Hi Everyone,
You may have noticed that a fundraiser has been put together for Child's Play for this Saturday, Dec 4th, 9PM EST/6PM PST.
What is needed now is hordes of PA'ers to play flying monkey and spread the word. The
first post in the "Rumble in the Bronze"
thread contains all materials produced by our very hard working artists, and all materials from that post, including Child's Play's name and logo are usable, as is EG.iNcontrol's name and likeness.
DO NOT USE PENNY ARCADE'S NAME OR LOGO, WE DO NOT HAVE ANY PERMISSION TO USE THEIR ASSETS. The most you can mention is that this idea was hatched in PA's forums.
Things to emphasize - This is a charity fundraiser for Child's Play. The donation link
http://pennyarcadeforums.chipin.com/childs-play goes directly into Child's Play accounts. Use any copy, images, trailers, sigs, etc. in that original post (
http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showthread.php?t=132018) to effectively get your message across.
Please target other gaming sites, Team Liquid, Rock Paper Shotgun, Reddit, everywhere else that I can't remember, and that you can think of. This includes your personal email lists of friends and family. Spread the word, don't be shy about it, and if site administrator's get upset for any reason, first argue that this is a Charity Event, and that the marketing will be going away in less than one week. If you receive further resistance, please do not push harder.
If another site wants to participate more than average, encourage donations, and if it's significant enough to be a sponsor, we will work their assets into the event advertising. PM me or Kedenick, and we will be in email contact with them.
If you can get this event to any shoutcasters, please do, and encourage them to cover it in some of their casts this week.
I'm going to contact my hospital's charity dept. as well.
If someone could talk Gabe or Tycho to front page link the Rumble in the Bronze Thread, that would be great.
Fly, Fly, Fly my Monkeys, and get the good word everywhere. I mean, everywhere. Don't be shy. Be really aggressive. Use the sigs/posters/trailer to spread the word.
If anyone has a media outlet that wants to do a story, PM me or Kedenick, and we'll set something up over email to complete it.
But now is the time to push. Push hard, get the word out, and let's see how many people we can reach, and more importantly, how much money we can raise.
Good Luck, and may the force be with you.
If you have any notable successes, or problems, please post below.
Joe's Stream.