There's this big elephant in the room here, I think it's time we just acknowledge that it's here.
Sarah Palin has a show!
OK, we all know that TLC has spent more time and money on idiotic and pointless shows than any other network, except maybe Bravo! (see what crappens). They have:
Sister Wives (I felt dirty just typing that)
Say Yes to the Dress
Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta (yes really)
19 Kids and Holy Hell Would You Please Stop
etc. etc. etc. et motherfucking cetera.
This show, though, had more than 5 million viewers on its premiere. It is the single most-watched TLC episode of all time. Even though reviews were lukewarm at best, this is something that can't be ignored.
Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” which begins on Sunday, is odder than that. The snowcapped mountains, pine forests and shimmering lakes are majestic, the Palin children are adorable, and the series looks like a travelogue — wholesome, visually breathtaking and a little dull. In a way it’s like “The Sound of Music” but without the romance, the Nazis or the music.
Isn’t such low-brow, exhibitionism beneath the dignity of a former governor and potential presidential candidate? Don’t get me wrong. As a conservative, I still support many of Palin’s policy views. And as a celebrity gossip hound, I might just keep watching her show.
But vote for her? At this point, I might as well vote for Snooki.
Now that would be “flippin’ fun!”
So who actually watched the show? The LA Times says, "Old people."
True, the Palin audience did seem to skew a bit on the old side. Only 1.6 million viewers -- less than one-third of the total -- were in the advertiser-friendly demographic of adults age 18 to 49. That suggests that Palin may still have some work to do in connecting with younger voters -- er, viewers.
I made a point of not watching this show. But anyway, I guess we could all talk about the show we aren't watching (both of you who did can feel free to use this thread to discuss the nuances of the von Crapp family's rifle technique) or we could talk about how this is basically an infomercial for a
potential Presidential candidate. I'd have to watch it myself to determine how much like an infomercial it actually is but I think the water company would shut my services off after they determined that the water level in the Gulf of Mexico had fallen by about a foot because of my post-show shower.
So, did anybody watch it? Is Palin using this show merely as a way to get a crapload of money for being cutesy and stupid on camera, or is she actively campaigning?
but I don't know if it's actually from the show.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
But I sure as hells am trying. Yes, I am posting in this thread, I can acknowledge the show exists without knowing or caring what's in it.
I know she hasn't announced her candidacy, but getting what amounts to hundreds of hours of advertising the Palin brand and increasing her awareness as a presidential candidate that she is not just getting for free, but is getting paid for kinda makes me twitch a bit, even though it's entirely kosher.
Be the best thing to happen to the democrats.
I'm going to ask the same question if/when she runs for president. I think her whole game plan in politics is just to leverage it for money and fame.
....I was going to do a 'not cool man' post in response to this...but realized doing it while giggling was kind of hypocritical.
Well done, sir.
Not from the show, this happened while they were filming. Palin's private security tore the sign down later and was keeping people off a public (as in, government owned) dock and wouldn't let anyone past without searching them for weapons
So lets see Palin doesn't apparently care about the first, second, or fourth amendment rights. I wonder if she brought some army buddies to kick someone out of their house and crash there just so she could get the third in as well
Palin only gives a shit about herself and how she's been persecuted all her life for being a stupid, vapid bitch.
... Of old age after about 80 years. Well played, MKR.
My one teaper friend says "WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP PICKING ON HER, LEAVE THE POOR WOMAN ALONE!" every time Palin comes up
As I understand it, this is an attitude common among her supporters, of a woman who's a bigger media whore than Paris Hilton.
The only difference between the two is that one gets on television with verbal diarrhea and the other gets on by having sex tapes leaked. The Palin sex tapes won't make an appearance until America loses interest in her Hockey mom antics.
Her entire appeal is because conservatives are complete fucking nutjobs who think they've been persecuted while running the god damn government for the last two decades.
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
While I generally despise Attention whores on principal and detest the way their antics are treated like life or death information the likes of tara reid, anna nichol smith and jessica simpson are at the very least harmless. Sarah palin however, has managed to couple her vapid antics with political discourse and somehow people still, still take her seriously despite the fact that she is corrupt as hell.
Which is why I've said she's the Republican nominee if she wants it, and is President 10% Unemployment.
I'm pretty sure between those disapproval ratings and the liberal turnout that she'd cause, there's no chance in hell of Palin winning the general.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Primarily because if she had, nobody outside of Alaska would know who the fuck Sarah Palin is.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
That's a sacrifice I'd be willing to make to consign the entire Palin family to retroactive obscurity.,0,3653993.story She is such an idiot.
I prefer the movie where they both use birth control so don't have to make the decision of whether to get an abortion.
Republicans who don't like her wouldn't come out.
The 12 of them?
If there's one thing you can be pretty sure of, it's the Republicans showing up to vote.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Uh, Republicans stayed home for McCain.
Christ the whole thing sounds so staged. Every last thing about this reality show sounds so fucking fake.