So we had a game on thread for this, I know we still do,
however, it's old. There's a lot of clutter in it, so i'd like to start new, and maybe the older BF2 players can see a brand new game on thread for this game and come in and wonder what's going on. And after doing a search for it, I believe the old topic is long gone. :P
So, i'll start out with..
What's Battlefield 2?
Let's let wiki describe it:
Battlefield 2 (abbreviated to BF2) is a computer game where players fight in a present day battlefield using state of the art firearms and vehicles. BF2 represents a first-person shooter with some strategy and RPG (Role-Playing-Game) elements. BF2 was developed by Digital Illusions CE (DICE) with a custom engine for gameplay, physics, and graphics. In addition, Trauma Studios contributed to the development of the game after it was acquired by Digital Illusions CE. BF2 is published by Electronic Arts as the third full game of the Battlefield series, released in late June of 2005.
Well..That doesn't really help, but Battlefield 2 is just a sequel to Battlefield 1942, set in a somewhat fictional war, with the PCL (China), USMC (USA) and MEC (Middle East). The game is very similar to battlefield 1942. Actually, the game is simply battlefield 2 about 50-60 past Battlefield 1942, with a much finer engine, better graphics, tighter gameplay, and overall, a better execution then its predecessor.
The game is an absolute
blast, and a lot of people who played Battlefield 2 from its release up until summer of last year would agree. Usually every night the ventrilo server was filled with people playing it for hours at a time, and a lot of fun was to be had. Chopper raids, six-men special-op asset rape, and
Ridin' C4 Spinnaz (which I believe whark was really good at)
So, for oldcomers and newcomers to BF2 (and hopefully you are getting this game instead of 2142. It's only $20 at bestbuy, and you can get the deluxe edition with special forces for $40) will feel up for playing sometime. Ventrilo is always available to make things a lot easier, especially because the in-game VOIP in BF2 is not that great.
We don't have a server anymore, since I am sure it's long gone, but until then, we can hop on random pub servers, possibly near-empty to avoid fucktardary. Also, the latest patch is V1.41, so be sure to patch the game up. Have fun with things like
cartillery, which is honestly not as bad once I got to check it out, but the game still has its very many few issues, but it still feels like a really fun game hopping into public games.
Now, let us get some games going. Preferably without camping for air vehicles.
By the way, I seem to be missing one of my SF discs. While I don't particularly miss a lot of the maps, I do like me some unlocks. I'm wondering how the game is going to handle this.
The game should still recognize you as having the guns without SF. I unlocked them for a buddy of mine who did not own SF. I just logged on as him on my computer with SF installed, played one SF map online and blammo, SF unlocks in BF2 without him playing/owning SF. Not sure if it still works that way, but was still working this past summer. So I don't see a lack of SF hurting you.
I'm just wondering if from now on I'm going to be getting 1 unlock or two per rank change.
Ah ok I see. If I remember correctly my friend still got 2 per unlock. Not positive on it though.
Would a 7900GS play this fairly well?
T-Nation blog
Of course, I need to get a bigger power supply for my PC before I install my new 7900GS, though.
Anybody still interested in playing?
However, stalker is my new love, until BF3 or equivilent. Some FH2, or new versions of PR/PoE would get me to reinstall, however.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Oh God.
Oh well, I'll PUB it up for a while.
T-Nation blog
How long until Quakewars hits to give my psuedo-militaristic shooter action?
No man. I'll play with you. We'll get everything going, just the way it used to trust me. Sanius, you better be ready to drop some cars on people.
But how many people play that? When I played it, there were only two populated servers.
That's a good question; I've actually considered reinstalling BF2 just for this mod.
I'll be on for Tuesday and Wednesday.
Is there a standard Vent channel we all join, or will we use the VOIP feature in-game?
I'll be on late at night. Is there a standard server chosen to join up? I can't even remember my name, think it was like VolatileSky or something.
There were plenty of times when I was the lousiest commander ever, too. I remember artillerying (is that a word?) whole squads because I made a bad prediction about where the enemy was going to be.
tl;dr: Good times.
The join code for the CLASSIC league: 214755-65927
The join code for the HEAD-TO-HEAD league: 5294-3346
And I really want to rocket snipe you whores too.
8 PM EST works usually.
I thought those bootcamped BF2 fairly well?