Hi all. We are LF1M for a whirlwind DnD adventure that is currently at level 3, in a generic Points of Lights-like setting minus gods, run by a total newbie DM (that is me). One Another one of our players has gone AWOL and we need a replacement! And that replacement might be you! (You know... if you want. I mean, we're not going to force you or anything. I don't really know how practical that would even be, really, trying to force someone to play a game.... Like, maybe if we had some leverage like we had your first born son hostage somewhere, but that seems kinda gratuitously overboard and also doesn't really make for a good gaming experience. I mean, I guess we could condition his not dying on your playing well and having fun, but I'm not sure that's the sort of thing you can force out of someone, especially when the method of forcing would push someone in the exact opposite direction....)
ANYWAYS, details are as follows, additional questions are welcome, timeline is whenever the hell we finish our current encounter (see below):
Seeking: 1 Defender, to replace missing Minotaur Warden.
Current Party Composition: Human Cosmic Sorceror, Tiefling Telepathic Psion, Half-Elf Hybrid Paladin/Warlock, Human Bravura Warlord
Current Party Task: Escorting a group of human rabble from the abandoned undead slave town of Lorrum in a three-day-ish journey to safety in the living kingdom of Dalequan, with level 2 companion characters, and with awesome rewards if they succeed.
Current Task Status: 2nd day, 1st encounter, eh, it's going okay. Only one civvie died, but so did Caleb....
Character Specifications: Level 3, Defender or Leader, standard point-buy, Versatile Expertise for free, any general background, 2 level 1 items, 2 level 2 items, 1 level 4 item, 75 gp, 1 sp.
Game Details: As per OP
here, but importantly, divine characters will have to have a specific explanation for the persistence of their divine powers in the absence of the gods, who have all mysteriously disappeared many years hence.
Selection: Vote amongst current players. Tiebreak by DM fiat.
Insertion Plan: The party is currently in the middle of a combat, wherein I am replacing the missing player. You would be cycled in after the combat - bonus marks if you can come up with an explanation of where the fuck you just came from.
Deadline: Vote will be held after current combat. I expect it to take maybe a week or so.
Additional: Players must be willing to put up with mistake-prone DM :oops:
Again, the current game thread is here.
Edit: Newcomers to the PbP party are welcome. Frequency expectation is regular posting, within 24 hours, on weekdays.
I have asked this question and he is okay either way! (Or so he claims. You can't trust those shifty humans.)
I haven't been following the campaign, but I can catch myself up on the thread, if you want - OR I could hop in without prior knowledge of the party and their quest, and let everyone fill me in in-character!
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Samdalerog, Wilden Battlemind
A fairly young Wilden who has set out to explore what other races call civilization. It is a common belief among his people that his people have much to learn from the other races of this world, but that must learn from them in turn. The most important thing to teach is that their civilizations segregate themselves from nature, when they should be integrated amongst it - that living in harmony with the natural world would be best for all beings. There may or may not be deeper motives behind this philosophy.
Samdalerog has been wandering the roads that boarder the wilderness for several years now, assisting travelers however he can, whether it be help prepare a camp and a meal, or to defend them from attacking bandits - and always imparting his message of harmony before parting ways. That isn't to say he's preachy - when he speaks, he says as much as he can with as little as he can. In battle, he wields a heavy flail that is made of extremely hard dark wood, or possibly stone.
The PC's current goal of escorting the surviving citizens of Lorrum to Dalequan is pretty much a dream job for Samdalerog. So many grateful people to impress wisdom upon!
I have read and kept the OP in mind when creating the character, and have looked over the current on-going encounter and what lead up to it. (If you folks remember, I even submitted a couple characters in the original recruitment. ;-))
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I've used one of my level 1 magic items for a giant draft lizard which normally costs 200gp, I hope that's ok.
Having always been able to hear the spirits of the world, Titania's childhood was filled with all manner of invisible (and many not so invisible) friends. When she reached adulthood her parents pressured her to join in the service of Corellon. Finding the idea of worshiping something you don't even know is there ludicrous, Titania left the forrest and journeyed beyond the borders of Dalequan, striking out for the mountains and the oceans, anywhere the spirits of nature might speak to her.
