I've been trying to play around with Veigar and Nasus, and I'm starting to favor the dog. It seems that playing a good Nasus is more game-changing that playing a good Veigar. Any tips for the two champs?
And my gameplay change from DotA/HoN to LoL was a bit weird. No last hitting? No items that can disable? I understand why, it was just unsettling at first.
Lawful Evil on
Do not believe that the impossible exists. That is why you fail.
I've been trying to play around with Veigar and Nasus, and I'm starting to favor the dog. It seems that playing a good Nasus is more game-changing that playing a good Veigar. Any tips for the two champs?
And my gameplay change from DotA/HoN to LoL was a bit weird. No last hitting? No items that can disable? I understand why, it was just unsettling at first.
There is definitely last hitting. That's like the thing Veigar and Nasus are all about.
Tips for Veigar: never stop farming. Never never never. Last hit with Q always. You never have enough Q last hits, keep getting more. Also: practice practice practice. Try to drop your cage so that it stuns immediately, etc. etc.
Tips for Nasus: all the cool kids call him Susan (i am the only cool kid)
For some reason it's lately been impossible for me to have a game where I play well and win
Like, I'm winning games, but when I do it's only despite my poor performance. I go and be the 3/9/5 guy and somehow my team wins. Then I play and go 5/1/6 and we lose.
Somehow the combination of my increasing summoner level and low skill level is giving me odd matches.
Psycho Internet Hawk on
StragintDo Not GiftAlways DeclinesRegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
Four different champs played in ranked. I might stick with Udyr for now since I seem to do the best with him.
Also, normal duo queue game a while back bothered the shit out of me. I was playing Ashe and went 29/5/something high and we still lost. It was very upsetting
Stragint on
PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
So what the hell is wrong with ranked games. WHY is it so hard to have 4-people that know how to play the game be on your team?? Are the odds stacked so heavily against me that this will never happen???
I dodged one ranked game, then got queued in another, and i didnt want to dodge again. The last pick on my team didnt choose a person, so he randomly got assigned warwick and chose teleport and exhaust. I asked if he was going to change his masteries...he says no need. Sigh. So then he says he is going to jungle, but stays at the bottom lane with Tyr and some other idiot to try to GANK BOTTOM. Well, nothing comes of that and he just soaks exp, then jungles for like 3 minutes, then comes to top and does nothing but steal exp from me.
Then in every possible team fight, he initiates by ulting on someone, then dying. Our Tyr keeps walking into the enemy while they hide in a bush when we are all falling back (Except warwick who died like usual). And every team fight my team starts without me and they all die.
Their Ashe had ONE death the whole game. They had Kennen and Galio CCing whoever wasnt stupid enough to die by going alone so it was mostly 3v5 the whole game.
I was soloing top lane against Kennen and Galio though pretty well and our Morde was soloing mid fine. But of course idiots ruin the game
So...I haven't played a game like that in a long, long time.
They had one of our nexus turrets down by the 35 minute mark.
They made several coordinated runs right up mid, often with baron buffs, but they just couldn't seal the deal. If we scored an ace, Janna and I would run over to whatever towers were left and she'd shield me while I did my thing.
I still can't do shit right as Akali. I build a Rylai and Sheen, turn that Sheen into a Lichbane, build a Zhonya and it still just feels meh to me
That's because akali is, at best, a 'meh' character. Yes, highest burst damage in the game blah blah. But that doesn't change the fact that if you want to do any damage during teamfights, you have to use her escape ability to initiate. Even worse, if the enemy team is smart and buys a pink ward for every teamfight, well you're boned.
Spawnbroker on
Steam: Spawnbroker
SpectrumArcher of InfernoChaldea Rec RoomRegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
Akali's goal is to basically end the game before team fights start by repeatedly ruining someone during laning and ganking.
Akali's goal is to basically end the game before team fights start by repeatedly ruining someone during laning and ganking.
