Accepted Submissions:
Tarak Velasto
Darren O'Dekker
I'm looking for 5 players, level 3, to play in an Eberron-based campaign starting with an adventure I wrote.
The atmosphere of this game is going to be noir--shades of grey, essentially. I don't want evil characters, but your character should probably not be a paragon of virtue--have some vices, don't mind a little blood shed, be willing to bend the rules to get your way. Think of Jack Nicholson's character in Chinatown, or the insurance investigator in Double Indemnity, willing to murder a man because he falls in love with his abused wife.
The first adventure may not have a strong investigation element (I'm still working out some details, but have the first 2 encounters planned/mapped) but follow-up adventures will.
Please be creative!
The mechanics of your character are far less important than the hook you use to tie your character into Eberron. Keep in mind, you are level 3, so "former king of the dwarves, slayer of the dragon Frostfoe" is not a real background, nor is, "3,000 year old Warforged who has slain countless enemies".
Pretty much any race/class is fine, so long as you can give me a good backstory, and your character originates in Eberron.
The preferred character is going to be:
- Someone who has a reason for being in Sharn
- Someone who has a backstory as to why they are an adventurer
- Someone who has a connection to Sharn
- Someone who has financial needs/other motivations for accompanying a group of adventurers (including intra-group friendship or background)
- Neither Evil nor a paragon of virtue
- A complete submission will include: a character summary, basic character sheet, and any preference you have re: loot (inherent bonuses or not). Summaries should explain why you became an adventurer and who you are in the world.
Summary Examples:
Sample one:
"Teneous Debraun is a Tiefling Artificer. He is a student at Morgrave University, and takes side jobs in order to pay his tuition. He prefers adventures that could bring him into contact with ancient civilizations remains or magical items. His thesis is on Dhakanni earthenware and jugs used for water. He has no family, being an orphan of The Last War. He came of age in an orphange in Sharn, in the Highwall Ward of Lower Tavicks Landing.
He first tried to make a living as a pickpocket, but was caught by Professor Daventh, a Dwarf scholar at Morgrave University. Being a kind soul at heart, Daventh took him in, and now he studies at Morgrave, following in his footsteps. His mentor is still active in his life, and he is overseeing his thesis work."
Sample two:
"Kahren An'See is a gnomish rogue. A young member of House Sivas from Korranberg, she has a thirst for knowledge and the Mark of Scribing. She seeks out any clue to the draconic prophecy, and sends her findings back to the main library via her contact Breggan, a courier who works for the House Orien Couriers Guild.
She has few friends in Sharn, and currently lives in Deathsgate, in a boarding house with other adventurers. She has heard rumors of the Council and hopes to someday meet a dragon."
Sample three:
"Devlin Jakkar, a human Warlord, was born and raised in Sharn. Third son of a member of the aristocracy, he had a lazy youth, but trained in the sword and became an officer in the Last War through family connections.
His career was cut short by the Day of Mourning. Although he saw little action, he saw friends die and atrocities he wasn't prepared for.
Devlin tries hard to keep a smile on his face, but he knows that his own inexperience led to death for others, and he makes his way now without his families help. He still is close to his parents, although his mother is often bewildered by his choice of residence--he lives in Deathsgate in a cheap apartment--and wonder why he won't accept financial aid. His sword (a +1 Flaming Longsword) was a present from his father upon receiving his military commission."
Character Sheet: You know this drill. Orokos is preferred, but if you don't have it, Invisible Castle is fine. No need to go crazy on this until you are selected.
Standard drill for 3rd level characters (bonus gold, standard items free, 3rd level magic item, 4th level, and 2nd level). Use your starting gold on whatever you like.
Please give me a wishlist of items at some point AFTER you are selected. (No point doing this before you are selected) As long or as short as you want. Just item name and level.
I am thinking about using inherent bonuses for the enhancement bonuses, so I don't have to deal with that book-keeping, or just being easy with gold/conversion of items that you don't like. If we do use inherent bonuses, I'll still give you items with powers.
