Not really, BUT, there is a version of SIM City (or, Will Wright's urine) coming to the DS (Japan only so far but..come on). Now if you don't already own a DS...seriously, the hell? Sim City on the go with touch screen controls.
Oh, and there's video (WARNING: PANTS ALERT!):
Is that Will Wright peeing at you? Yes. yes, it is.
I can cause a series of natural disasters, right?
I hate to say it.
I really do.
Looks like I'm buying a DS.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
You don't have one?
I bought a GBA SP and got tired of spending $30 on $5 SNES games, so I sold it and bought a PSP and then got tired of spending $50 on $20 PS2 games, so I sold it as well. So now I will admit defeat and eventually buy a DS so I can spend $Texas on awesome games.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
We must free him so he can finish Spore.
F@$!@#$cking water pipes.
It's a new disaster, right next to tornadoes, meltdowns, and giant monsters.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
What was so wrong with water pipes? I mean, other than the water model being broken.
Okay, I see your point.
The best part was the random rolling blackouts and water shortages for no reason. Also I hope Capt. Sim's gonna be back.
One of my favorite parts about SimTower (speaking of awesome games that need to be remade) was naming some of your sims and then checking up on them later. I hear that you could also do this in newer versions of SimCity, but the only one I played was the original.
Hopefully you can create and keep tabs on sims in the new SimCity, because that would really stroke my God complex.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
Anywho, game needs more Dr Wright.
Do they not want me to work at all???!?!
EDIT: completely unrelated but I didn't wanna make a new thread for it and I had to vent...
Oh wow.
I am slathering in man jam right about now.
What a terrible way to start a new page.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
I am a freaking nerd.
and you sold your SP....well, remember you can play GBA games on the DS
Including a large headed Will Wright, apparently.
I have to admit that this would be awesome if it came to the U.S. My experience with the game when it was on the PC was limited at best, and I never really had much of an opportunity to enjoy it. My only problem at this point is having to add another game to the list ( just beneath Phoenix Wright and Jump Super Stars) of many DS games I still need to purchase.
Also, if it either doesn't hit the US, or the wait is really long, here's hoping that it's fairly import-friendly.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
Yes. Oh yes. I was recently playing the original again, and while it's a bit irritating to control at times, it's STILL fun and really different. I know that you can't expect ants and spiders to appeal to people like Sims and puppies, but c'mon! Simant was genius.
I didn't play any other versions of the classic SimCity. The music, gifts, and Tops were irresistible. I still have my 500,000 city with the Mario statue saved on my cart.
I second the motion to SimTower being remade. I played that game a hell of a lot more than I probably should have. Nothing as close to SimCity 2000 though.
that would be certain doom, let us not forget that in mere minutes a katamari can roll up the contents of earth :twisted:
Shit, now I have to buy SimCity on VC. Thanks a lot, you guys.
If by that you mean a non-updated 3000 tileset, then you'd be correct.