Just learn to play Teemo and you are set for ranked. Nobody will pick or ban him and he is a perfect fit for any team ever.
but then you will lose every game because teemo is on your team
I had a really strange game the other night where we had twitch, teemo, and me as singed on a team. Started out horrible, we were playing really bad. Then people started dropping and it ended up a 3v3, and then we rolled. We had the entire enemy team bitch about us having to win with poison.
Calling it now, poison teams will be the the meta game.
too easy to counter.
ban singed and the comp falls apart.
Sokpuppet on
Zen VulgarityWhat a lovely day for teaSecret British ThreadRegistered Userregular
Having never played Kennen (short of a handful of practice games), is he a faceroll champ now since he got upgraded? Since that patch, I have yet to see one the doesn't have positive KDR and a kill count in the teens.
I don't know if this means he's broken or not because I'm not familiar with him, but it's a pretty big leap from where he was previously. The little bastard is damn near god tier now.
so I tried out my theory with the whole Atma's + Warmog's build on Katarina.
My results were less than stellar. I think part of the problem was that I kept having to go mid as Katarina. Which isn't a problem in itself but I usually depends on some early kills to get kat going and 1v1 early on is pretty dangerous.
I ended up defaults to a weird hybrid build in one of my games which made me come across an interesting build for kat. I still like the warmogs because it gives her something ridiculous like 3500 hp total at 18, however I was starting the game in mid and planning on going AP kat. So my first item when I went back was an amplifying tome. I was mid against a tristana which I was doing really well against but gave up first blood when she reacted half a second quicker than I did after I shunpo+ulted her. It was super close so I didn't really mind.
But I had bought a mejai's at that point when I realized that my team was having a lot of difficulty as well and that I should really switch to a more AD build in order to be able to spread my dps out over their whole team with bouncing blades.
So my next item was a BF sword, and then the beginnings of a Warmogs with the health crystal and regrowth pendant.
At this point we were doing pretty horribly and I didn't really see a way for us to turn it around. (we were approaching the 25 minute mark and had lost a lot of our towers and we down a LOT of kills.
I think at this point I was something like 1-5-4 and things were looking dire. Trist grabbed an early giant's belt and was less than squishy and their team had pantheon, singed, ezreal, and zilean as well.
Then something magical happened. Our team just "clicked" our team was Malphite, Morgana, Olaf, Katarina and Pantheon. Suddenly we were winning team fights. Malphite would ult in on their team and knock everyone up. Brolaf would run in like a madman and start tearing up the world and with them all distracted I would shunpo in and unleash whirling death. somehow I was able to get 20 stacks on my mejai's and the world became a brighter place. Between the Warmogs, Bloodthirster, Mejai's, BF sword and Merc Treads I was just annihilating the enemy. I ended with something like 11-6-14. After we aced them twice they surrendered as we stormed their base to take the first base tower.
Delphinidaes on
NNID: delphinidaes Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
Zen VulgarityWhat a lovely day for teaSecret British ThreadRegistered Userregular
I for one am shocked and ashamed there are neither yordles nor pantheons in the op, nor a yordle/pantheon slash fic.
Eddy, another question about your build. Based on the stats that page is showing, you have 923 mana, but you took Strength of Spirit....which means you get....2.8 health regen roughly? Is that intentional?
So I tried Malphite for the first time ever and went 7-4-18 or something like that. I liked it a lot! What items should I get? I'm thinking of rushing a chalice, then ninja tabi or mercury treads depending on what their team comp is, then just tank items from there.
i played another iralia game. i killed lots of mans. EDIT: i laned with a sona who had the mana manipulator and i got a dorens shield. we got our first kills mainly because we pissed the other team off so much. it was a great early game transitioning to a really fun later game.
stopgap on
Zen VulgarityWhat a lovely day for teaSecret British ThreadRegistered Userregular
Man I played Galio for the first time in ages. His e is so wussy compared to what it was. The q does hit harder but still is the easiest thing in the world to dodge if you are paying a bit of attention. And his ult just doesn't feel as awesome. Oh well I have to re-learn him I guess.
Also playing Karthas is fun. I need to really get him down I think. His ult is entertaining. Not 100% certain how to build him though.
Mazzyx on
Zen VulgarityWhat a lovely day for teaSecret British ThreadRegistered Userregular
Our early game score looked something like 16-3 them, where Ryze was going from lane to lane dominating everyone. Luckily he petered out after about 20 mins or so, and I eventually caught up to him in levels. However we still couldn't gain any ground with team battles, as our Malphite never bothered to initiate with his ult and Karthus didn't have enough AP to finish their survivors off.
They eventually had all three of our inhibitors down and controlled the whole map, but still couldn't make the final push to our Nexus. Meanwhile our Sivir and Karthus were finally getting the farm they so badly needed. We see them leaving Baron with the buff and retreat back to our base to defend our inhibs that just came up, where we begin the sloppiest teamfight I have ever been a part of.
Their team literaly just rushed two at a time into our base, where we proceeded to eat them. I ulted Ryze, who ran the fuck away like a good little boy.
Edit: Does the Lichbane and Triforce stack like I wanted them to?
