A new trailer was uploaded for the vga's, and this image was shown Rumour: Left 4 Dead 3 at VGAs? | Gaming News and Opinion at TheSixthAxis.com
People who are saying that it's left for dead 3, well it doesn't look like Valve. The banner, just doesn't look like it. Also, on top of the fact that Valve has Portal 2, and Dota 2, and than in itself is incredible for Valve
Others mentioned House of the Dead: Overkill 2. Which is defintley possible, since it was announced just last month. But SEGA isn't known to announce games as the VGA's, and weren't the zombies referred to as Mutants, rather than infected?
Some are guessing that this is GEARBOX (Borderlands, Duke Nukem Forever, Aliens) new Zombie ip "Z-DAY"
A file was claimed in mid October for Z-DAY: Latest Status Info
For some reason I'd wager a buck that it's Z-DAY., rather than LD3, or Overkill 2.
What do you guys think?:?
Now if only they'd make a FPS based in WW2.
And has Zombies.
This is what all you fuckers get for wishing for awesome zombie games, now there are a billion of them.
PSN: ShinyRedKnight Xbox Live: ShinyRedKnight
If anything, I really want to see a developer tackle a MMO zombie game, or something similar to the Zombie show
Do we really need Call of Duty: BRAAAAAAINS in our library?
Zombie MMO you say? If it was built around casual play with tighter servers (ie: not 2000 servers to choose from) and had some form of identifying features: the abilty to feel like your own zombie or whatever then I could get on board with that.
Seriously though, if it's L4D3 I'm going to be pissed. It's also the last thing I'd expect, but then again doesn't Valve still have one big announcement left for the year? I think the Gearbox title or HotD is more likely. Speaking of, I finally played Overkill this past week and freaking loved it. A new Overkill is fantastic news, especially considering the first one didn't perform well sales wise.
LFD is, by far, one of the best co-op experience ever created.
Zombie game by GSC!
Zombie game by GSC!
Zombie game by GSC!
That really doesn't look like Valve's marketing to me...
aside from the 1 of 3..
it looks like something one of those faux propaganda ads those companies known for cooking up ww2 shooters are known for o_O
That or a new game.
good call..the gun shots are reminiscent of a shooting range...rail shooter
I wouldn't mind this actually. Though make a pool of survivors with various skill levels/talents that you randomly pull 4 from when you start a game to keep things fresh and each subsequent playthrough would use about 50-90% of what you built up in the previous run (depending on difficulty level and how the Director was feeling).
Hell include a L4D2 integration where you can go back to play as the survivors who try to reach your l4d3 built fortifications and safe areas