So I went to my very first Gun Show today. It was entertaining and slightly educational. Gotta hand it to these guys, they really go all in on the creep out factor. First big booth contained
- Two tables dedicated to different kinds of Survivalist 90 year storage life Foodstuffs
- Table dedicated to "Tactical Assault" gear
- Table dedicated to bullshit holistic medicine
- Table by Pistol Modifications Dude (silencers, and extended clips and such)
- Table by Nazi Memorabilia Guy
What a lineup!
Rest of the show had Guns, Guns, Knives/Swords/Machetes, Jewelery, Anti-Obama and "If the polls fail you, Take to the rooftops!" Sniper T-Shirts, and lots more guns.
I learned today that Guns are heavy, while Night Sticks are not. The differences between 5.56 and .223 rounds (not much), and that the Walther P38 WWII version was all steel and made to lovingly fit in the palm of my hand. God that is a sweet gun.
What did you learn today, SE++?
Also - Weirdest Booth Award goes to the guy selling bed sheets. I asked him if he got lost on the way to resupplying a Bed Bath and Beyond. He sniffed haughtily and informed me he'll make four times the sales of anybody else at the show today. Then he made me touch his sheets.
This is Ringo IRL.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
just because there have been some really cool guns made in history
Part of me just doesn't doubt that bedsheet guy.
Like for some reason, his whole "I'll make more money than anyone here today" claim seems oddly... believable.
without seeing
these guns
like the culture of gun shows and gun-nuts and the like
terrifying shit, man
This is actually ringo IRL.
But gun politics aside...
Today I learnt that there is a special celebration for the death of Robert Burns, the Scottish Poet.
Apparantly my mother went to a dinner last week for this reason, and had a great time
Still, seems to be rather an odd thing. I've never really heard of that before.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
could get me a booth set up at a gun show and everything
I want to shoot a deer with one of those and just watch the whole thing vaporize
anyway, the difference between 5.56 / .223 isn't great but trying to shoot 5.56 in .223 is a no-no, but the other way around is okay.
similar to the difference between a .38spl + p and a .357.
i don't think i want to waste my day on this thread <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Also I fired a muzzle loader once.
Shit was difficult, didn't even hit the board we used as a target.
Managed to hit a bowling pin with the replica revolver though.
That's strange...the address is "Jordyn" for all of them...
i am mystified by this
i was always under the impression that trying to shoot a different caliber than the gun was intended for in the gun was a good way to
you know
break your gun
As in they are cool and look badass and their death dealing capacity appeals to some dark part of me.
But I don't think people should own then privately
This one went over my head
but with certain calibers the difference is negligible so it's okay
but certain calibers are okay to do this with. so long as the gun is able to do it.
But if the bullet is a little too small, it's not as big of a deal.
But the only shooting I do is in video games. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
But he wanted to show me the ropes with the replica shit that doesn't even have sights.
You're breaking my heart, Solar.
as much as i like owning guns, and trust me, i do
i would not be opposed to a measure to take away private ownership
too much danger is present when people are allowed to own guns
As in, will it even fit into the breach?
get a hammer. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
i am okay with other people privately owning guns
just not me
i don't even like the idea of handling guns
later this year i have to do firearms training as part of school, including a good bit of range time
i am not looking forward to it
POW <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Pretty much my whole deal was looking for guns I recongized from Call of Duty and Counterstrike
Also every Walther I could get my hands on because - JAMES BOND GUN
The PP7 is just too tiny in my hands
t Macro, Solar's a dirty Brit. He's Pro Knife Crime
but you'd have to be a retard to force it in and still fire
also, i've heard stories of some dudes who spend all day at the range shooting and load the wrong cartridge by accident, which i can see happening.
I fired an air rifle once, oh and paintball guns
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
It's the traditional way.
as a knife-criminal
solar is threatened by the private ownership of guns
Hey I know that you guys love guns
And I think that the majority of people who own guns probably are very responsbile
But some are not and I don't think anyone needs to own a firearm. Maybe farmers and those who use guns for hunting purposes but that's it.
I understand that the widespread ownership of guns by criminals however means that disarmament would not really reduce gun crime that much, as there would be a large firearm black market. But I think that widespread gun ownership is a bad thing, and that the ideals behind it are dated and impractical.
TL;DR, guns are too much of a threat to my scaly hide <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
But it seems like something I can learn about, safely handling them and such, maintaining them, and might as well have some plinking fun while doing it.
i used to own airsoft guns
they looked so much like real guns that i am pretty sure if i brandished one at a cop and he blew me away with his real gun
he'd have a pretty solid defense in court