We will use a pretty simple format for posting. Grey is OOC. Please write as much OOC as you like! I am not worried about cluttering up the thread with OOC. I am more worried about the game dying out. I find the game works better if people OOC a lot in addition to IC.
IC is just normal text.
Combat turns should be in this format:
Characters Turn
Move Action:
Shift 1 to G16
Standard: Action
Orokos/IC roll link listing power used
Target Defense/roll value
Damage dealt
Dwarf second wind, regain 16 HP
Any Saves:
Roll with link to Orokos/IC
PC is in G16, 31/45 HP Status: Dazed
Monster 30/50 HP, Status, Marked
Please, please, please, one post per day during weekdays and one total post for weekends. If you have internet problems or don't think that will be possible, let me know. I really want players who are going to be active & role-play as well as participate in combat.
I think we'll set up a "group chat" in google/irc or some place else so you can pop in and talk things over with anyone who happens to be online. I think without the possibility for some casual conversation, a lot of times these things get bogged down.
If you can't do the real time chat ever, that is fine, but please make sure you do post once a day, even if it is just OOC. If there is a strong push to do something & no one has written a dissenting point of view after a day, I may just push us forward to keep the game moving. I have witnessed so many of these games die horrible deaths that I will try to be really proactive at keeping players involved. We will trade emails before we start to make sure we can reach each other if there is a problem.
Deadlines & Timing:
I'd like to keep recruitment open for about a week, what with holidays and all. Let's say submissions close next
Tuesday the 28th, and I will choose the fated five for a
start on Monday, the 3rd of January.
I know it is probably super annoying, but if your character has nothing to say/contribute in a section, just post ready! in OOC to let me know I can move on.
Also, feel free to post your character's thoughts in the thread at any point, preferably in italics or something. It makes for more interesting characters, and gives me an insight into what your character wants. I may even award bonuses beyond the basic bonus of tailored things for your character.
In those early days, and with much of his memory as damaged as his body, Wall's first employers were barely more than low level thugs looking for a reliable lookout, but as Wall slowly recovered, he learned and learned quickly that this new life was likely to be very short, and more than that, he, Wall, did not want it to be so.
This changed perspective heralded a change in Wall's tactics both in and out of combat; turning aside from questionably legal work, he sought out work familiar to him, becoming a caravan scout for a time until another raid, and his skill in leading the defence and patching up the wounded (using data gained through painful experience in patching himself up), caused one of the caravan drivers to remark that he could probably make a decent living as an adventurer. And there's no better place on Khorvaire to find adventure than Sharn...
Basic meta-background is that Wall came out of the tank as a fighter but his experience with a lightning rail conductor stone has boosted his intelligence somewhat, but he lost of a lot of his former dexterity after his abortive attempts at self-repair and has now effectively re-forged himself as a warlord.
Statblock get:
Wall, level 3
Warforged, Warlord
Warlord: Battlefront Leader
Commanding Presence: Tactical Presence
Student of the Sword: Student of One-Handed Weapons
Background: Sharn, Caravan Scout, Occupation - Criminal, Society - Poor, Muscle, Recent Life - Mercenary Work (Perception class skill)
Str 18, Con 14, Dex 8, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Str 16, Con 12, Dex 8, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10.
AC: 20 Fort: 17 Reflex: 17 Will: 15
HP: 36 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 9
Heal +7, Athletics +7, Endurance +7, Perception +11, Intimidate +8
Acrobatics -3, Arcana +4, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +2, History +4, Insight +4, Nature +2, Religion +4, Stealth -3, Streetwise +1, Thievery -3
Level 1: Student of the Sword
Level 2: Wary Fighter
Warlord at-will 1: Inevitable Wave
Warlord at-will 1: Commander's Strike
Warlord encounter 1: Warlord's Favor
Warlord daily 1: Lead the Attack
Warlord utility 2: Inspiring Fortitude
Warlord encounter 3: Follow Me In
Vigilant Blade Longsword +1, Hero's Hide Armor +1, Heavy Shield, Backpack (empty), Flint and Steel, Belt Pouch (empty), Grappling Hook, Pitons (20), Hammer, Silk Rope (50 ft.), Sunrod (2), Amulet of Warding +1, Cannith Goggles (heroic tier), Woundpatch (heroic tier) (2)
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Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
Would this type of character jive with ebberon? Most of what I know about the setting I learned from the RTS.