High in the mountains in the middle of a raging blizzard Titania first met Zhugo, an air spirit. Resembling a small silver sea serpent with tufts of white fur down his spine Zhugo seems to swim through the air rather than fly. It was their on the mountain that he began to teacher how not just to speak to the spirits but how to summon them at will.
When Titania left the mountains Zhugo journeyed with her, a constant companion and protector. Travelling south where the days grew hotter and the rolling plains gave way to thick jungles Titania met her second companion, a giant lizard she named Stumpy for his tail which had obviously been shortened several feet by some predator in the past. Using her vast skill with animals as well as her connection to nature Titania quickly trained the beast to provide her with a more comfortable means of transportation rather than walking everywhere.
Having travelled together for several years now the trio has begun the journey home to Dalequan and civilisation.
Sheet: Titania
It's on Mythweavers instead of Orokos as I'm not a DDI subscriber and thus don't have the character builder which Orokos needs however I've no problem using the Orokos dice roller.
Orokos is down at the moment; I'll get the sheet uploaded to Orokos when it's back up.
Jakk is a (perhaps somewhat Quixotic) wandering protector of the meek within the ravaged countryside, having made it his personal mission to counter the increasingly prevalent doomsaying both in deed and in debate. He does not believe that the lands were ever watched over by deities to begin with, and the matter of them 'abandoning' it is just used as a rationalization for what is actually occurring: an attempted hostile seizure of people's liberties by the powerful.
'Gods' were just ignorant explanations for the power held by the land itself, a power that Jakk knew all too well, and in many cases - so hypothesizes the minotaur - entities fabricated with the deliberate attempt to deceive & control the naive.
The Warden has been surging toward Lorrum like a horned, purpose-driven avalanche for the past two weeks, crushing zombies under hoof and bringing swift, crackling murder from the skies down upon anyone working in partnership with the undead. Word had come to him of the atrocities visited upon the farming community, and he intended to put a violent end to them...
Tokul ik Kassam, the Paladin/Warlord Dragonborn.
None of the stats are set in stone; I'm still struggling in understanding what would be best (and most useful in Dark Sun). Take with a grain of salt! I'm imagining my character to be a bit of a "Saladin"/Saracen.
If Paladin -> Warlord, we find our Dray struggling with the loss of Gods. Powers significantly waning, finds new ways to help others (cue Inspiring Warlord). Would encounter party as he attempts to explore/track down the disappearance of the gods.
If Warlord -> Paladin, a Dray that attempts to turn from a future life of banditry and other evil unmentionable stuff, hires himself out as a caravan guard to peculiar places in hopes of finding a better life for himself. Perhaps along travels (with or without party) encounters device or being that enables him to utilize divine powers. Most likely encounters party as they near city in a separate caravan (that might join theirs or he escaped a particularly nasty bandit attack and offers his services in lieu of transportation and safety)
I'd try to focus on the Radiant/Astral Fire cheese that I've read lightly about due to my general lack of min/maxing.
And... Tokul ik Kassam, Archer Warlord Dragonborn! (Sorry, I've really grown to like this name!)
Same as above, I'm trying my best to fit my personal taste of rangers/archers but desiring to provide a support/leading role. And I love Dragonborn. :P
Basically this version is an outcast; reason is to be determined. I'm assuming fire breath is most common and others are shunned, so cold breath is a strange thing to others especially in the harsh environments. Also, he's not as bloodthirsty/vicious as most other Dray and a bit on the runty/weaker side. However, hoping what he lacks in brawn more than makes up in pure brains and ability.
Would most likely encounter party due to wandering; shunned from other Dray clans. Still tweaking!
Anyway, here's some tissues for your eyes and ears that are surely bleeding profusely from these weak entries!
One thing I will say, our group is VERY Wisdom-lite, which makes sense given the lack of Divine classes, and we're lacking someone with all-round good common sense, with knowledge of the land and sharp ears. (Read: We have no-one trained in stuff like Nature, Dungeoneering, Stealth, Perception...)
