Champions I haven't played at all:
Xin Zhao
I think I've at least played a botmatch with all the others to test/memorize their abilities, if that counts.
I bought the digital pack or whatever, so I haven't played most of the champions that I own lol:
Champions I have played more than 4-5 games:
Champions I have played:
Champions I own but haven't touched yet off the top of my head (and looking at a list to help with that)
Dr. Mundo
Master Yi
Twisted Fate
I'm having a ton of fun with him, so long as I lane with him. His jungling is hella fast, but I feel like his ganking ability is extremely vulnerable to Flash or an equivalent character ability.
...everyone's ganking ability is vulnerable to Flash except for maybe Warwick.
I dunno, I'm used to Rammus and WW ganks, which seem a bit easier to pull off with the various CC components. If someone's going to flash away from Rammus, they have to do it before you hit them with the powerball & taunt them - with Trundle, they can safely wait until you've spent the mana corrupting the ground and spawning the pillar.
Not that big a deal I guess, I just had more fun laning with him than trying to gank with him. Maybe I'll give jungling a few more tries.
Rainbow Cannon and the ability to say, "Shh...I'm charging my laser." are all good reasons to play Lux. (Also she has great range and solid support abilities)
LoL Tribunal:
"Was cursing, in broken english at his team, and at our team. made fun of dead family members and mentioned he had sex with a dog."
"Hope he dies tbh but a ban would do."
facetiousa wit so dryit shits sandRegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
Is the Ionia/Noxus match tonight?
What time?
facetious on
"I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde
is there anyone here who has played every single champion?
The question should be, does anyone own every single champion? Which there are a handful at times.
bigwah on
LoL Tribunal:
"Was cursing, in broken english at his team, and at our team. made fun of dead family members and mentioned he had sex with a dog."
"Hope he dies tbh but a ban would do."
I want to buy every single champion. You probably have to either spend a ton of money or have been playing a lot of games per day for a long time to get them all. I think Tree Eskimo said he has all but three (one of them being Trundle).
OremLK on
My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
so I tried out my theory with the whole Atma's + Warmog's build on Katarina.
My results were less than stellar. I think part of the problem was that I kept having to go mid as Katarina. Which isn't a problem in itself but I usually depends on some early kills to get kat going and 1v1 early on is pretty dangerous.
I ended up defaults to a weird hybrid build in one of my games which made me come across an interesting build for kat. I still like the warmogs because it gives her something ridiculous like 3500 hp total at 18, however I was starting the game in mid and planning on going AP kat. So my first item when I went back was an amplifying tome. I was mid against a tristana which I was doing really well against but gave up first blood when she reacted half a second quicker than I did after I shunpo+ulted her. It was super close so I didn't really mind.
But I had bought a mejai's at that point when I realized that my team was having a lot of difficulty as well and that I should really switch to a more AD build in order to be able to spread my dps out over their whole team with bouncing blades.
So my next item was a BF sword, and then the beginnings of a Warmogs with the health crystal and regrowth pendant.
At this point we were doing pretty horribly and I didn't really see a way for us to turn it around. (we were approaching the 25 minute mark and had lost a lot of our towers and we down a LOT of kills.
I think at this point I was something like 1-5-4 and things were looking dire. Trist grabbed an early giant's belt and was less than squishy and their team had pantheon, singed, ezreal, and zilean as well.
Then something magical happened. Our team just "clicked" our team was Malphite, Morgana, Olaf, Katarina and Pantheon. Suddenly we were winning team fights. Malphite would ult in on their team and knock everyone up. Brolaf would run in like a madman and start tearing up the world and with them all distracted I would shunpo in and unleash whirling death. somehow I was able to get 20 stacks on my mejai's and the world became a brighter place. Between the Warmogs, Bloodthirster, Mejai's, BF sword and Merc Treads I was just annihilating the enemy. I ended with something like 11-6-14. After we aced them twice they surrendered as we stormed their base to take the first base tower.
You should try my tanky kat build, Katduins,
Dorans Shield
Randuins Omen
Sorc Boots
Bloodthirster, after selling dorans if the game even takes that long.
After much testing Randuins owns face on kat. Much more tanky, and the slow keeps them in your ulti much more effectively than Rylais.
Why do mords habitually try to hide in the godamn bushes and "gank" when they're supposed to be pushing the creeps and tanking?
Why do udyrs NEVER EVER EVER have ANY fucking idea what's going on?
Why was everyone else on my team 0-6 or worse?
And why the hell did I still WIN?
What would I have been thinking or feeling if I had been on the OTHER team, and would I still want to live in a world filled with such deeply retarded "people"?
The games population...can be good? Are we talking total number of people playing, or the quality of people playing. There are a lot of people always online, and the quality of people is up in the air, higher ELO the better players but not always the best attitude. Low ELO = good luck. Some advice, have thick skin, and embrace the learning curve and try to be better then everyone else.
The only summoning champ there is, is Malz but he doesnt count because it is his crappy passive.