Eladrin MOSTLY live on their own plane, and rarely come into contact with other people. However, that doesn't mean your character can't exist! Pretty much ANYTHING can exist in Eberron. In your character's case, I'd suggest that he was unappreciated in his own city, and so travelled through the planes into the Eldeen Reaches (large forest North West of Breland, where the City Sharn is) and hitch-hiked to Sharn.
Sharn is the city we'll be adventuring in and has a big entertainment district & many famous performers, so it is a natural spot for him to gravitate toward.
For anyone who doesn't know Eberron:
this slideshow sums up things pretty well, and actually only runs in 5 minutes, not ten, so it is a quick intro.
then for some extra background info/targeted info, you can go to this wiki:
I think the critical things are at (the page on Sharn) and "About Eberron" in the top nav bar--in particular the "Power Groups" (so you can give your character some association), and "Lore/history" so you understand what the world is about.
The biggest recent event is "The Last War". Most of your characters should have SOME mention of it's influence on them (it happened about 4 years ago). The War was a war over who would rule the main continent. In the end, one nation, Cyre, was eliminated (now it is called The Mourning) by some force which remains unexplained. This lead to the treaty which ended the war and divided the continent into separate nations. Now, a shadow war wages on, with no direct aggression but troop build-ups and espionage being common.
Did your character fight in an army? For which nation? Did they work for a Dragonmarked House? Did they ignore the war, focusing on their own ambitions? Did they lose family in it? The war was a major event in Eberron, and touched most people's lives.
I'm thinking maybe a halfling serial killer with a heart of gold.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Background I wrote is in the spoiler, but basically Cael is a Con-Man. Cock-sure, aware of how talented he is, and the money is just to keep score. Secretly has some depth and a twisted sense of morality to him, but mostly he's in it because he enjoys it.
Interview, Mr. Cael Noone, in relation to investigations ongoing.
Interview conducted by Guardsman Kyler.
Transcript begins.
Kyler: Do take a seat Mr...?
Noone: Cael will be fine, officer.
Kyler: Ah, well, it's for our records you see. I'm afraid I must insist.
Noone: Oh yes, silly of me. Cael Noone, with an 'e'.
Kyler: Hmmm. Cael? Not a common name outside of the Fey. You don't look Elven.
Noone: *Laugh* Indeed not.
Kyler: May I ask why that amuses you?
Noone: Oh, it's just something my father used to say. He was an Elf, a Bard of some renown, and one day a rival entertainer tricked him into stepping through a portal. He ended up on a world without any magical knowledge, filled with just humans. He plied his trade for many years, becoming amazingly famous, he said. He met my mother, a young human woman, and they married in secret. When she fell pregnant with me, he decided he wanted me born in his home, and he worked for months on a portal to come back. He succeeded the day I was born. So, I'm a half-elf, but growing up, my father always used to say I 'looked a little Elvish, uh-huh-huh'. I never understood why, but you just reminded me of it.
Kyler: Okay, then. Mr. Noone. You know why we've asked to speak with you, I take it?
Noone: Something silly about my trinkets, I believe? I will admit, they weren't very forthcoming when they were putting the manacles on.
Kyler: I would hardly call daggers like that 'trinkets', Mr Noone. They're practically Short Swords! And Guardsman Wallis has some Arcane talent, he reckons they're magically inclined, too! And Billy Wallace ain't never been wrong yet. *Cough* Sorry. Lost my thread for a second. Yes, Mr. Noone, it's about your 'Trinkets'. May I ask how you acquired them?
