This is the M240B. If you frequent [chat] you may have seen me expressing my somewhat unhealthy love for this weapon a number of times.
It is the general purpose machine gun of all branches of the US military (Even the Coast Guard!) and most armed forces within NATO. It uses disintegrating belts of virtually any type of NATO 7.62 ammunition, can be manned by a two-man team, mounted on virtually any type of vehicle, has less than a quarter of the malfunction rate of the M60, and, fully loaded, comes in at just under 30 pounds.
I've personally fired several hundred rounds from this weapon. Throughout my company, the round expenditure is probably in the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands. Currently the expended brass are being melted down to make our company's spurs.
If the army let me, I would carry one of these things as my personal weapon. If I was in charge and it was feasible I'd just have every single guy carry one. Even the SAW can't rival the amount of lead these things put in the air. The poor thing's barrel just can't handle the volume.
Also it's probably the second-easiest small arm to maintain. The whole thing has, like, five moving parts to it, and it fires from an open bolt position. I could probably train a monkey to use it.
Excuse me, I've got to go out to our vehicle and tuck our 240 in. It can't sleep without a bed-time story.
Res doesn't like immature threads. He likes to let them age to at least 8 years old.
a proud american
drug cartels
1 page down. 98 more to go (more or less).
Maybe... I mean, it's hard to keep track of who has an unhealthy love for what in this thread.
Man, yesterday I saw an ad on the subway that said "Justin M. Bieber should be YOUR LAWYER"
I took a photo. I will upload soon.
This is mean, but also pretty funny.
Will, please! It's a machine rifle.
The delight from you 'oooh' matches up perfectly with your avatar, el.
Good thing it's in use by the military then.
This is also mean, but not really funny.
now i have to play it again
However, the M240B was adopted as an infantry weapon in the 90s according to wikipedia
so it's likely that Res's gun is under the age of 16, thus making it perfect in every way for him
The people here do half the work for me because they start covering up their women's faces by the time they're like fourteen
I saw this one girl yesterday, hot damn
I mean obviously she's way too young for me to actually do anything, but, you know, when she gets older
Maybe like by the time we redeploy
I'm pretty sure it's Belgian. FN stands for Fabrique Nationale, which is a Belgian company. And it was adopted by the army in 1977.
does whatever a spider-mim does
It is a terrible idea to take some advil to relieve this headache, correct?
I thought he liked his women like his scotch: aged 10 years and mixed up with coke.
You're right. It's fucking hilarious.
i don't even know where to put the clip
No, he likes his women like his schnapps: cheap and fruity.
Goddamnit Will it's not hard
You lift up the loading gate on the receiver. You lay the rounds down. You put the gate down.
Monkeys, Will, monkeys could do this.
on the one hand hoo boy I am jonesing for another ME2 DLC
on the other hand that will be it until ME3
good heavens
Is this like a 24 hour thing for new years?
yes you can
but where does the clip go?