Yeah, the point of akali is that plus making a fight 4v5 before it even starts by ganking one of the people running toward it. Then ruining the squishy and dropping her slow.
killing a squishy with dazzle + shatter just feels so right
Feels Good Man on
Zen VulgarityWhat a lovely day for teaSecret British ThreadRegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
Repeatedly smiting a Taric down with Malzahar makes me feel warm and fuzzy
Zen Vulgarity on
StragintDo Not GiftAlways DeclinesRegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
So I guess I can see why Rammus gets banned. I was surprised I got Rammus since I was last to pick. I had both jungles all to myself the whole game and we started off really bad, Vlad and Olaf were getting thrashed by Shen and Jax
LAWL at Katarina players that Shunpo and ult on me when I play Rammus. What is this? A free kill? Taunt and destroy. LAWL
Stragint on
PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
That's because akali is, at best, a 'meh' character. Yes, highest burst damage in the game blah blah. But that doesn't change the fact that if you want to do any damage during teamfights, you have to use her escape ability to initiate. Even worse, if the enemy team is smart and buys a pink ward for every teamfight, well you're boned.
You're not very knowledgeable with Akali then.
Save her escape ability for ESCAPING and only initiate after the fight begins.
Akali in team fights is like Yi: 1. wait for your team to initiate, 2. rape the squishies in like 3 hits.
If you stray from those 2 rules, you're most likely going to be in some trouble. Especially the first one.
If you are starting group fights with Akali, well you're probably playing Akali wrong to begin with.
I still can't do shit right as Akali. I build a Rylai and Sheen, turn that Sheen into a Lichbane, build a Zhonya and it still just feels meh to me
It's all about HOW you perform your abilities with Akali, you can't just spam abilities and hope to do the most damage.
You pretty much HAVE to get her Q landed on someone and auto attack them to do crazy damage, so when you hit R on someone to chase them down, you basically SHOULD be doing R - > Q -> auto attack then figure out what to do next.
Congrats, you just took off half the person's health in 2 seconds.
You can now do it again and kill them, or W near a bush or a wall and get away. Worst case scenario, flash over wall while in shroud.
You pretty much HAVE to get her Q landed on someone and auto attack them to do crazy damage, so when you hit R on someone to chase them down, you basically SHOULD be doing R - > Q -> auto attack then figure out what to do next.
Congrats, you just took off half the person's health in 2 seconds.
You can now do it again and kill them, or W near a bush or a wall and get away. Worst case scenario, flash over wall while in shroud.
More like try to land a Q first, R when the debuff is about to expire, auto attack, Q, auto attack for massive damage
But the basic gist is there, always try to Q first before landing R
I still can't do shit right as Akali. I build a Rylai and Sheen, turn that Sheen into a Lichbane, build a Zhonya and it still just feels meh to me
I stop at Sheen and go directly to a Zhonya/Abyssal Scepter depending on the opposition.
Also, making a team fight 4v5 means you are dead with the guy you took away, unless you managed to flash away. If you initiated with akali, even if you get the kill, you die. I play her pretty much as clean up. fight is initiated, shit is thrown around, people are on CD, then you enter and the 4v3 becomes a 2v3 and your team is chasing the opposition. Also, if you have an amumu on your team, he's your best buddy.
Edit: And yeah, what is said above. Always Q before R. In a lane, if you are Q-ing your opponent pointlessly, often they simply don't take note when you hit 6. It's easy kills from there, especially if you are mid. After lvl 6, you can burst 99% of the usual mid champions down.
Edit: I just played a game as teemo mid vs an Eve mid. She didn't even roam. I have no clue what was going on.
Yeah! Lost another ranked, glirk keeps diving into 1v5 fights and I can't seem to beat a TF and Trist in mid. Love this fucking game. A TF with Heal and ignite, killed me at level 2.
That's because akali is, at best, a 'meh' character. Yes, highest burst damage in the game blah blah. But that doesn't change the fact that if you want to do any damage during teamfights, you have to use her escape ability to initiate. Even worse, if the enemy team is smart and buys a pink ward for every teamfight, well you're boned.
You're not very knowledgeable with Akali then.
Save her escape ability for ESCAPING and only initiate after the fight begins.
Akali in team fights is like Yi: 1. wait for your team to initiate, 2. rape the squishies in like 3 hits.
If you stray from those 2 rules, you're most likely going to be in some trouble. Especially the first one.
If you are starting group fights with Akali, well you're probably playing Akali wrong to begin with.
No, I understand that's what you have to do. But there's a reason why Yi is a second rate character as well. Because he has to wait until after teamfights start to move in, otherwise he's dead. I feel that characters that have to do that are not as good, simply because you're forcing your team to be in a 5v4 situation over and over.