Noone: Well, the parrying dagger is a family heirloom. The Orphanage gave it to me on my 16th birthday. They tell me it belong to my father. I wouldn't know, I never met the man. But I keep it out of...
Kyler: You never met the man? But you just said he used to call you 'Elvish'.
Noone: I'm sorry Officer, but I think you might have me confused with someone else. I never knew either of my parents. I was told by the Orphange that my father took me there as a baby in the middle of the night, bleeding and wounded. He told them to take care of me, and to give me the dagger when I came of age. He died of his wounds right there in the doorway. That silly dagger is all I have to connect me to him.
Kyler: *...*
Kyler: Very well. The other dagger? How did you acquire that?
Noone: I stole it.
Kyler: WHAT?
Noone: No, I'm kidding. Really? You thought I was serious? Dear me, Officer. You really should lighten up a little.
Kyler: I'd love to 'lighten up', but in the last 3 weeks we've had more thefts in the city than in the last year combined. How long have you been here? 3 weeks, you said when first questioned? And in that time, amongst other things, the armoury at the Wizards Guild was stolen from, including the loss of quite a number of magical daggers.
Noone: It does seem like you have your plate full, Officer. It occurs to me, though. Surely the wizards had some sort of magical security? Something better than most laymen could acquire. And that failed to deter the thief? I'd be concerned that someone who could bypass magical security of that level could get ANYWHERE. Anyway, was there anything else, Officer? I really must be going. I have some supplies I need to pick up, and it's getting dark out. I'm assuming you don't have anything you can charge me with? Maybe 'not being local when a crime was commited?
Kyler: No, we don't have anything to charge you with. But do mind: I WILL be keeping an eye on you.
Noone: I'm sure I shall try to return the favour. Do tell your wife she looks better in the blue hat, not the yellow one, won't you? Goodbye, Michael.
Kyler: *Expletive Deleted*
Transcript ends.
Character sheet: Orokos
Rest of the character expansion ie. Eberron hooks will have to wait until tomorrow now, no time to write
Is it a class you'd consider, streever?
HoTS: Schmutz#1686
Brawler Fighter, obviously.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
@streever: Forgot to add; if pressed I'd prefer not to have inherent bonuses but it's not a very strong preference either way.
Also, would it be annoying if the robot spoke like this?
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
Karash (preliminary statblock); I'll be messing with magical items in a bit.
Summary Statblock:
Karash, level 3
Half-Orc, Fighter
Build: Brawling Fighter
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Background: Sharn (+2 to Streetwise)
Str 16, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16.
Str 14, Con 13, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16.
AC: 21 Fort: 19 Reflex: 16 Will: 15
HP: 40 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 10
Athletics +9, Intimidate +11, Streetwise +11, Perception +6
Acrobatics +4, Arcana, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +4, Heal +1, History, Insight +1, Nature +1, Religion, Stealth +4, Thievery +4
Level 1: Monastic Disciple
Level 2: Brawler Guard
Fighter at-will 1: Dual Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Grappling Strike
Monastic Disciple: Stone Fist Flurry of Blows
Fighter encounter 1: Takedown Attack
Fighter daily 1: Master's Edge
Fighter utility 2: Glowering Threat
Fighter encounter 3: Slamming Rush
Spiked gauntlet, Badge of the Berserker +1, Vanguard Spiked gauntlet +1, Reinforcing Scale Armor +1, Adventurer's Kit, Distance Handaxe +1, Inquisitive's Kit
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That the CB doesn't recognize spiked gauntlets as free hands is the bane of my existence right now. I'm going to need to find some way to deal with that.
I'm personally a big fan of inherent bonuses, but Ironically this character has a class ability that is largely obsoleted by inherent bonuses, so whatever. :P
Character Vignette:
A sharp crack sounded through the room, and a candle on the desk flared to life, revealing the exhausted face of the desk's occupant. Lifting the candle from its sconce with a large, gauntleted hand, the bald half orc tilted it sideways to bring the flame into contact with the head of his pipe. A few deep puffs later, the weariness had faded somewhat from his prodigious brow, and the tightness had eased in his shoulders.
