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...................... DONE!
This is the thread for the games involving aliens, predators and the vs.ing thereof. Over three different games, it has proven impossible for us to all just get along.
The first game arrived in 2000.
It may or may not have a story, I honestly couldn't tell you because I played right up to the first point where you encounter one of these:
for the very first time, turned it off and never played the single player campaign again. It was at that point when I decided to play aliens in all future games, online and off, and forget that the other races were playable by me.
Another game came out in 2001.
This time around was different. There was a more developed story, especially for the marine. It relied more on building suspense and horror than hectic AAAAAGGHHHHH THEY ARE ALL COMING ALL THE TIME OH GOD. The aliens gained a life cycle, meaning you got to play the facehugger and chestburster for the very first time. The predators remained the most overpowered pieces of shit (not bitter). The multiplayer received a mixed reception. I personally found the different variations a shitload of fun. I always looked for race team/alien lifecycle games, because there was nothing more fun than raping other people's faces and potentially turning into a Queen.
Then in 2010, another game, named the same as the... original...
Hopes were high, especially among the folks who preferred the original over the sequel. The team that had made the original game were coming back to make this one. Surely they would move things forward and things would be even more awesome. Well in a word... no. But it still has a lot of fun moments! Like stealth kill conga lines!
Unfortunately, since this game came out it has been tough to find a species battle. There's a lot of aliens fighting other aliens which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, nor does it encourage that teamwork necessary to herd the other players into a trap room full of your fellow xenomorphs.
So let's talk about the AvP series!
The plot: The company is an asshole, and fire solves all problems. There. You're up to speed.
Also, the ending is rather odd. The marine shoots a Queen out an airlock, and has an exit route from the doomed overwhelmed ship he was sent to investigate. But gasp!
There is an ordinary Alien above him! How can he, with his dozens of guns and experience killing aliens by the droves, stop it? HORROR!
Silly, I call it.
Why I fear the ocean.
The worst part of any of these games? Playing the marine in AvP2, walking through the eggs in suspension. "Be careful. They're frozen, but if you step too close they might still open."
Then, press a few buttons mandatory for progressing.
"Okay, that shut down the suspension. Run like hell!"
Uh no. How about I destroy every fucking last one of those eggs from the safest distance possible, say, the opposite side of the room? Then I can continue!
Every room you went in had a dude huddled in a blanket dimly lit by his big fat CRT jumping every time he heard a beep-beep-BEEEEEP.
Oh, do you know what's great in the first one? Survival mode.
Just one marine V. an endless horde of aliens, with no goal beyond a high score, and no ending beyond a grisly death. Managed to get an unstoppable run going once or twice that only ended when I got bored. Felt badass then.
Also gave good opportunities to play with the arsenal. Got to love the Smart Gun.
Why I fear the ocean.
I could have tolerated all the stealth kill garbage in multiplayer if it wasn't fucking impossible to find a match, ranked or otherwise.
Oh you could occasionally find matches as long as you didn't mind endless stealth kill conga lines and alien on alien combat
No matter what you think of the 3rd AvP's singleplayer, they botched the multiplayer worse than either of the other two games
It was even worse in the AvP2 expansion. The corporate marine you played got a 360 degree motion tracker but it was limited to half the range of the regular marine. Which made it totally worthless.
Why I fear the ocean.
I didn't buy the game because of the low review scores.
He said he only had experience with the second one. The tracker was great in the first, I agree.
The latest AVP as a marine is easier and kind off annoying. its literally going from one group of marines that die as soon as you meet them to another. although one group is fun as they have all the sentry guns set up the doors are wielded and reinforcements are coming, then the reinforcements arrive find the way past is blocked by rubble just as a horde of aliens comes and kils everyone and the game is like RUN AWAY!! which is pretty much what you want to do as a marine all the time
Fair point, I was unclear, when all I meant to say was the great in the first one bit.
Also, it's no wonder your guy is the survivor in game 1, considering his run speed could get the gold at the olympics. Seriously, if the name tag had said "Garrick, J." I would not have been surprised.
It's actually nice. You want to run like hell in every single encounter, the game obliges.
Why I fear the ocean.
Predators: Technologically superior to every other race, near-invisibility, massive constitution
Humans: Good at wetting pants, fair at running away, delicious
(There was a Capcom AvP arcade beat-em-up, wasn't there? I remember plunking a few quarters into one back in the day. Or maybe it was an just an Aliens machine.)
Speaking of which, whatever happened to the Colonial Marines game?
The AvP Jaguar game may have been good back when it was new, but it hasn't exactly aged well
Their was a also a AvP beat em up for the SNES. It was pretty mediocre though.
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| Twitch.tv: CainLoveless
I bought it for SNES when I was younger, thinking it was a port of the arcade game. So much disappointment, words cannot describe.
Fuck you too, Rebellion!
Is it really that much of a problem, since you're playing as the only marine badass enough to punch Drones to death and grab Facehuggers out of the air?
I have been freaking out and using explosives if necessary to keep them at a distance. You mean I can melee facehuggers?
I don't think you can melee them, but you will automatically grab attacking facehuggers and toss them away at the cost of one block of life.
Of course, if you have only have one block of health left when the facehugger lunges for you...
Apparently, thanks to some dumbass Vista bug on my machine, I can't install AvP, along with any Apple/Quicktime software and other weird things like Borderlands.
Steam Profile
Upgrade to 7, it is everything Vista should have been
Then play AvP and AvP 2, and I guess AvP 3 if you are bored after that
Agreed on 7.
It's like XKCD said. Hardly Hitlery at all!
Why I fear the ocean.
I got AvP 2010 the Friday of the week it came out and waited, no exaggeration, twenty minutes to find a match. I got in and basically did nothing but die as soon as I left the spawn point.
Played through the single-player just enough to complete all the campaigns and haven't picked it up since. Such a shame, it had potential.
Whatever happened to the other Aliens game Sega was doing? The RPG?
The RPG was deep sixed.
The other FPS? No idea.
Why I fear the ocean.
Personally, I liked AvP3. There was a lot of little things wrong with it. The thing that pisses me off, though, is people saying the Alien controls weird. Did they even play the game? I had no problems movin' around, and when the demo was around (since you can't get a full game MP match under any circumstance, ever), I was all about the stealthing around. Hiding in girders, sticking to walls, jumpin' marines and back stabbin' predators.
Basically, I like AvP3 because the demo was so rad. Campaign was alright, but it was really short and really easy. Also glad cloaking didn't burn energy. I wouldn't object to a sequel, given the cliff hanger endings. Just needa polish things up.
How would that even work? Aliens play a RTS game, Predators play a FPS game?
It was garbage, but it did at least produce this gem:
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Maybe we can get a Monolith sequel, which will clean up the story and remove the maze like maps, much like AvP2 did for the first one.