My wife and kid and I have been Wii Sporting ourselves to death since getting a Wii a little while back. We all love the living hell out of it. This is the only video game system (other than the DS) that the entire family has enjoyed.
While bowling with the old lady over the weekend it occured to me. Skee ball. Skee ball!!
Anyone who has ever been to a boardwalk or fair should know skee ball. Bowling alley kinda thing sloped up, buncha circles with holes, roll the ball, get it into the holes for points. And damn if it wouldn't be perfect on the Wii. Just the sort of "grandmas is here, throw a controller in her hands" nonsense that helped build all the mainstream buzz. And it'd be fun to play with the family.
In fact, "county fair" and boardwalk style games in general would work across the board. That throwing the ball and knocking down the stack of bottles. Frog Bog, when you slam the catapult thing and toss the frog onto lilypads. Popping balloons with darts. All that crap. It's be minigamish and whatever, but fun. Yeah?
Also: Darts.
No, wait, don't scoff. Think about it. Make a sort of dart-throwing motion with the controller, release the B button when you let go of the dart, thunk, darts. Perfect drinking fun. It's a natural fit.
Stupid gambling games. You could, like, toss the dice when you play craps and stuff.
Okay, yeah. That last one is weak.
But skee ball and darts!
Rayman has a lot of cool things to do together.
Wario Ware is an obvious choice.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
I don't know why, but I feel like darts would be really fun on the Wii. I'm bringing the system over to a friend's this weekend for some drunken antics. It'll be his first Wii time. I hope to convert him.
Skee ball!!
The artwork itself looks to be worth it. It should come out, like, fuggin tomorrow.
Say goodbye to your TV.
Don't forget the wrist straps(new ones)!
What? What's the release date?
This game looks awesome.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
That's what I figured.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
My son is 3, and he is really good at bowling (like 125 good, anyway), but he can't really play any of the games on Rayman well. So as long as he is willing to watch you play, you should be OK.
And Warioware's multiplayer is hells of fun; don't let the internet echo chamber fool you. The darts game is icing on the cake.