"Now where was that Karnassas file?"
He's a big, tough guy who is mean when necessary and who tries really hard to hide the fact that he's actually not a bad dude. I'm thinking he grew up in the lower city and figured out he was good at finding people and/or beating the crap out of them at a young age, and decided to turn that into a means of self-support. He's constantly on the brink of bankruptcy, and it's not unbelievable that this is a guy who owes bad people some serious money.
I picked the powers I did for flavor reasons. I'll be tweaking here and there to get it how I like it.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
A day in the life:
Sameedri pushed the paper across the desk, careful not to smudge the still wet ink. "This document," he said "carries the notarization of House Sivis. No one other than a trained scribe will have any doubts as to its authenticity. Now if there is nothing else...?" The nervous man took the hint and rushed out of the room, clutching the paper to his chest like a newborn child.
With sigh and brief wave, Sameedri closed the door behind him. Another sigh, and the ritual of silence cast on the room faded away. It's no use, he mused. All the magical protection in the world is no substitute for clientele that know the meaning of the word "discretion."
Things hadn't always been this way. Before the War, he was a minor member of House Sivis--an unobtrusive young gnome with a talent for languages and illusions. Working as a scribe felt as natural as breathing, and he reveled in the respectability brought by House Sivis' reputation.
Then the War came, and the lies soon followed.
It started innocently enough. Some falsified border crossing papers for a family of refugees, "official" discharge papers for a couple of deserters, emancipation orders for warforged unwilling to be sold like livestock... all these and more passed his desk.
Then the war ended, the innocent lies became harder to find, the dangerous ones became easier to tell, and his superiors grew ever more suspicious. So Sameedri did the two things any gnome would do when facing an unbeatable foe--run and hide.
And so here he was, from the offices of House Sivis to the back rooms of dingy alehouses in Sharn. Forging papers, keeping out of sight, and spending every red cent on magical means of protection.
Maybe it was time for a career change...
Sameedri is clever and charismatic, though he tries to draw as little attention to himself as possible and tends to shy away from any conflict he can't talk or trick his way out of. When faced with a problem that can't be avoided, he usually opts for an indirect approach. If all else fails, he won't shy away from using his magic to erase the memory of any potential witnesses.
I find that inherent bonuses are easier as a DM, but I don't have any strong preferences as a player.
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Gideon, totally! As long as your character isn't totally evil, any class/race can find it's way into Eberron. The only inflexible rule is "no one evil". Compromised? Sure. Criminal background? Sure! So long as they CURRENTLY value human life. Pretty much anything else can go.
Thanks Mr_Rose--inherent bonuses I like the idea of, but I'm not sold on it, so I'll definitely be taking into consideration player preference!
For the robot speak, no, that is totally cool and also appropriate. I like it!
Jabez worked as a spy for Cyre during the Last War. Days before the Day of Mounting, papers were found that revealed Jabez as such and forced him to run. Jabez found himself in Sharn, pennyless, hunted, and now without a country. Jabez changed his form to a Human, taking the name Rolinkien, and soon found work for a local gang selling dreamlily or knocking a few businesses for coins. But as all things in the lower city, Rolinkien was caught by a PI who was looking for information on an murder. After Rolinkien helped Karash, he became one of Karash's informant. Karash is also the only person in Sharn who knows that Jabez is a Changeling. When ever information is needed, Jabez shows up to Karash's door under a different form to keep the underworld from finding out that Jabez is Rolinkien or any other person in Sharn.
As far as having a channel to talk to each other, I'm a mod on a #village on It's the sister channel to #mafia which is for Phalla but we all random chat. It's normally a ghost town so you should be able to talk freely there.
Darren O'Dekker, Hunter of House Tharashk
"Arik?" He spoke with a guttural tone. Before Arik could respond, the orc continued, "I need to see your property, it can't wait."
"Wait just a moment, friend. My prices are of course worth breaking down the door for, but I have a key right here. What can I do for you?"