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
My submitted Battlemind uses Wisdom as his secondary - unfortunately Battleminds don't get Perception as a skill choice.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Hmm, easier to forget when I kept seeing no gods and Dark Sun was mentioned once or twice in PMs. XD And I have no idea what leader/defender would use those... just going off what I was chatting with hippofant with! Oh well.
Forgive me for trying to break into PbP. :?
Jakk's got rather good Perception and Nature, but I opted for Heal instead of Dungeoneering. : (
We're not jumping on the newbie, just clearing up a misconception.
Seriously, thanks for showing interest in the game. I for one would hate to have to let the game die, it's been a lot of fun so far.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
However, not knowing the mechanics and ins/outs makes it difficult to make an advanced character suiting to the setting/need of the party. I'm more than willing to play a Defender/Leader, not really interested in Striker/Controller.
And those skills seem hard to come by in the Defender/Leader archetypes.
I would suggest a Warden of some flavour (one of my favorite classes, and they can truly weaponise their Second Wind if you like) as a Defender, or perhaps a One-Handed Talent Fighter with Wisdom as his secondary stat.
For a Leader, either a Shaman of some description, or even something really different, like a Prescient Bard Archer - Bards that take Wisdom as a secondary, have access to god knows how many skills, know just about EVERYTHING and are the best MC class out there. Actually, a Kalashtar Prescient Bard from the realm of Dreams could be a really neat concept to go with, if Hippofant is up for that.
I think it boils down to what you'd like to play, really.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
Like I said, willing to try whatever but don't want to hamper others by being 'derrrp'. Unfortunately, I haven't ever seen a "newbie" or "beginner's" PbP in CE forums... ever.
I suppose I'll take some looks into Shaman/Warden and see if I can present anything half-way suitable. (And doesn't invoke a sense of dread or 'Exorcist'-styled vomiting)
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
I'm trained in perception and dungeoneering and insight.
No one ever remembers Iados.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
The nation-state of Dalequan is likely a refuge for all sorts of mortal races who are disinclined to be treated like slaves and chattel.
I take it there's no negative stigma to essentials here? I'm interested in the knight as a defender.
Play with me on Steam
Stats and all that aren't set in stone but it gives the idea of what I'm going for - still might throw together a sheet for a brawling fighter as well. Going to write up an actual background when I'm done with class and an imminent test, but the tl;dr version:
It did not go well. Horrible ambush, brink of death, yadda yadda, presented with an offer from an angel. Took the angel up on it, which granted her the divine powers she is still learning to use. However, that angel can come calling at any time...
Sheet Summary
Human, Paladin
Build: Avenging Paladin
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Heavy Blade)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Holy Symbol)
Human Power Selection: Heroic Effort
Str 19, Con 12, Dex 8, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Str 17, Con 12, Dex 8, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13.
AC: 22 Fort: 19 Reflex: 17 Will: 17
HP: 39 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 9
Endurance +3, Religion +6, Heal +8, Insight +8, Intimidate +7, Perception +8
Acrobatics -4, Arcana +1, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +3, History +1, Nature +3, Stealth -4, Streetwise +2, Thievery -4, Athletics +1
Human: Bitter Challenge
Level 1: Skill Training (Perception)
Level 2: Improved Defenses
Feat User Choice: Versatile Expertise
Lay on Hands: Lay on Hands
Paladin at-will 1: Ardent Strike
Paladin at-will 1: Forbidding Strike
Paladin encounter 1: Divine Pursuit
Paladin daily 1: Blazing Brand
Paladin utility 2: Bless Weapon
Paladin encounter 3: Strength from Valor
Sunblade Longsword +1, Hero's Plate Armor +1, Amulet of Physical Resolve +1, Floating Shield Heavy Shield (heroic tier), Belt of Resilience (heroic tier), Handaxe (5)
As far as my 4e experience goes, currently I'm DMing two 4e games (one online, one offline) and participating in one, and have played in quite a few.
Elyza Goldhammer, Brawling Fighter
Why Goldhammer? Raised by dwarves.
