I need to buy a vacuum cleaner, hopefully one that sucks. As in it picks up dirt and things.
The one we have right now doesn't suck, in fact you could almost say it blows because it seems to fling around more than it picks up (this after a thorough and invasive maintenance and cleaning).
I need either personal commendations on a good everyday household vacuum cleaner, or to be directed to a reputable website that reviews household appliances and doesn't charge you to read them.
Right now I'm getting by with spot cleaning via a dirt devil hand vac. This is not going to suffice!
We have five vacuums for reasons that escape me.
The best are Hoover pet vac thing in far distant second (think they run 140 or so) and then our Dyson's pet hair (which is awesome but pricy)
Cry once and by a Dyson.
These things are freaking Gods of vacuums.
Just bite the bullet once, and then be happy forever.
Alternately, save money and buy a new house when it gets too dirty. I wouldn't own a Majestic by a long shot if I hadn't gotten it when my grandmother died. If the hose on it breaks it would be cheaper to go out and get a good Dyson than fix it. I think the retail price on a new one these days is upward of a thousand bucks, but looking on ebay I see a couple new ones buy it now as low as $450.
I second this advice.
PSN: Broichan
I've been using one of these for a few years now and it's pretty awesome for an apartment size space. Its also cheap.
Holy crap they don't even call that thing a vacuum. It's a surface cleaning device.
That brings up an interesting - if somewhat dying - aspect of vacuum ownership.
"Special" Vacuums.
Vacuums that cost over $1000 that come from specialized sources such as the internet or door to door salesmen. I had a cousin sucked into selling Rainbow vacuums once and almost beat the living shit out of him when he managed to sell one to my grandmother (his only sale).
Kirby was another one. As a kid I could never figure out why EVERYONE in the neighbor hood had the same vacuum but us. I have since learned it's because my mother is both highly specific and economical about vacuum purchases.
If you spend $300+ on a vacuum I still recommend a Dysons. We finally bought her one ten years ago and she hasn't swapped it yet - and she vacuums so much that normal vacuums crumble under her OCD.
Might pick up a cheap alternative in the meantime. I have a dirt devil hand vac that has been a total workhorse for years; if their standard size vacs are even half as good then it'll do for the time being.
We got a lovely Dyson at Home Depot, and haven't looked back since.
Also, shameless plug for Home Depot's credit card. If you're good at paying things off, it's great for 'Buy it now, pay it off in two months before the interest smacks you around at 6 months.'
Sometimes I am not too swift.
PSN: Broichan
I have a Dyson DC-14 that you can replace the belts on if needed through an extended disassembly process but it's easier to replace the entire clutch/belts portion as one unit at $35 each time. I'm not complaining too much since it was 4 years before I had to do the first replacement.
The Dyson cleans very well, especially when the brush bar is turning correctly and it is pretty quiet compared to some of the old Wal-Mart cheap specials we had previously.
One thing to note that's important if you're Canadian like me, DO NOT BUY A VACUUM MADE FOR THE USA. Yes, they're like $100 cheaper and our dollar is on par right now, but Dyson will NOT honor their 5 year warranty if you buy an out of country vacuum. And they can tell from the serial number.
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