"It's not your wares, I'm after, bub. I'm a gatekeeper and a cultist I gutted fenced a gem through you."
"You must be mistaken, I only deal with locals and the occasional traveler, but no one of note lately...Mr.?"
"Darren. It has to be here. I'm not here to steal it back though, merchant. I just need to see it, unless you want a Daelkyr to get loose."
With mention of the Daelkyr, Arik opened the door to his shop. He didn't want to be responsible for an evil like that getting loose. The half-orc stepped inside quickly and within a few moments pulled an emerald from behind the counter. He held it to the light of the window. "A map, just like he said. Looks like it leads right into Sharn. Could be harder than I thought...I'll need to get money for supplies..."
With that, the half-orc threw the gem over his shoulder. "Your help is appreciated, merchant."
"Well, I'm glad I could help, but that gem isn't from a cultist. I bought it last week from Memere Hendriss, a harmless old gnome with a few trinkets left from her days abroad."
"Cultist. If I had time, I'd burn the body myself. Check the basement."
Arik stood aghast as the stranger began a sprint out of his store, due west towards Sharn.
Darren was an initiate Gatekeeper in House Tharashk. Both of his parents died when he was young and he is the only sibling to not fight and die in the Last War. On his first trip a mentor to fix a nearby seal, something went wrong. Darren was blasted with an unholy light from the rift and has since been, well, a bit off.
He started having visions of cultists and demons rising from the depths. His superiors let these oddities slide until it was discovered that Darren had murdered a traveling pilgrim on suspicion of being a cultist. The evidence of this was not found, but higher ups in the Shadow Marches pulled strings to keep Darren out of trouble.
Darren now roams Khorvaire, attempting to keep the world safe from evil through his detective work and following his intuition. He is merciless with those he knows are evil and can be short and dismissive of those who question him. He is well aware of his limitations however, and has worked with others in the past to finance the pursuit of his goals.
Whether his visions are accurate or not is up for debate. He is keenly observant though and so far, the people he has killed have proven to be who he says they are.
TL;DR Half-Orc Christopher Walken in Dead Zone. Probably doesn't have psychic powers though.
just to sum up so far:
We have
1 controller
1 Leader
1 Defender
3 strikers
I will probably go with a standard: 1 def, 1 controller, 1 leader, 2 striker. If I see a really amazing second post of leader/defender I could be inclined to go that route, too, instead of 2 strikers. We'll see!
Tarak Velasto proudly fought for the nation of Cyre in the Last War. His unit saw many causalities, but Tarak did what he could to keep his comrades in high spirits during the fighting.
Upon returning to Cyre, Tarak found his home destroyed and his pregnant wife missing. Distraught, he has spent the last four years looking for her. His quest has lead him way to Sharn in the hopes that his wife is alive and well in the city; if not, he'll make someone pay.
If you need more fluff, please let me know. I'm bad about backgrounds; I'd rather let a character's actions demonstrate him than a biographical piece.
* I don't care one way or the other on inherent bonuses.
Character Excerpt:
HoTS: Schmutz#1686
What he lacked was the patience common with his long lived race. He did not value traditions like others of his kind. He would not wait 150 years before he was considered old enough to even be a part of "adult" society. He was ready now, making him wait because it was tradition seemed ridiculous to him. He came to the conclusion that his home would smother him if he stayed. He knew his destiny lied away from the feywild.
So he collected what he considered his "inheritance", including an ancient songblade that had been in his family for centuries, and quietly left his home city behind. Venturing from the Eldeen Reaches until he found a road to follow, and a tavern to play for meals and a straw bed. The closer he got to Sharn, the better the bed and he even started getting tips. He was often mistaken for an elf, something he was quick to correct, he was not a primitive tree dweller, he was of the upper class of fey races.
Sharn was a wondrous place to him. The constant activity appealed to him on a deep level. He easily found taverns in Middle Dura that would give him room and drink for just playing in the common room. His eladrin voice and songs were thought exotic, and he became very popular with the ladies. After 5 days of playing at his first tavern, he was approached by a well dressed human who introduced himself as Monty. He was led into a private room, and this human introduced him to the concept of a "Manager".