To clarify, I never said that Akali should initiate. I said if she wants to be in a teamfight, she has to use her escape ability during it in order to not die, at which point she won't have it any more.
I am so bad at this game, I can't win any lanes with Tristana and I don't know why.
Half her abilities just seem so broke, jump and her ult.
Fizban140 on
StragintDo Not GiftAlways DeclinesRegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
I finally had a pretty good game as Akali, tried to roam and gank but our Mordekaiser was already dominating everyone. Also, the other teams TF would not stop whining about how our team of Pantheon, Zilean, Mordekaiser, Akali, and TF was OP. It was really funny, he said I was OP because I killed him and the reason he dropped so easily is because he locked in a red card instead of a gold card, GG lawl
Stragint on
PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
So I'm thinking about buying Leblanc. Good idea/bad idea?
Buy Kassadin instead.
bigwah on
LoL Tribunal:
"Was cursing, in broken english at his team, and at our team. made fun of dead family members and mentioned he had sex with a dog."
"Hope he dies tbh but a ban would do."
So I'm thinking about buying Leblanc. Good idea/bad idea?
Buy Kassadin instead.
LeBlanc is pretty terrible right now. She offers NOTHING in a teamfight, and her cooldowns are stupid long.
Buy Kassadin instead.
bigwah on
LoL Tribunal:
"Was cursing, in broken english at his team, and at our team. made fun of dead family members and mentioned he had sex with a dog."
"Hope he dies tbh but a ban would do."
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
LeBlanc is fun. But don't expect to carry games unless you either A) end the game before 30 min, or snowball with a Mejal's Soulstealer.
She takes quite a bit to get used to since her skills are all situational and her ultimate plays off of those skills.
Still, I like playing her. She can be devastating early game.
So I'm thinking about buying Leblanc. Good idea/bad idea?
Buy Kassadin instead.
LeBlanc is pretty terrible right now. She offers NOTHING in a teamfight, and her cooldowns are stupid long.
Yeah, but see....that means she'll get buffed in the near future, and then I'll be right there, riding that horse to glory.
Dark_Side on
SpectrumArcher of InfernoChaldea Rec RoomRegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
Build Deathfire's Grasp, then. 6, 12, and 10 seconds base on her abilities is great. One item gets you to 30%, which is all you really need. Build a Kindlegem afterwards if you're really hurting still.
And my gameplay change from DotA/HoN to LoL was a bit weird. No last hitting? No items that can disable? I understand why, it was just unsettling at first.
Hey, our sivir reconnecting 30 mins in really made the difference.
There is definitely last hitting. That's like the thing Veigar and Nasus are all about.
Tips for Veigar: never stop farming. Never never never. Last hit with Q always. You never have enough Q last hits, keep getting more. Also: practice practice practice. Try to drop your cage so that it stuns immediately, etc. etc.
Tips for Nasus: all the cool kids call him Susan (i am the only cool kid)
wait he banned you from the game or the forums
Like, I'm winning games, but when I do it's only despite my poor performance. I go and be the 3/9/5 guy and somehow my team wins. Then I play and go 5/1/6 and we lose.
Somehow the combination of my increasing summoner level and low skill level is giving me odd matches.
Also, normal duo queue game a while back bothered the shit out of me. I was playing Ashe and went 29/5/something high and we still lost. It was very upsetting
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
I dodged one ranked game, then got queued in another, and i didnt want to dodge again. The last pick on my team didnt choose a person, so he randomly got assigned warwick and chose teleport and exhaust. I asked if he was going to change his masteries...he says no need. Sigh. So then he says he is going to jungle, but stays at the bottom lane with Tyr and some other idiot to try to GANK BOTTOM. Well, nothing comes of that and he just soaks exp, then jungles for like 3 minutes, then comes to top and does nothing but steal exp from me.
Then in every possible team fight, he initiates by ulting on someone, then dying. Our Tyr keeps walking into the enemy while they hide in a bush when we are all falling back (Except warwick who died like usual). And every team fight my team starts without me and they all die.
Their Ashe had ONE death the whole game. They had Kennen and Galio CCing whoever wasnt stupid enough to die by going alone so it was mostly 3v5 the whole game.
