I don't know how good of a suggestion "Pretty much any JRPG" is if you want all the cheebments. Some of those games have absolutely horrid requirements to get all the points. ToV takes forever, FF XIII takes forever, RoF takes forever.
He just said online can't be required to get the 1000 pointlesspoints. He didn't say it couldn't be hard, or time consuming.
I however suggest learning how to play games for fun instead of gaining useless points. I say this not as a troll, but as somebody who at one time was obsessed with achievement points, and also loves sports games. Tiger Woods and Madden have taught me that obsessing over achievements ultimately leads to madness (or maddeness as it were).
It has a couple fairly annoying achievements because the missions are so terrible. Once you beat those though most of the missions are fairly easy. If you can master the cool combo system then you can get 1000.
Some mentioned fallout 3 and NV, both of which I would NOT advise to play without update functionality (unless this can be obtained in another way besides live?). Even smaller bugs like quests that become incompletable would be a pita for completionists (some quests have achievements attached).
The same goes, to a lesser extent, for Fable 2 / 3.
I had an absolute blast with X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and it can all be done offline, and fairly easily.
Dead Rising 1 has fantastic difficult achievements that are super fun to get, even though they're so hard, which is a rare thing as usually hard = annoying.
and obviously I recommend Deadly Premonition to everyone all the time.
mxmarks on
PSN: mxmarks - WiiU: mxmarks - twitter: @ MikesPS4 - twitch.tv/mxmarks - "Yes, mxmarks is the King of Queens" - Unbreakable Vow
I don't know how good of a suggestion "Pretty much any JRPG" is if you want all the cheebments. Some of those games have absolutely horrid requirements to get all the points. ToV takes forever, FF XIII takes forever, RoF takes forever.
The difference is that getting 1000/1000 in ToV is fun the whole way through, and everything after the main quest in FXIII is tedious grinding for the sake of tedious grinding.
Some mentioned fallout 3 and NV, both of which I would NOT advise to play without update functionality (unless this can be obtained in another way besides live?). Even smaller bugs like quests that become incompletable would be a pita for completionists (some quests have achievements attached).
The same goes, to a lesser extent, for Fable 2 / 3.
The GOTY edition of Fallout 3 has the base game patched up on the disc, and all of the DLC. No Idea if New Vegas will get the patch on disc sometime or not.
I don't know how good of a suggestion "Pretty much any JRPG" is if you want all the cheebments. Some of those games have absolutely horrid requirements to get all the points. ToV takes forever, FF XIII takes forever, RoF takes forever.
The difference is that getting 1000/1000 in ToV is fun the whole way through, and everything after the main quest in FXIII is tedious grinding for the sake of tedious grinding.
The problem with ToV is that most of the achievements are secret and can only be obtained once. You absolutely have to have a list of the achievements next to you, spoiling some of the boss fights, if you want to 1000/1000 that game.
He just said online can't be required to get the 1000 pointlesspoints. He didn't say it couldn't be hard, or time consuming.
I however suggest learning how to play games for fun instead of gaining useless points. I say this not as a troll, but as somebody who at one time was obsessed with achievement points, and also loves sports games. Tiger Woods and Madden have taught me that obsessing over achievements ultimately leads to madness (or maddeness as it were).
I heard that game was actually really difficult to 1000?
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The same goes, to a lesser extent, for Fable 2 / 3.
Dead Rising 1 has fantastic difficult achievements that are super fun to get, even though they're so hard, which is a rare thing as usually hard = annoying.
and obviously I recommend Deadly Premonition to everyone all the time.
The GOTY edition of Fallout 3 has the base game patched up on the disc, and all of the DLC. No Idea if New Vegas will get the patch on disc sometime or not.
NNID: Glenn565
The problem with ToV is that most of the achievements are secret and can only be obtained once. You absolutely have to have a list of the achievements next to you, spoiling some of the boss fights, if you want to 1000/1000 that game.