This is when he took the stage name Trevor Bellafonte. Monty arranged an open admission concert in skysedge park. He drew quite a crowd. His manager bought him new clothes, drink, and women. Trevor was finally realizing his destiny, what life was supposed to be like. He was approached by a steward of one of the high nobles, offering him a healthy sum to do a private show at a dinner party. He accepted and wowed all the guest present, including the teenage daughter of the Lord of the house.
The next day Monty and two burly dwarves woke him up from his night of revelry by drooping him into an ice cold bath in his private apartment. Monty was furious, Trevor had never seen this side of him before. Monty told him in no uncertain terms that he arranged all of the shows, not Trevor. He handled the money. And now the Lord he performed for last night was using his influence to block some of Monty's other productions in the smoky towers. All because Trevore made eyes at his daughter. Monty then explained that Trevor was going to pay him every coin he received the night before, then he was going to work for Monty until he repaid every coin Monty had spent on him, on his clothes and drink, on the bribes and permits for the park concert; and make back the losses inflicted by this lord, or else. To drive the point home Monty left his apartment while the dwarves dunked him under the water several times, then dragged him out onto the floor and worked over his kidneys.
From that point on Trevor was worked like a slave. He worked two stage productions a day, but always backstage. Monty had some sort of magical horn shaped device that when sung into would relocate the sounds to a person on the stage. Some no talent flunky of Monty's was using his voice to become famous, to live the life he should be living. The way Monty calculated interest, Trevor would be doing this for the rest of Monty's life, and maybe whoever came after him. Monty said Trevor would be free if he could buy out his contract, and Monty supplied him a tiny room above one of the theatres and a tiny salary. Monty expressly forbid Trevor from performing anywhere but where Monty told him too. But Trevor needed a big score. If he could get some notoriety, some fame, then Monty couldn't hide him anymore. He could get his status back, his life back.
I am not sure what inherent bonuses are, but if the family songblade were considered unique and its bonuses increased with level progression that would be very cool with me.
Aspen Alvirad, Goliath Warden
When the Eldeen Reaches declared independence from Aundair, he was happy to serve his adopted country, honing his military and primal abilities with distinction. He didn't see the recognition and respect that he felt he deserved, and when hostilities ended, he finished his enlistment, packed up, and moved on.
He travelled gradually south, seeing the sights, before finding Sharn. The forest of towers appealed to him instantly, and he makes ends meet helping construction and repair crews, whoever needs a strong arm and a good climber. Every so often he considers settling down to a craftsman's life, but the pull of adventure and strange new people and places is too strong for him.
In his spare time, he often climbs up above street level and just watches the city. He can tell the difference between hucksters and real adventurers, who know the right way to do things. And sometimes, as he watches the city come and go below, he sees patterns that suggest that something much deeper is going on...
Perhaps if he finds a crew worth taking point for, he may dig up those secrets, and see what kind of fame and distinction he is truly worth. Especially if it pays well.
Aspen is still fairly new in town, but he could certainly have made at least some connection to other characters, especially those that he has seen before and knows to be the 'real deal', adventuring-wise.
From what I understand of how inherent bonuses work, those would work fine for me.
I'm on irc fairly often, a group chat sounds cool to me.
I asked, and you delivered. In the end, we had 10 great submissions, but ONLY 5 CAN MOVE FORWARD TO THE NEXT ROUND. I know, it is tragic, and with that in mind, it wasn't easy to make my decisions.
Drumroll please:
Warforged are CLASSIC in Eberron. I also picked him because I think he'll have nice synergy with some of the other characters I choose.
Optimus Zed
The tough as nails brawler PI gets me every time. And, hey, he's a half-orc, which is great because in Eberron being an Orc doesn't mean you're a second class citizen. Actually, it means you may be a pretty cool dude.
Gnomish wizard with a dragonmark? Perfect! This little guy will be providing the Controller role and a certain "gnome sais quoi".