Sheet Summary
Human, Fighter
Build: Brawling Fighter
Fighter: Combat Superiority
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Human Power Selection: Heroic Effort
Birth - Among Another Race: Among Another Race (Dwarf)
Background: Birth - Among Another Race (Among Another Race (Dwarf))
Str 18, Con 12, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.
Str 18, Con 10, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.
AC: 20 Fort: 23 Reflex: 16 Will: 14
HP: 39 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 9
Dungeoneering +6, Intimidate +5, Endurance +7, Athletics +10
Acrobatics +3, Arcana +1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Heal +1, History +1, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +1, Stealth +3, Streetwise, Thievery +3
Human: Inescapable Hold
Level 1: Superior Fortitude
Level 2: Improved Defenses
Fighter at-will 1: Grappling Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Cleave
Fighter encounter 1: Takedown Attack
Fighter daily 1: Seize and Stab
Fighter utility 2: Forceful Drag
Fighter encounter 3: Slamming Rush
Scale Armor of Dwarven Vigor +1, Periapt of Proof against Poison +1, Belt of Resilience (heroic tier), Distance Handaxe +1, Battleaxe of Shared Wrath +1, Adventurer's Kit
squishy-blob, had Titania previously encountered other peoples outside of Dalequan? If you have an idea or whatever you'd like to drop in, we could certainly work that out. 'd just like to establish that fact.
DracoGriffin, your first entry does not have versatile expertise or any gear. Your second entry has a level 3 Frost Longbow and no level 4 item. Also, since the gods are gone, no divine powers directly from the gods will function in the setting. Your paladin powers would not be waning, but entirely gone. What divinity remains in the setting are divine things that the gods themselves created, like angels.
If you want to imagine that divinity is like electricity, the power plants are all shut down, but you still have batteries and such. Or generators, even.
Hylianbunny, if you read the first starting story bit of the thread, you'll know that angels are playing a role in the backstory of this PbP. If you have a specific direction for the character you'd like to take, let me know, or otherwise I might just jerk you around if/when the angelic backstory develops further.
@everybody, the players finally decided to start, you know, hitting shit, so the combat might not last much longer if they continue to do so.
EDIT: Thanks for the chat, I've updated my character submission post with all that new info.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
As I understand it, it's better to be neither seen nor heard outside Dalequan as it's rather dangerous.
Minotaur Warden
Then there was nothing. A dark empty slate is all I can recall, as if staring at a black monolith that enveloped my entire vision. Time had stopped for me then and when I try to remember, it felt like an eternity and a blink of an eye. It is not a peaceful memory as the feelings it invokes is that of a bleak and empty existence. There was no serenity or enlightenment; it simply was and was not.
That was the first time the voice spoke to me. It was not the last.
"Raaargh! Who's there!? Show yourself, coward! You will pay for what you've done to me!"
As I spoke, I did not feel rage as I once had. I did not feel my chest swell in anger and fiery breath. I did not even feel the air pass through my throat or past my lips.
"Agggh! Why can't I see you!? Stop hiding! Face me so that I may remember who attacked me!"
I commanded my body to swirl around, twisting every way to see the speaker. However, I did not feel my body turn or my hooves upon the ground. The darkness did not leave my sight no matter where I attempted to look.
"Why can't I see anything!? Raaagh!"
In my mind, I wanted to feel the excitement of losing control. I craved the seething hatred to course through my body. The words I thought however, did not invoke anything in my body. They were only in my thoughts.
"Open your eyes."
As the voice spoke, a vibrant array of colors and visions spread across my vision. They cascaded like a waterfall and danced upon unseen rocks and wind. Just as it started, it stopped as a deafening brightness surrounded me. There was no noise but my mind felt as though it was being crushed purely by the color.
"Aggh... I... can-... an't..."
I tried to move my body but there was no response. My mind struggled and writhed in agony, only worsening the pain. It was as if I was trapped within quicksand, only worsening as I tried to free myself.
"Let... me..."
"I will... nev... nev---"
Just as the word was spoken, my mind had ceased struggling. My bestial rage had subsided and could not be summoned, no matter what I tried or imagined. I had lost control of everything. Or that's what I thought then. Only now do I realize how wrong I've been.
