So, my husband and I have a friend. He is a great guy. We would like to get him something for the holidays. He is also a complete consumer whore. Therein lies the problem. He loves games... but buys every one he wants the day it comes out. He has all the systems and all the accessories. He lives in his parents basement so householdy items aren't going to work. He does not play sports.
Basically we have no idea what to get him. We could just do some points cards, but that seems half-assed. Yesterday he was over and mentioned that he bought himself a Nikon 3100 SLR (yes! Bought it himself! Two weeks before Christmas! You see the problems). So, to any Nikon-3100-owning folks, are there any great accessories that would be nice to have? He honestly doesn't need fancy stuff, not being a photographer of any sort (I believe the train of thought was "I need a working camera. Ooooh, this one is
fancy." Or something along those lines), but maybe that would appeal to his technogeekhood or something. And to anyone else - any ideas? What do you get someone who buys everything, and then usually buys another copy so his friends can have one too?
I'd want something that has a few bounce angle positions and does ittl. I don't know from Nikon gear, but maybe something like this?
That way he can still pick up a game on its release day, except you'll be paying for it.