A great hook there--just imagine, WHAT WILL BECOME OF YOUR POOR WIFE? *cue the evil laughter* I know, it's one more Half-Orc, but hey, sometimes you need two of a good thing.
Or, maybe, 3 of them? Great write-up & background--very appropriate to the campaign & I always like a good portrayal of Christopher Walken.
Alright, Optimus Zed, Mr Rose, Dresdenphile, Kilroy, and Astrobstrd, report for duty! Now is a good time to get your characters united (feel free to give them a party name if you can all agree on something--maybe they have their own private eye firm? I like that idea)
We'll begin in the New Year. I'll finish prepping the remaining encounters.
as for your characters
feel free to make changes!
don't feel locked into what you had. We'll say final characters due Friday.
You can take, at your discretion, either one Dragonmark feat or one Weapon Expertise feat.
2. I know reactive defense abilities (like my Combat Agility and such) can be a pain in PbP situations. If you want me to use something else (like the Knight mark or whatever) I'd be happy to work something like that out for ease of play.
3. What's your take on the interaction between Secrets of the City (Level 2 Streetwise Utility power) and Rituals? The power basically lets me substitute a Streetwise check for an Intelligence, History, Religion or Arcana check in a "settlement" I've already successfully made a Streetwise check in. Would that allow me to, say, use Streetwise instead of Arcana to cast Detect Secret Doors in Sharn?
4. I'm thinking Mark of Finding as my bonus feat, pending your take on the above. If I do take it, I'm going to reflavor expended components as pipe tobacco or alcohol.
5. I'm going to be in Kansas through the 4th, but I should at least be available for some period each day to post.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
2. They can be a pain, but I have no problem retconning something if need be! Combat agility/combat superiority are typically why I'd play a fighter, so we'll make them work. I'm typically on IM for work during the day, so we can always add each other there if it is a problem & check in real-time. But, I'm comfortable letting you roll with it for now.
3. I think it fits the intent behind the power nicely. Your character seems like a good fit for inquisitive, so let's do it.
4. Sounds good.
5. No worries. Let's delay the start until the 4th, the day you get back? It's only one day.
I'll put together an updated sheet with the new power/feat selections.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
2. Gonna take Heavy Blade Expertise (the new Essentials version) so this goes for me too.
3. Optimus, we need to sort out how Wall knows your guy.
4. Heh.
5. Most any date is OK for me, but I harbour an irrational resentment towards Mondays so this is good for me too.
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
Maybe Karash hired Wall as extra muscle at some point. Maybe now.
Hell, maybe Karash put the whole posse together for this job, and now he has to find a way to pay all of you.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Wall probably wouldn't have ever been the specific subject of a manhunt, but whoever was being hunted might have put him in the way of the hunters, depending on how far along his road to recovery he was.
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
I'm partial to the idea of Karash having hired Wall before, OR Karash having put the group together. If that is the case, we don't have to go too deep into how everyone knows each other, but it's totally up to you guys! If you enjoy coming up with the background story, that is very cool and I will enjoy it, but it is totally not required.
If Karash put this crew together based on limited knowledge of each of you (i.e. hired Wall as muscle before, heard of Astro's mad cultist hunter and was intrigued, has used the gnome before for deciphering clues, and maybe Tarak was referred to him by the Watch, and he does freelance work for Karash now and again to earn money while he searches for his wife?
I figure any of these characters could have worked with Karash as a freelancer at some point. If I had a big job that needed a wide range of skills, I'd probably bring in as many hands as the pay supported.
Even if that means working with a gnome.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
I was going to submit a disgraced (only because she was caught)Lyrander airship captain (lightning and thunder spewing sorcerer) who served as a smuggler/privateer in the war, now trolling the docks of Sharn. Alas.
Have fun everyone!
Let me know if we are doing inherent bonuses. I would like it just from a munchkin standpoint (2 weapons and all) and it would free up my item slot to be something a bit flashier than paired weapons.