Doctor Who! It's one of the best shows on television, and it's all about intelligence and romance overcoming brute force and cynicism. The main character is a fellow known as The Doctor, a alien from a race known as Timelords. He goes around time and space in a time machine disguised as a English 1960's police box, and being handsome and generally amazing. He can also change his appearance, which is why there is now eleven versions of him. And he changes his appearances through a crazy process called "Regeneration" like in the video below.
We are now currently on the Eleventh Doctor, a wonderful chap who is a fan of bow ties and tweed, and the christmas special is coming up this week.
Anyway, this is the place to talk about the show, and how dreamy the doctor is, and how even though it's coming up to it's fiftieth anniversary, it still remains one of the best loved shows on tv.
EDIT: And here is the brand spanking new series six trailer
EDIT2: Series 6 starts April 23rd, and here is the two part Comic Relief Mini episode Space/Time
Also my theory on the Tenth Doctor's final stories.
So in the run up to christmas, I have been watching alot of doctor who, and running through the New Series from the very beginning right up to The End of Time, and it's made me think about the ending, and some peoples reactions to the whole thing.
So, Ten's regeneration. At the time, i remember people being in two camps. There were those that said it was one of the best regenerations, a beautiful send off for one of the most popular doctors to date. And then there was some people who said it was mawkish guff that was far too out of persona for the doctor. To be honest, i was kinda on the fence about it.
But now, a year on, and watching it again, i've grown to love it.
See, the tenth doctor loved himself. He thought he was fucking brilliant, the best one yet, you could tell by just looking at him, he was stylish and young and clever and oh god did he know it. People talk about the Sixth doctor's ego, but i would go so far to say that Ten's was worse, throughout the series he has quite a few points where he congratulates his genius.
And that was his downfall, in the end. See, his regeneration story started in Journey's End. The moment he stops himself from regeneration, effectively wasting the energy. His reasoning for this? "Why would i want to change? Look at me!"
And that is where it starts. He is a doctor who loves himself so much he possibly wastes a regeneration. He is doomed from that on.
Remember that this isn't like most of the other doctor's regenerations either. Most of them went suddenly, or without much warning. You can see a slight mirror in Four and Ten, with both knowing that the end is going. But Four knew for a day, two at most. Ten could have had the four knocks hanging over his head for months, years. His is a slow death, and he has alot more time to....well, have that fact sink in and effect him mentally.
The Time Lord Victorious is another sign of this. Because why should he die? He is amazing, so amazing that the rules of time don't apply to him! He knows he's going to regenerate, the scene with Wilf, he talks about the other man walking away. And regeneration is a kind of death, because although Eleven has all the memories of the his predecessors, he doesn't have their personality, their quirks and foibles that make them up.
And then when Ten thinks he's got away with it and cheated it all, he is overjoyed. And what happens when he finds out that Wilf is trapped? He throws a fit. He's angry, he shouts that he is so amazing and Wilf is nothing. (Which is what alot of people didn't like) And then, because he's the fucking doctor, he still steps up, and saves a old man.
Ok, he has his final farewells, but again that fits in with this doctor. He loves himself, and he loves the people who thought he was so amazing. Of course he'd go back and give them one more chance to see how brilliant he is. The only part of that final tour that really got me was the last one, Rose, when you could see he was barely holding it together and he wasn't interested in looking cool or saving the day one last time, he just wanted to see her before he changed, before he stopped caring about her.
And then there is his final words, the words that personally made me cry. "I don't want to go" And although this is alot of Ten's ego, i think all the doctors feel this at their last moments. But this is the first time he has regenerated on his own, with no-one to have to talk through it or explain what is going on. I would say this is what the doctor really feels (Although yes, there is the whole RTD thing and you can't deny that) But on his own, with no-one around him, and with his ego at a all time high, he says out loud what we all would think.
"I don't want to go"
And then what happens? Eleven is born and he is carefree and happy. Ten spent his last Weeks/months/years dreading the death, dreading the four knocks, and when it happens?......Well it's like anything you dread, once it's over you tend to go "Was that it? I'm fine!"
Anyway, that's just my thoughts, don't get me wrong though, I love Doctor Ten.
Jordan of Elienor, Human Shaman
It's a Christmas Carol-esque episode set in mid-1800s London
Not joking.
Where do I start with this? My cultural literacy in this area is decidedly lacking, and I've read from reputable sources that this is good shit.
Do you have Netflix?
Start here
Basically designed so that you don't really need any knowledge of the 40 years of backstory
Yeah, if you want to can start right at the beginning of series five with the Eleventh Doctor, as it's made to be a new jumping on point for people.
But i would say personally, start from series one from 2005, with Christopher Eccleston. It's the point where the new series starts, and you'll get all the major backstory points and information from just watching from there onwards.
Of course, there is also 30 years of old episodes, but i would leave those until you've watch the current series.
He regenerated. I am the new Butler.
That's a half-truth at best.
I blame this on each and every one of you that would not stop talking about Christmas pudding.
Does that make him the Valeyard?
We will have to go through the Trial of a Timelord again?
Why I fear the ocean.
I still miss the 9th Doctor and for me some of his finest moments were non verbal - just changes in facial expression or body language.
Look at him in Rose, after his speech about the turn of the Earth and when he tells her to forget about him. He's light and friendly, but then look at his face as he walks away from her. The humour's gone. He's very, very grim.
Dalek. After his moment of panic when he fist sees the Dalek in the cell, look at his facve when he realises it can't shoot him. A huge grin - "Fantastic! Oh, fantastic!" and the grin vanishes and he sudenly looks like a very dangerous man indeed. Who thought we'd ever see a scene like that - a helpless Dalek and a vengeance-crazed Doctor with murder on his mind.
Bad Wolf. Two moments in this episode. At this point, the Doctor's love for Rose hasn't become annoying like it it perhaps did in season 2. When he organises the jail break, the moment that gets me is the fate of the guard who attacks him. Jack's swashbuckling away. kicking and punching, swinging on gateways and being genarally heroic. The Doctor meanwhile has to deal with one single guard who attacks him and simply slams him face-first into a wall and is away, scarcely even breaking stride. Compare that with the tussle he has with Margaret's secretary in Boom Town. There he plainly didn't want to hurt the man and just wanted to get past him. Here, he's out for blood.
The second moment in Bad Wolf comes when he addresses the Daleks over the communications system at the end. Just before he speaks, you get a shot of him first recoiling slightly and then squaring his shoulders - a man psyching himself up to face something that terrifies him. It makes it clear - the bravado and braggadocio is a mask. The Doctor's terrified, but he's determined not to show it.
Wait, what?!
Also, obligatory youtube post for the topic at hand:
god I miss Eccleston sometimes.
Maaaaan, that fucking video.
I find that sadder than the end of doomsday.
It's just the way he slumps his shoulders, you can see him give up.
I adore him
Anyway, that's probably one of the best lines in all of Doctor Who ever.
The dematerialisation sound makes it seem like the TARDIS is crying, like an abandoned puppy, when he sends it away.
Does anyone remember that one with the Devil locked in a prison orbiting the dying universe or some shit
That one was a really cool, though the Ood could have been done better
But overall a great bit of TV
That's the one
I enjoyed that
Not plot-relevant, but spoilers are still awful.
The Christmas Carol.
So good? Yes it was.
Why I fear the ocean.