I want this:
Acer Aspire AS5552G-7632
But i cant seem to actually find any online retailer that carries it in Canada, only retailers that carry it in the US. This is frustrating me exceptionally. I can find the step down of this laptop model in Canada, but that isnt the one i want.
So, here i am asking for help ! Maybe someone here can help me find it?
Laptop developers often develop nearly exact same laptops under different names for different suppliers (Futureshop has this problem with competing suppliers) so you might try that road.
Additionally, the Canadian version may very well have exactly the same specs, but a different model number suffix.
Edit: for redundancy.
See i was wondering about this too, if the laptop may exsist but under a different suffix here in Canadia.
The problem with this model is it carries the 6470 video card, and the other carries the 6650. I wanted a bt more video power.
never thought of that. Im not a student though (yet) and i live in Victoria, BC. So maybe i can check out a student store at Uvic? Does it require i have a student ID?
For discount's yes (ie apple's student discount), but they sell to everyone.
Is the store located on the campus usually? I've never shopped at one of these places before.
Usually there is a physical store on campus, sometimes inside the bookstore. Looks like at UVic it might be inside the bookstore but I can't be sure. At the very least it's associated with the bookstore. There is an inquiry page here that can give you more information. Ask about the specific model there rather than going in as they may need time to look it up that they are unlikely to be able to dedicate to your question at the exact moment you walk into the store.
Thank you ! Just the kind of thing i was looking for.