Personality & Appearance
Nordak is a relatively calm, quiet and reclusive creature. His voice is rather serene and unwavering, even at the most stressful of moments. He is unusually polite and respectful to others, even to other minotaurs. He treats the religious and pious equally but comes across as sardonic at times. He is usually found wandering in the wild, blending himself with nature as they were one and the same.
However, in the heat of battle, his personality switches. Although he remains somewhat similar, his nature becomes his appearance. His tone becomes colder and cruel, capable of erupting in anger and rage. His gaze changes from a serene one to a menacing stare that doesn't relinquish its target. And as though an animal on a chain, he is unable to completely lose control. His allies are surprisingly treated with utmost care and gentleness, even in his worst moments.
In one moment, he can smile and wave to a friend and suddenly, with a ferocious swing, cave in an enemy's head with a menacing laugh.
My experience with D&D is somewhat limited to games (like Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights) and pseudo-D&D forum games. Nothing IRL and got most of my tastes from Neverwinter Nights Persistent Worlds and various MUDs over years. Nothing to specific like 4e or settings. I'm just trying to get my chops!
Also, big thanks to Kay for spending a ridiculous amount of time helping me understand mechanics and choices to make to best help the group.
Yeah, those entries were kinda gimmicky and more geared towards Dark Sun setting.
I think my above entry is the best suited for the party (and most established). I can always tweak stuff around but I think a lot of it is conveyed now.
I took a quick look, yeah. Left it open intentionally because it's not nearly as fun if I define every little thing and take it all out of your hands. :P
I was the one who volunteered to switch to Defender, if we needed it. The way Hippo is kicking us in the teeth, we really needed a replacement ASAP, so I figured I'd broaden the chances of getting once, since it seems Defenders are sometimes a rarity in these PBP options.
As long as you're really good and getting hit in the face alot, you should be fine
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
There are three monsters left. One has 4 hp and it taking ongoing 5 damage.
So it is possible!
Words. Nothing more than words. A friendly notice that he had worn out his welcome. Did every shifter have to deal with this?
Thoughts he didn't like to think. They reminded him of his family. If only they hadn't caught that damn necromancer's attention as they wandered through his forest. Then he wouldn't be so alone. Until the town let him back in.
All he really needed was to wait around, sooner or later they would need saved, and Koryk would charge.
At least, thats how it was supposed to work. Until his return from hunting found the town abandoned. Signs pointed to a mass exodus, the most obvious being a GIANT trail. Not exactly the hardest thing to follow.
Now, as long as they haven't gotten themselves killed before he can manage to catch up.
Closest representation.
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
An insertion scenario:
The air shudders again and the shadows dissolve, leaving the crystalline figure standing alone, it's sword held aloft as it spins quickly, taking in it's new surroundings and searching for danger. Piercing a the body of a nearby flyer with his sword, he takes in the rest of the party standing over the corpses of the zombies, and relaxes from his stance to collapse to his knees.
"Finally. Rest."
Sometimes he would stay afterward, for days, for weeks but eventually the world would shift and he would find himself somewhere new. For the last day, he has been flickering from battle to battle without pause, but now something has changed. This is the first time he's shifted into a battle already won. He doesn't know what, but something important is happening.
Note that I've got the 'We Were Once One' feat: 'When you spend a healing surge, each ally within your telepathy range can make a saving throw as a free action', but I built using the online builder so I can't have houserules to put in the expertise feat (will fix with the offline builder later). Also, hope my name is as fun to misspell.
Play with me on Steam
Samdalerog, Wilden Battlemind - DARKPRIMUS I'M SORRY I'M SORRY
Jakk, Minotaur Earthstrength Warden - The Ender
Elyza Drake, Human Avenging Paladin - Hylianbunny
Elyza Goldhammer, Human Brawling Fighter, Raised by Dwarves - Hylianbunny (Primary App)
Nordak, Minotaur Lifespirit Warden - DracoGriffin
Koryk, Longtooth Shifter Tempest Fighter - Brody
Zoaros, Shardmind Shielding Swordmage - soxbox (one letter away from complete alliteration)
Titana, Elven Shaman - squishy-blob
These are the apps so far, with links to each.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991