1. The game has a lot of players. The word "good" is not really descriptive of those players.
2. There aren't a lot of champs with pets. Annie calls down a giant flaming teddybear as her ult, and Heimerdinger can place a pair of stationary turrets. Malzahar and Mordekaiser also have pets, but they are more situational in their summoning conditions.
1. The game has a lot of players. The word "good" is not really descriptive of those players.
2. There aren't a lot of champs with pets. Annie calls down a giant flaming teddybear as her ult, and Heimerdinger can place a pair of stationary turrets. Malzahar and Mordekaiser also have pets, but they are more situational in their summoning conditions.
Although with Mordekaiser it's less a pet and more like a sixth player on your team.
(Explanation for Funkalicious: Mordekaiser's ultimate is a mark that creates a ghost of the marked enemy if you manage to kill him during it. While it can't use skills it retains the stats of the killed enemy - useful if the ghost is an overly fed ranged carry who can decimate a whole team by itself.
Malzahar summons a critter every fifth spells cast.)
but, damn i'm gettin' sick of seeing the same OP
I should get on them.
Oh, damn. Malzahar and Lu Bu are also on that list.
Trundle too.
I bought the digital pack or whatever, so I haven't played most of the champions that I own lol:
Champions I have played more than 4-5 games:
Champions I have played:
Champions I own but haven't touched yet off the top of my head (and looking at a list to help with that)
Dr. Mundo
Master Yi
Twisted Fate
Holy shit, I need to play more...
I dunno, I'm used to Rammus and WW ganks, which seem a bit easier to pull off with the various CC components. If someone's going to flash away from Rammus, they have to do it before you hit them with the powerball & taunt them - with Trundle, they can safely wait until you've spent the mana corrupting the ground and spawning the pillar.
Not that big a deal I guess, I just had more fun laning with him than trying to gank with him. Maybe I'll give jungling a few more tries.
Oh I gotta get my mouse on that little firecracker.
Pretty sure I started before October so I must just have missed his free week
I think I would really enjoy playing him though. I will probably buy him next!
"Was cursing, in broken english at his team, and at our team. made fun of dead family members and mentioned he had sex with a dog."
"Hope he dies tbh but a ban would do."
What time?
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
*Looks over roster*
I tried to play everyone during the free champ weekend, but I missed a few.
I haven't played Miss Fortune, Lux, Udyr, Anivia, Gragas, Galio, Malz, Teemo, Taric or Xin.
Rammus should not be on the villain team. He's too cute. Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
It helps when you have to face them in a lane
The question should be, does anyone own every single champion? Which there are a handful at times.
"Was cursing, in broken english at his team, and at our team. made fun of dead family members and mentioned he had sex with a dog."
"Hope he dies tbh but a ban would do."
I'm missing urgot and swain
i have everyone
only 4 rune pages tho
got 20K IP in the bank...
worst 6300 i ever saved for.
You should try my tanky kat build, Katduins,
Dorans Shield
Randuins Omen
Sorc Boots
Bloodthirster, after selling dorans if the game even takes that long.
After much testing Randuins owns face on kat. Much more tanky, and the slow keeps them in your ulti much more effectively than Rylais.
I like having a flow to their abilities like that
I'm dead serious."
Changing subject, if you are a carry, get some defense. By the same breath, Randuin's Omen > Thornmail.
Why do mords habitually try to hide in the godamn bushes and "gank" when they're supposed to be pushing the creeps and tanking?
Why do udyrs NEVER EVER EVER have ANY fucking idea what's going on?
Why was everyone else on my team 0-6 or worse?
And why the hell did I still WIN?
What would I have been thinking or feeling if I had been on the OTHER team, and would I still want to live in a world filled with such deeply retarded "people"?
I still stand that solo queue isn't the eleventh circle of hell everyone makes it out to be, but some of these people, man.
2. Are there any good summoning champions? They were my favorite in dota when it was starting out
kk I'll go back to the starcraft thread where i belong
The only summoning champ there is, is Malz but he doesnt count because it is his crappy passive.
there are a few champions who summon minions, but only one really has that mechanic as a main focus
2. There aren't a lot of champs with pets. Annie calls down a giant flaming teddybear as her ult, and Heimerdinger can place a pair of stationary turrets. Malzahar and Mordekaiser also have pets, but they are more situational in their summoning conditions.
1. Uh. If by 'good population' you mean 'a large base of players', yes, it does. The quality of these players varies quite wildly.
2. Yes! Heimerdinger summons turrets, Malzahar summons voidlings, Mordekaiser turns other champs into pets, Annie summons a giant flaming bear named Tibbers... I think that's it?
You should note, though, that none of the pets in LoL are very powerful (well, except for Morde's pets).
Although with Mordekaiser it's less a pet and more like a sixth player on your team.
(Explanation for Funkalicious: Mordekaiser's ultimate is a mark that creates a ghost of the marked enemy if you manage to kill him during it. While it can't use skills it retains the stats of the killed enemy - useful if the ghost is an overly fed ranged carry who can decimate a whole team by itself.
Malzahar summons a critter every fifth spells cast.)