Poo all up ins

Ace JonAce Jon Registered User regular
edited January 2011 in Help / Advice Forum
I'm a student in the UK and I live in a house with 3 other guys: also students. Anyway so one of the guys got sick the other day. We don't see him much, mostly because his course means he has to work at the uni and all four of us like being in our rooms a lot. So we found out he wasn't well when there was a note on the main bathroom door saying:

Do Not Use: scene of horrible disgustingness inside.
I'll clean it up tomorrow. Really sorry guys!

I'm not a curious person, at least when the potential subject of curiosity is described as horrible disgustingness, so I didn't even check. I assumed he'd been sick in the bath or toilet or something, and so I simply used the other toilet in the house. Not a problem. I also checked up on him once or twice, and he's still ill and not really ready to clean up whatever horrible disgustingness there is, but he's not dying.

Anyway, the issue arose today: actually, as well as using the toilet, people like having showers too. One of the guys, Callum, is doing the same course as me and we have an exam tomorrow morning. Neither of us are too stressed about it, but it would nice to be clean. So I ventured to see what the horrible disgustingness was, and I was slightly relieved: there wasn't sick/other bodily fluids everywhere.

The scene of horrible disgustingness is (and this isn't pretty but you read this far) the toilet. The lid was down so I looked to see. The walls of the cistern are covered in a streaky film of brown, and the 'water' at the bottom is dark and murky. You can smell it when the lid is up; I put it back down and reported to Callum.

Callum is germophobic. He is a clean-freak (although not in the tidiness sense). Callum cleaning hands to events of the day is punctuation to sentences. Instantly Callum was using this data to find out what Rob might have, whether it is contagious, what germs/viruses/what-have-you are involved and so on. He's often useful.

So Callum's telling me over Steam about how if the toilet was flushed without the lid down, the poo is everywhere. Including lurking around the shower unit, all waiting to pounce on me when I'm at my most vulnerable (naked and alone, like a horror film). He says salmonella can be passed on through excretions - that sounds like I doubt him; I don't. But he does have a tendency to overhype the danger of this sort of situation.

I'd really like a shower tonight - there won't be good time in the morning unless I get up at stupid o'clock and I need one. Especially just before an exam. I'm not like, disgusting, but I'll be getting there by tomorrow morning I reckon. But equally, I don't want to come down with what Rob's got. Especially just before an exam.

What do I do?! Is the danger overhyped? I'd really like some more opinions on this.

Yours truly, Ace Jon.
Ace Jon on


  • BoomShakeBoomShake The Engineer Columbia, MDRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Just take a shower.

    BoomShake on
  • streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Have you ever heard of anyone getting salmonella this way?

    Don't tell your roommate about this:
    but it is not a big deal.
    Your kitchen counter--especially with the way he cleans, unless he uses bleach for EVERYTHING--is more likely to make him sick.

    streever on
  • ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Is there a potential you could get some sort of horrific disease from taking a shower in there? Yes.

    Is there a similar potential in a public bathroom, walking around your school, going down your hall, on an airplane, riding a bus, visiting your parents, or just about anywhere? Yes.

    Not taking a shower is probably a bigger health risk.

    Thanatos on
  • ComahawkComahawk Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    If you do, make sure not to touch your eyes just in case.

    Nothing makes a day suck quite as much as getting pink eye does.

    Comahawk on
  • ChickeenChickeen Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Well written post. A joy to read.

    You've already exposed yourself to the poo, so I think it's time to take a shower. Don't forget to use soap.

    Chickeen on
  • Ace JonAce Jon Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Alright, thanks guys. I feel a bit silly now, but Callum was my only source before I asked, and he has a way of sounding knowledgeable. :)

    Also streever; no, I haven't, but I haven't heard of anyone getting salmonella.

    Ace Jon on
    Yours truly, Ace Jon.
  • AdamBombAdamBomb regular
    edited January 2011
    Get this guy to sort his shit out.

    No pun intended.

    AdamBomb on
    I'll be back for breakfast.
  • NorthNorth Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    If the shower went unused for a day or two then even if any germs got sprayed into the air and got on the curtain or something they would be long dead by now. That sort of thing needs some fairly specific conditions to survive and dry cold areas are less than ideal.

    North on
  • Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Is the toilet clogged?

    I am not understanding. Flush it, sprinkle some comet in it, flush it again, sprinkle some more comet, take a toilet brush to it, flush it again.

    Regina Fong on
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