I want to collect and trade pokeymans, cards, and treasures!
Recommend me some "gotta catch 'em all!" type games involving but not limited to collecting cards, collecting monsters, collecting souls in a 2d environment, trading said cards/monsters with other people, and in-general having a completionist mentality. Pretend it doesn't matter what consoles/systems I own.
Marvel Trading Card Game (DS/PC/PSP)
Battle it out with a slew of Marvel characters against other players online cross-platform (at least for the PC/PSP version), collecting cards, buying cards from the online shop, and trading them too. Single player allows you to be hero or villian w/ comic book type presentation. Uses the VS system of card battling which is detailed on the official site. Also on the
official site: a tutorial battle (on the left hand side - "Learn to play"). Very cool.
Release date: First Half 2007.
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (DS)
penny-arcade G&T pokemon thread)
The latest core pokemon game in the series. Has a pokedex of 493. That's a LOT of collecting, levelling up, and battling. w00t. Will support WiFi battling and trading. Catch 'em all. Catch 'em all.
Release date: April 22 2007.
Magic The Gathering Online (PC)
official site)
A fantastic TCG where you summon monsters to your side and fight them against other players' monsters with the goal of reducing an opponent's life force to 0 from 20. Build your deck with monsters, artifacts, harmful and protective spells, lands (the game's resource) and outsmart your opponent to win. Currently, you have to pay for packs or tickets (the magic online currency) at the online store via credit card, but hopefully they'll release a free version someday. (
yeah right)
Release Date: Already out.
Pokemon Trading Card Game (GB)
penny-arcade G&T pokemon thread)
Based on the successful trading card game, this gameboy version is basically a version with a small card database where you walk around, and beat the snot out of gym leaders who have themed decks. Win battles to open randomly generated packs of cards and build a wicked awesome cool super deck. Very fun game.
Release date: Already out.
SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters DS (DS)
The second (third?) in the series of SNK VS Capcom card battle games. Take a deck of your favorite SNK or Capcom characters and battle it out using a simplistic, easy to pickup, battle system. No WiFi play. No shared play. Supports local area play w/ someone who has the same game, however. Sigh. Woulda been sweet.
Release date: First half 2007.
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS)
Classic metroidvania side-scrolling action. Just like any other metroidvania games except this one has a cool twist of collecting the souls of the enemies you kill and using their powers against them. Souls don't drop like candy, though, so you have to kill and kill and kill to collect them to bolster your weapons or use as "spells" and what not. Just like in most metroidvania games there will be sections of the game that are off-limits until you discover a new skill or acquire a new spell that allows you to jump higher, or break special bricks etc. Such an addicting combination of gameplay elements and it doesn't allow WiFi connectablity to trade souls! Argh! It does, however allow you to trade souls if you're close by to someone who wants to. Highly recommended. AAA+
Release date: Already out.
Seriously, its like Nintendo have a license to print money.
There's no soul system in PoR, but you find new sub-weapons and spells around the castle and dropped from enemies, which act similarly to the soul system. Unlike in the soul system, getting more copies of the same spell or skill doesn't increase their power, to do that you have to use them and gain skill points in them.
As for wifi, you can set up a shop to sell items to othe people over wifi, or buy them from other people's shops, and there's a wifi boss rush mode. The shop mode is kind of cumbersome, it usually takes 5-10 minutes for me to connect to anyone, and once the people you initially connect to leave you have to close the shop and search for new people. On the plus side you can sell almost any item you've had, not just ones you have with you at the time, and unlimited quantities of them. You can't sell certain things like most of the spells and sub-weapons, though.
The boss rush on wifi is a harder version of the first boss rush, which you can play before beating the single-player game. Both of the players can be whichever of the 2 characters they want, and their level is set to a predetermined one. You use the gear and skills you have equipped in your single-player file, but you can't access the menu to change anything or use recovery items.
Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
Mega Man Battle Network 3 White
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team Colonel
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team Protoman
Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzar
Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge
Mega Man Network Transmission
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team
Mega Man Star Force: Dragon
Mega Man Star Force: Leo
Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus
Though, you're right, PoR belongs right up there in the OP with Dawn of Sorrow.
Never played any DS iterations though. What are the main differences between the GBA and DS versions?
..and Mega Man Star Force? WTF!@?! *googles*
What you call addicting, I call tedious.
Grinding is bad enough in MMORPG's, I certainly don't like it showing up in platformers.
Those of you who played MMBN1-3 and then heard how mediocre 4 and 5 were, trust me when I say that MMBN6 is just awesome, almost undoubtedly the best in the series, and it actually has some variety to the gameplay. Just throwing that out there.
On another note, is Transmission any good?
On yet another note, I really enjoyed the Pokemon TCG game. A DS update would be pretty cool.
You don't HAVE to grind to beat the game, though. So the game still rocks. I don't think Pokemon or that type of game is really for you, though, as the main appeal is going back to earlier levels, capturing all the cute liddle pokemon and levelling them all up for a souped-up party that you can battle against other players' souped-up parties.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Psst: The store has stuff you can buy with credits. I don't have to PAY for credits do I?
EDIT: Ugh. Pay 2 play. Essentially, anyways.
XBL |Steam | PSN | last.fm
Kinstone fusions in Zelda: The Minish Cap.
Treasures in Wario Land 3.
Health/ammo/etc. upgrades in Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission.
All the planets in Meteos.
Pink Flowers in Pikmin 2 and the Wario Ware games (in later games they changed it to Golden Crowns I think).
And let's not forget the collectathon to end all collectathons: ANIMAL CROSSING WILD WORLD. Bugs, fishes, paintings, costumes, the list goes on and on. Perfect for you.
What a tease of cock.
They need to make Magic for the DS. That would be sweet.
I'd also pay 150-200 bucks for an always free, non-redeemable (for physical cards), win to earn packs version of MTG:Online. And how.
If they made it so you could trade wins for individual cards, that would be better than packs for me. And all the sets too. 1.5, represent.
I own a few packs of the actual game, mostly for the fun novelty of building the little ships, but I've never actually played.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
is that the one where you buy the packs and then build the little ships out of cardstock?
a friend of mine was collecting those, though when we tried to play an actual game, not so fun
I just recently picked the DS version of Megaman Battle Network, the team protoman and colonel version.
I'm also pretty pumped about the Marvel TCG. Did you play the physical version or try out that tutorial flash game to see what it was like? Very interesting, to say the least.
Also: I was thinking of getting MBN5:DS as well.. though not having WiFi connectivity to trade/battle is certainly a damper in the process. Not many people around here are such avid geeky gamers like me, who like to collect and trade obsessively. Maybe when they release something with the connectivity they should have had.
So the DS version sounds great since I have to take an hour train ride to and from work everyday.
Anyone listen to last fridays 1up podcast? I think Luke said something about Magic the Gathering on the 360 arcade. If they dont kill you with microtransactions I think it has awesome potential.
Any chance Wizards of the Coast can bend you over and assault your brown, they will. I'll bet my unborn fetuses that they'll be killing us with the microtransactions. Either that, or the game's gonna suck (see: all the console versions of M:tG).
Damn you, Wizards, damn you. *shakes drunken fist*