In RE5 it can actually be effective to shoot enemies in the leg with weak weapons. When they're stunned and grabbing their leg, you can do an instant kill melee attack from behind. And in the Mercenaries melee kills give you a 5 second bonus.
Also, that thing Unco mentioned, I guess.
True but to do that to have to hit around the knee area. Where he was hitting was just making the zombies fall over.
But yeah it's probably mainly to do with the no excessive violence
Was it ever really confirmed it would appear on the Wii?
I really don't see the point putting it on the Wii at this point anyway, as that system has been cancer to all RPGs.
Last Story is going to bomb very hard and that makes me sad.
Dragon Quest is to japan as um . . Bacon is to americans. Doesn't matter where it is they'll get it
Then they should've just gone with the HD consoles since it'd look way better.
I'm pretty sure they're more concerned with putting it on the home console with the biggest install base in order to sell more, instead of focusing on graphics.
True but to do that to have to hit around the knee area. Where he was hitting was just making the zombies fall over.
But yeah it's probably mainly to do with the no excessive violence
XBL, Steam & Tribes: elmartino333
Oh I'm sorry, I missed the part where I'm King Riptor.
Aaanyway, is there a link for last night's concert? I guess it was the same, but still wanna see it :P
Pokémon HGSS: 1205 1613 4041
I'm sitting on like 60 bucks of credit