So I woke up at 4:00 this morning and, at first, couldn't remember who I was. Not that unusual, generally it takes me a few minutes to put things together (like the fact that I graduated high school four years ago, so no, I don't need to be stressed out about a French test tomorrow). Eventually, I was able to pull together my memories; I knew my name, where I was, what day it was; but I felt very detached from this info, like I knew the words, but didn't feel any real connection with them, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone else, hiding in the corners of my brain, and that it was the existence of this other entity that was keeping me from feeling like me.
Obviously, I started freaking out, assuming I'd had some severe mental breakdown. Now, obviously I'm familiar with the phrase "You're not going insane if you think you're going insane," but clearly something was wrong with my head, and if I just dismissed my problem like that then BLAM I could be going insane.
I got up, ran into the bathroom and splashed water on my face, trying to shake this fog and detachment. I pull out my droid and do a google search for "I feel like there's someone else in my head" (without quotes) and rather than the first few results being health related, it's a bunch of song lyrics and some college kid complaining about how they never had to study in high school, but now that they're in college they have to actually put in an effort and they're still struggling and having trouble concentrating on studying since they've never done it before (Oh noes, I'm sure that hasn't happened to
most people who didn't really study in high school). Clearly, Google had let me down, so I came to the forums and considered making a thread in HA, as I'm sure there were some people on the West Coast still up, not to mention people in other countries. However, considering that I'm still living in my parents' house for the next three weeks and both of my parents are doctors, I figured a direct approach might be better.
I got up, woke up my parents (who are awesome since they didn't complain about it once) and described how I was freaking out in my head. They both agreed that it's probably an anxiety attack, and that I had
none of the signs of schizophrenia. My mom asks me if I want to go to the hospital, but tells me that she once went to the hospital for a panic attack and there really wasn't anything they could do for it, you just had to wait it out (although she did give me some pill that helps with panic attacks). They both stayed up with me for an hour, over which time I calmed down, though I still wasn't feeling back to normal, still felt a little detached from my memories. I fell back asleep, and woke up at 11, feeling completely better. It was just a panic attack.
Now, on a scale of serious brain problems from 1-10, panic attacks are probably about a two, so poor me. There are plenty of people (including many on this forum) with worse stuff going on in their heads. Also, this strikes me as a really good excuse to not do drugs, because if I panic from my head being foggy at 4 in the morning, I don't even want to know how I would react to the stuff drugs can do to me.
Anywho, Brain Problems.
could be worse, could be better
wait that's called BEING A MAN 8-)
It may just be I'm shit with people :P
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
this movie owns
Also, one of the results I looked at last night was someone who was worried because they pretend that they're famous, referring to themself as "You" in their head, and I was just like "Shit, I've done that my whole life. Gotta self-narrate so that the viewers at home can follow what's going on."
would that count as a brain problem?
Would they get disability benefits?
These are the things that I need to know
it's a sign of one
do you do watercolors?
You should go to the ER now.
Synethesia seems like a thing which I would like to experience
If only for a short time
Maybe this is dumb of me but seeing sound and hearing light could be a fun experience
off to a party where i will nervously avoid all social cues and leave early
Also, I believe I am a chicken. B'CAWK!
it ain't got problems but it is full of ideas
ha! ha!
i don't!
Technically, I went to two doctors.
However, if they hadn't been there, I would've headed to the ER, cause I was freaking out.
I use to have a huge case of OCD where EVERYTHING HAD TO BE PERFECT and HOW I WANTED or else I would FLIP THE FUCK OUT. Then I realized how silly that was and stopped.
Sorry I just love the brain spiders phrase
oh and chronic migraines
Extreme anxiety which can directly lead into depression.
An obscene amounts of narcissism.
When I was in the 6th-8th grade and in a silent environment I would begin to hear screaming until I banged my head against a door/wall to stop it. This recently popped up again two years ago.
It has also been pointed out to me by my friends that I suffer from an Achilles Complex, God Complex, Messiah Complex and a light Rubix Complex.
I so know what this can be like.