I was soloing top lane against Kennen and Galio though pretty well and our Morde was soloing mid fine. But of course idiots ruin the game
So...I haven't played a game like that in a long, long time.
They had one of our nexus turrets down by the 35 minute mark.
They made several coordinated runs right up mid, often with baron buffs, but they just couldn't seal the deal. If we scored an ace, Janna and I would run over to whatever towers were left and she'd shield me while I did my thing.
So much fun.
goddess slut of assists
HAHA I totally noticed that two thirds of the way in.
She was up to the high 20s
And I immediately thought of Tree or whoever came up with that choice moniker for her
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
That's because akali is, at best, a 'meh' character. Yes, highest burst damage in the game blah blah. But that doesn't change the fact that if you want to do any damage during teamfights, you have to use her escape ability to initiate. Even worse, if the enemy team is smart and buys a pink ward for every teamfight, well you're boned.
Yeah, the point of akali is that plus making a fight 4v5 before it even starts by ganking one of the people running toward it. Then ruining the squishy and dropping her slow.
LAWL at Katarina players that Shunpo and ult on me when I play Rammus. What is this? A free kill? Taunt and destroy. LAWL
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
Save her escape ability for ESCAPING and only initiate after the fight begins.
Akali in team fights is like Yi: 1. wait for your team to initiate, 2. rape the squishies in like 3 hits.
If you stray from those 2 rules, you're most likely going to be in some trouble. Especially the first one.
If you are starting group fights with Akali, well you're probably playing Akali wrong to begin with.
You pretty much HAVE to get her Q landed on someone and auto attack them to do crazy damage, so when you hit R on someone to chase them down, you basically SHOULD be doing R - > Q -> auto attack then figure out what to do next.
Congrats, you just took off half the person's health in 2 seconds.
You can now do it again and kill them, or W near a bush or a wall and get away. Worst case scenario, flash over wall while in shroud.
More like try to land a Q first, R when the debuff is about to expire, auto attack, Q, auto attack for massive damage
But the basic gist is there, always try to Q first before landing R
Streaming 8PST on weeknights
I stop at Sheen and go directly to a Zhonya/Abyssal Scepter depending on the opposition.
Also, making a team fight 4v5 means you are dead with the guy you took away, unless you managed to flash away. If you initiated with akali, even if you get the kill, you die. I play her pretty much as clean up. fight is initiated, shit is thrown around, people are on CD, then you enter and the 4v3 becomes a 2v3 and your team is chasing the opposition. Also, if you have an amumu on your team, he's your best buddy.
Edit: And yeah, what is said above. Always Q before R. In a lane, if you are Q-ing your opponent pointlessly, often they simply don't take note when you hit 6. It's easy kills from there, especially if you are mid. After lvl 6, you can burst 99% of the usual mid champions down.
Edit: I just played a game as teemo mid vs an Eve mid. She didn't even roam. I have no clue what was going on.
No, I understand that's what you have to do. But there's a reason why Yi is a second rate character as well. Because he has to wait until after teamfights start to move in, otherwise he's dead. I feel that characters that have to do that are not as good, simply because you're forcing your team to be in a 5v4 situation over and over.
To clarify, I never said that Akali should initiate. I said if she wants to be in a teamfight, she has to use her escape ability during it in order to not die, at which point she won't have it any more.
oh yeah I'm at 100 hp, syke! now you die
Half her abilities just seem so broke, jump and her ult.
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
You could definitely buy worse but she isn't really that powerful late game. She is great early game to jack up lanes and gank though.
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
Buy Kassadin instead.
"Was cursing, in broken english at his team, and at our team. made fun of dead family members and mentioned he had sex with a dog."
"Hope he dies tbh but a ban would do."
LeBlanc is pretty terrible right now. She offers NOTHING in a teamfight, and her cooldowns are stupid long.
Buy Kassadin instead.
"Was cursing, in broken english at his team, and at our team. made fun of dead family members and mentioned he had sex with a dog."
"Hope he dies tbh but a ban would do."
She takes quite a bit to get used to since her skills are all situational and her ultimate plays off of those skills.
Still, I like playing her. She can be devastating early game.
They are a little too long. Even with blue CDR runes. It kinda sucks after your blow your load.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
Yeah, but see....that means she'll get buffed in the near future, and then I'll be right there, riding that horse to glory.