 month free xbox live, and I will not get a headphone. Will the $100 price difference be worth the lack of hard drive, headset, and 1 month xbox live?
Thanks for your help!
The 4GB HDD in the newere 360s is not recognised by games as being a hard drive - it identifies as a memory card. This means that games that require a hard drive to function, such as GTA IV or Reach's online co-op mode, won't work. So don't get that.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I recommend buying Super Meat Boy and Splosion Man at the very least
Unfortunately I'm going to be traveling out of state during black Friday, and it would be very inconvenient to do black friday shopping and carry stuff with me.
Also, if you have any more suggestions for cool Xbox live arcade games, I'll write them down.
That's a great idea to trade in Forza. I'll probably end up doing that.
If you're willing to spend a bit more money you could do black Friday shopping then ship stuff back to your place.
Also, Castle Crashers is a fun beat-em-up game. May not be your thing, but it entertains me.
You also need a monthly subscription fee to play online...
I'm not much of an x-box fan myself.. but Nba2k11, Halo, Mass Effect, aren't too bad.
Scaremongering and not necessary. Microsoft's own warranty covers the red ring for three years and any fault for a year, there have been no problems reported with the new slim version, and if you want one later you can buy one then.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Particularly if you make sure its got a hard drive.
Protip: when you get any game, the first thing you should do is install it to the hard drive. Whack the game in, from the xbox dashboard, hit Y, then hit 'install to hard drive' and wait 5 minutes. The reduction in noise while playing from the disc drive, plus the drastically reduced opportunities for scratched disc is well worth it.
As for the red ring issue. It's certainly still possible. Electronics will eventually fail, particularly anything with moving parts added on to it, but if it was happening in anything like the same numbers, the media would have been all over it.
Actually, if you get a 360S, that's no longer the case, just so you know.
specifically, it has a few deals on the Slim 250GB:
Just something to watch out for - Sometimes multiple bundled games in these package deals come all on the same disc.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
This year's bundle is a copy of Forza 3 and a download code for Alan Wake so it won't be quite as bad as the Forza 2/Marvel:UA bundle from a few years ago (was fun to get both of those for like $3 at Gamestop, though).
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
The one that comes with Alan Wake comes with a harddrive.
But yeah, a hard drive basically isnt even optional. And if you decide to cheap out now, the harddrives cost $texas. Im still using the 20 gig hard drive because i cheaped out originally, and i cant justify the money they ask for a 120 gig or 250 gig.
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@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
For today, that's a lot of money for only 100GB. For hard drive space in general I mean.
This was before they allowed USB support, though - now you can just whack as many 16GB USB devices in there as you like.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I ended up getting the holiday bundle from gamestop. I thought about trading in Forza III, but I would only get 7 bucks for it. Who knows? I might even like it. I really liked Indy Heat on the NES, so maybe it's time to try another racing game 20 years later.
Alan Wake is the downloadable key, which is fine.
Is it possible to download any game to the hard drive? Can't people download games they borrowed to their x-box's hard drive and play any time they like?
Downloaded games from Live are tied to your Gamertag and console, and can either be played on that console by anyone or on another console only when your Gamertag is signed in.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!