Our victory was a quick rush to the Nexus tower, the only time where I was glad I had the Sivir on my team.
too easy to counter.
ban singed and the comp falls apart.
Cool stuff but god damn I hope someone paid him for the catgirl ez with the ragblade
Do you want to grief or win games?
Griefing: AP Teemo
Winning: Kennen
more like
learn twitch
don't give a fuck about thornmail unless their whole team rushes it just to spite you (good job they all bought it just to counter 1 of 5 players)
You want to scare a physical carry off? buy a Randuin's.
I don't know if this means he's broken or not because I'm not familiar with him, but it's a pretty big leap from where he was previously. The little bastard is damn near god tier now.
XBL: InvaderJims
Bnet: Pudgestomp#11153
My results were less than stellar. I think part of the problem was that I kept having to go mid as Katarina. Which isn't a problem in itself but I usually depends on some early kills to get kat going and 1v1 early on is pretty dangerous.
I ended up defaults to a weird hybrid build in one of my games which made me come across an interesting build for kat. I still like the warmogs because it gives her something ridiculous like 3500 hp total at 18, however I was starting the game in mid and planning on going AP kat. So my first item when I went back was an amplifying tome. I was mid against a tristana which I was doing really well against but gave up first blood when she reacted half a second quicker than I did after I shunpo+ulted her. It was super close so I didn't really mind.
But I had bought a mejai's at that point when I realized that my team was having a lot of difficulty as well and that I should really switch to a more AD build in order to be able to spread my dps out over their whole team with bouncing blades.
So my next item was a BF sword, and then the beginnings of a Warmogs with the health crystal and regrowth pendant.
At this point we were doing pretty horribly and I didn't really see a way for us to turn it around. (we were approaching the 25 minute mark and had lost a lot of our towers and we down a LOT of kills.
I think at this point I was something like 1-5-4 and things were looking dire. Trist grabbed an early giant's belt and was less than squishy and their team had pantheon, singed, ezreal, and zilean as well.
Then something magical happened. Our team just "clicked" our team was Malphite, Morgana, Olaf, Katarina and Pantheon. Suddenly we were winning team fights. Malphite would ult in on their team and knock everyone up. Brolaf would run in like a madman and start tearing up the world and with them all distracted I would shunpo in and unleash whirling death. somehow I was able to get 20 stacks on my mejai's and the world became a brighter place. Between the Warmogs, Bloodthirster, Mejai's, BF sword and Merc Treads I was just annihilating the enemy. I ended with something like 11-6-14. After we aced them twice they surrendered as we stormed their base to take the first base tower.
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
I want this skin
can anybody else confirm/deny this
edit: on an unrelated note this might have to become my avatar at some point:
Eddy, another question about your build. Based on the stats that page is showing, you have 923 mana, but you took Strength of Spirit....which means you get....2.8 health regen roughly? Is that intentional?
Rod of Ages
(more stuff)
q w w e w r
after this just max out e then w then q
at rank 3/4 tormented soil should be able to outright kill caster creeps from full, use it to farm
try to catch both the melee creeps and the casters in it
when you bind an enemy put tormented soil on them immediately
zhonya's doesn't interrupt your ult so walk into the enemy team , ult, and zhonya's if they attack you
edit: I also know somebody who goes double Rod of Ages to start with and she does very well, so that works too
I've heard the phrase "Time Yordle" bandied about...
It's spelled "minions"
>UNAVAILABLE /sadmummy
...Back to Cataclysm.
Also playing Karthas is fun. I need to really get him down I think. His ult is entertaining. Not 100% certain how to build him though.
This is amazing.
This would be a boss Trynd skin
Leaping on Annie :winky:
Zen, this whole time I thought you were trolling me, when really my work blocks deviantart :?
His voice is so gravelly and manly (for a yordle) how could you be confused
unless you hadn't heard his voice in which case whatever
My server is full.
Our early game score looked something like 16-3 them, where Ryze was going from lane to lane dominating everyone. Luckily he petered out after about 20 mins or so, and I eventually caught up to him in levels. However we still couldn't gain any ground with team battles, as our Malphite never bothered to initiate with his ult and Karthus didn't have enough AP to finish their survivors off.
They eventually had all three of our inhibitors down and controlled the whole map, but still couldn't make the final push to our Nexus. Meanwhile our Sivir and Karthus were finally getting the farm they so badly needed. We see them leaving Baron with the buff and retreat back to our base to defend our inhibs that just came up, where we begin the sloppiest teamfight I have ever been a part of.
Their team literaly just rushed two at a time into our base, where we proceeded to eat them. I ulted Ryze, who ran the fuck away like a good little boy.
Edit: Does the Lichbane and Triforce stack like I wanted them to?
Our victory was a quick rush to the Nexus tower, the only time where I was glad I had the Sivir on my team.
my friend also refuses to believe hes a guy
"cmon guys, kennen is PRACTICALLY a girl"
edit: nope triforce and lich bane dont stack dont think
Basically, I never used him until recently when I picked him up.
Both of them explicitly say that I think
And I think on a scale of one to ten, Urgot is a -4