Hey everybody! I'm going to PAX East!
I'm very excited - it's my first time. And I'm bringing my wife. Now, my wife is awesome - we like a lot of the same shows and movies and such. She read and enjoyed the Dark Tower series and she's trying to get through Wheel of Time. She has also been known to enjoy the occasional video game as well.
Trouble is, she's not so clued in to nerd culture. Thus, to ensure her maximum enjoyment of this event, I'm putting her onto a Re-Education Schedule! With this training, she might be excited at an IGN meet-up, or she might even understand a vague BSG reference.
Some things we're doing:
- Watching the original Star Wars Trilogy (She's never seen it!)
- Playing through Splosion Man together
- Dusting off her DS
- Listening to an IGN 'Knockin' Boots podcast together
- Help her play though Limbo
That's what I've got so far. Can you guys suggest anything that might be fun for us to add to the training regiment? I'm particularly interested in what you ladies have to add - I know there's a "PAX Kinship" that everyone gets to enjoy at this event, so it would be awesome if she tried out some of the stuff you guys like, so she can share that kinship with the other PAX ladies she runs into in March.
Last year I actually lost her for about 2 hours. I called her with no answer and started looking around for her. I found her, talking to a Turbine rep and she was actually PLAYING Dungeons and Dragons Online. She loved it.
Your wife will find something that she enjoys there, no doubt about it. Everyone, at some level, loves games. Right now my wife is cautiously observing the game of D&D that my friends and I are playing. I'm pretty sure if I can get her into a game at PAX, that will push her over the edge.
Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja
Watch Star Trek IV. Its a bit dated with the cold war references, but the humor carries quite a bit and still a fair amount of sci-fi while being grounded on Earth.
Find a copy of Rocky Horror Picture Show with the live screening on it. As a normal film, its hard to watch, but add in the antics of a live audience and look out!
Buy her some t-shirts. If a girl is walking around with a Justice League shirt or the Flash symbol on, she'll have the attention of every geek in viewing distance. My wife has Justice League, Thundercats, Batman, and Supergirl. I get most of my shirts at StylinOnline.
We do own Zombie Dice - she likes it quite a bit. Watching the keynote is an excellent idea and I would love to play Last Night on Earth with her. I'll also look into Munchkin and Hive.
Thanks for the testimony, Half - that's an awesome story!
I would love to get her into comics - we're big Buffy and Angel fans, so we've read the extended story line stuff. I might pick up Runaways as well - she'll recognize Vaughn from Lost and of course Whedon. I'll definitely check out Stardust - she was expressing interest in it the other day.
Star Trek IV is a classic - a great suggestion. Lol on shirts - I'll check them out!
Thanks again guys! This is some great curriculum!
I don't think your wife has to necessarily be clued in to "nerd culture" to have a good time at PAX. All she needs is an open mind, a willingness to learn and try new things, and a friendly personality. If she has these, she will have a great time any place within PAX. Learning by experience, I say!
Last year was my first PAX, and I was nervous. What if I was in over my head? What if I look like a fool for not knowing (insert tidbit of geek culture here)? Sure enough, there was a bunch of stuff I wasn't familiar with, so I started asking questions. It didn't take me too long to realize that just about everyone is awesome, and talkative, and would love to school you on the nerd/geek/otherwise awesomesauce topic that is near and dear to their heart. Have her bring pen/paper to write down interesting games, etc. (seriously - I wish I had done that last year). I have a feeling she will come back from PAX with a few ideas of things she wants to "study" further.
Who knows, maybe we'll even run into each other!
Also: I recommend playing Scott Pilgrim vs. the World together; my husband and I did and had a blast!
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
not only is it a halarious show..but from a girls perspective, it will introduce her to the mentality and reactions of the people she will encounter.
clearly it is exagerated a bit...but you will both get some good laughs and you will find yourself looking at her saying "that is so true!"
Y The Last Man is about a man and his monkey being the only males left on earth. Ex Machina is about a superhero in NY, who happens to becomes a politician. It revolves around pre and post 9/11 and the multiple social issues that arise in life. I spent most of my life in Upstate NY, so this hit closer to home for me, it may not for you guys.
I also wanna throw in Plants Vs. Zombies in here. I know a lot of "non-gamers" who got so sucked in to this game. I couldn't stop playing it and have it on 3 different platforms.
I also agree with Ixmasat, the Scott Pilgrim game is great. I read the books too but I really enjoyed the movie also. The movie is obviously a lot less of a time and financial investment too then getting all 6 books.
As far as board/card games besides Munchkin and Zombie Dice, how about Fluxx (or any variant) or Cthulhu Dice? She'll come in contact with both of these most likely at PAX in some random line.
Also Catan, Ticket To Ride and Carrcassonne on XBL for $10/800 MS Space Bucks could also be a good deal. I find learning how play these sometimes complex games on the Xbox is easier and then will purchase the physical board games.
Most importantly, 99.9% of the people she talks to at PAX will accept her and talk to her about anything. If she wants to know something, someone will be there to teach her.
This. Oh so much this.
Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja
Uh... while it's funny, not everyone is as socially incapable as the people on that show. In fact, my experience at PAX was the opposite; everyone was really friendly and sociable.
Larghter: what DS games does she have? Mario Kart is big, she might want to replay it a bit if it's been a while. Does she like Pokemon? You encourage her to challenge the PAX Pokemon league! And make sure she goes to the VGO/Paul and Storm/Joco concerts. They're accessible, hilarious, and fun.
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
I think they are less stressing the socially awkwardness and more the geeky diatribes and conversations. You will often hear various conversations in line that dissect something in pop culture, gaming, or anything else nerd/geek culture related. Also, there's always an "expert" somewhere .
If you've got enough people to play, I'd also suggest Battlestar Galactica and Pandemic.
Not only is watching Star Wars considered a requirement but if you sit down and watch them in marathon format you will have earned the deepest respect of many a geek out there.
Remember, the point of the con is more or less to get lost in it. Regardless of what you are into, the entire point is to jump in and enjoy. And the beauty of it is that you never know who you're going to be talking to, so don't be afraid to talk to the people around you.
Yahoo group GCIACST
Yeah, I was talking more about the conversations they have, not the social awkwardness
Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja
So very much THIS.
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
Not really, but it will from now on.
Settlers of Catan
Ticket to Ride
Not truly AS nerdy, but it is a subset of nerd that self proclaimed "non-nerds" don't mind enjoying.
(To give you an idea of how bad it is my wife calls the SyFy channel the S-Y-F-Y channel so she doesn't have to admit she is watching SciFi.)
I would also recommend that you add some sort of board gaming to that list. The above guy's list is totally solid. Of the four, my wife enjoyed Ticket to Ride the most. She also enjoys Small World a lot, another pick that works for people as an introductory type game.
The important thing is to keep PAX in perspective. I've been to PAXes with and without my wife and they are both great but very different experiences. There are a wide range of activities that also range in how nerdy they are. Your wife may not be up for everything you want to do, and unfortunately, the proper thing to do is to give those things up and find something else that you will both love together. It's part of making sure PAX is great for you both. Don't worry, there's enough great things going on simultaneously that this shouldn't be a problem.
This is EXACTLY what I thought when I first saw this thread. Also, meetups are an excellent way for your wife to make her own friends at PAX that she can spend time with if you want to do something that she doesn't. Just because you go together doesn't mean you have to be joined at the hip 24/7.
No new wife being aclimited to the geek culture should go without her special socks!!!
Oh and don't forget to have someone feed the cats while you're gone!!!