Okay, so my roommates own two rabbits that were bought at the same time from the same place, both female. Since we moved in to this place a couple months ago, there's been a white rabbit that's been wandering around the property and the adjacent lots that don't have dogs on them. This one's a male, and we have finally managed to catch the little bugger. Now, what we're trying to figure out is, is there any safe way to introduce these rabbits to each other? My roommates were told that, when they got the first two rabbits, that it wasn't generally good to do so. Right now the two are in one hutch and the other is in a friggin huge chinchilla cage, but we put together an outdoor enclosure and it would be nice if all 3 could be in at once, instead of 2 at this time and 1 at this time. Currently the hutch and chinchilla cage are about 5 feet away so the rabbits can get used to the new scents. Obviously this won't be an issue if it turns out this rabbit is owned by someone around here, and I'll have pet posters up when I'm sure it won't be stormy as hell; it's pretty likely that it's a stray, though, since it spent the last two storms camped out under a storage shed on this property.
I realize pictures are required for pet threads, but I cannot find my camera, and will edit this when I can. In the mean time, make your own mental image: the two females are holland loppers, one with grey and white fur, the other pitch black with gray pads on the feet (named Sox), the male is snow white with shorter ears than the females (so probably not a lopper) and black patches over his eyes.
3DS FC: 4699-5714-8940 Playing Pokemon, add me! Ho, SATAN!
Thing is though, we don't know how old the new guy is. The two are adolescents, but for all we know this guy could be a few years old. Could that be affecting the reactions of all involved parties?
Some rabbits never socialize, some do - you can't just throw them togeher and hope that they'll get along. House Rabbit Society has some guidelines about introducing new pets to current rabbits, I'd link you but I'm on my phone.
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
It causes bunny colds and sometimes abscesses
The first tiem you put htem together reminds me of Stash (my house doe) and Navy (a show buck). I took stash to navy to try and breed them but stash was having none of it and just ran around and over navy while he stood there looking cnfused and naseues ( From watching stach run in circles around him). Also it is standard when trying to breed that you take the doe to the buck as a does will defend her home. So you may have issues with the 2 girls defending thier home and not socializing to the buck. You can try swapping cages for a while to see if they get used to the others scent but really bucks and does are not known for getting along, and you want to make sure all are fixed.
and here are obligatory pics
Navy being all d'awww
Stasha being D'awww
Sadly I do not have pics of th other 7 buns. I kindly helped out a friend to take care of her remaining Polish Dwarf Rabbitry while she is having her own babies and now I am activily getting into showing and raising Polish. My husband complains she created a crazy rabbit lady!